What game are you playing now?

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Reply 640 of 6167, by Aideka

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Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman wrote:

A train simulator game on my RCA Maven. I'm never really into mobile gadgets, and I just bought the tablet for comic book reading, but then I tried some Android games, and they're quite fun.

So, anyway, anyone tried Heroes of Might & Magic III HD for Android? Is the savegame files interchangeable with the old PC version of HOMM III? It could be nice to play HOMM on Android during travel, then continuing on PC at home, and vice versa, but it won't be possible if the savegame files aren't interchangeable between the two versions.

If you have the addons for HOMM III on PC, then it most likely won't work since those aren't a part of the HD version. If you have the HD version on pc, it might work.


Reply 641 of 6167, by clueless1

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Made a hardcore survival world on my Minecraft server for my son and I to play on together. Last night we started and got through a few day/night cycles, built a good shelter, found a decent amount of coal, and explored a large nearby island. So far the world has thrown us lots of cows and trees, what appears to be a series of large islands, but we haven't found any sheep yet, so no beds so far. 🙁

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Reply 642 of 6167, by ixfd64

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I'm pretty busy in real life right now and don't really have time for games, although I do log in to RuneScape every once in a while.


Reply 643 of 6167, by badmojo

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I noticed Dishonoured in my Steam list the other day and decided to give it a go – I bought it on release and played through the tutorial, but got distracted and forgot all about it. It’s a beautifully crafted game – visually stunning and the gameplay / story are a cut above so far. I’m doing the stealth thing and that mechanic really works well. Add solid voice acting and an atmospheric steam-punk vibe into the mix and you have a pretty impressive package.

It’s a game in which the devs took the time to think about the little things. For example when an NPC sips his beer, the amount of beer in his glass is reduced. And NPC chatter includes comments about your recent exploits – these are the things that bring a virtual world to life for me.

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Reply 644 of 6167, by clueless1

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I've been playing Ultima VII: Serpent Isle on my 486DX2-66 for the past few days. Lovely experience, even having to turn on Smartdrive to smooth disk access during scenery changes. Such a rich story, it sucks you right in. I can see myself playing this through over the next couple of months.

The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don't know.
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Reply 645 of 6167, by bbhaag

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Not really me playing but I thought some of you guys might find this fun. My son enjoying Duke Nukem 3D on period correct hardware. He didn't even mind the whirl of the hdd. 😀

Reply 646 of 6167, by PeterLI

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Last edited by PeterLI on 2016-12-15, 18:46. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 647 of 6167, by Beegle

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I did a marathon for Extra-Life (a charity where you do 24hours of gaming, to get donations to kids hospitals around the world) this weekend, and have started playing The Witness on PC.
So far it's soothing, amazing, and challenging.

The more sound cards, the better.
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Reply 648 of 6167, by Anonymous Freak

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Just started X-Wing again. On my vintage gaming hardware, rather than DOSbox. I could never get my USB joystick (Thurstmaster HOTAS) to be properly responsive on DOSbox on my modern system; my ancient joystick-port-native Microsoft Sidewinder is smooth as silk on my W98 machine. (I wish I still had my full expensive Thrustmaster F-22+throttle+rudder setup, but I sold it long ago when I no longer had a machine with PS/2 ports and a game port.)

Reply 649 of 6167, by badmojo

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I recently fired up Skyrim (PC version) for the first time since completing it a couple of years ago and of course there’s been some advances in mods since then, so I started down that slippery slope of tweaking this-and-that. All the while the ‘Special Edition’ was at the back of my mind – was I wasting my time modding the original version? Curiosity killed the cat – 50 bucks later, and no it wasn’t. Apart from the god rays, which I grew out of 10 years ago, it looked pretty much the same as vanilla Skyrim to me. TXAA made things blur annoyingly when you walked, like FO4, and Beth are shooting out patches which is pretty shite, given this is supposed to be the uber polished version.

I played around with it for 30 mins and got myself a refund from Steam, then spent a couple of happy hours fine tuning my mod list to make my own Special Edition – gee whiz I love this game:





Life? Don't talk to me about life.

Reply 650 of 6167, by PeterLI

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Last edited by PeterLI on 2016-12-15, 18:46. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 651 of 6167, by Tetrium

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Been busy with Homeworld 2 and trying to put all the cool stuff I find on the net into one big mod 😁

I haven't started diving into the inner works of HW2 till last week, so it's all still fresh.

Trying my hand at large maps atm

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The blue blob is where my flagship spawned, for size comparison.

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Reply 653 of 6167, by elod

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Age of Mythology EX. Took advantage of the Steam sale to complete the collection.
It wonders me why they left the broken pathfinding in the game. Never played the original, it must be the same or worse. These kinds of issues are so 1999...

Reply 654 of 6167, by badmojo

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Still working my way through Skyrim, re-configuring my mods slightly as I go. I've switched to a couple of different flora mods and have used TESGenLOD to generate much nicer distant terrain. All these mods that people have slaved away on is mind blowing and this game has no business looking so good:






Life? Don't talk to me about life.

Reply 655 of 6167, by foey

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Current - Bioshock Collection on the Xbox One (Completed 1, 2 & working now on infinite, all played countless times before)
Retro Rig - Theme Hospital & AOE Gold on my P133, 32mb Ram, S3, 4Gb HDD, Windows 95

Cyrix Instead Build, 6x86 166+ | 32mb SD | 4mb S3 Virge DX | Creative AWE64 | Win95
ATC-S PIII Tualatin Win9x Build :- ATC-S PIII Coppermine Win9x Build Log [WIP] **Photo Heavy**

Reply 657 of 6167, by clueless1

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I installed and played about 30 minutes of The Witcher just to check it out. Pretty fun! But I'm in the middle of Ultima VII: Serpent Isle, so back to that. 😀 Currently trying to get out of the Mountains of Freedom...

The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don't know.
OPL3 FM vs. Roland MT-32 vs. General MIDI DOS Game Comparison
Let's benchmark our systems with cache disabled
DOS PCI Graphics Card Benchmarks

Reply 658 of 6167, by Tiger433

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I played The Stanley Parable and I like that game endings 😀 And I played that game on Linux 😀

W7 "retro" PC: ASUS P8H77-V, Intel i3 3240, 8 GB DDR3 1333, HD6850, 2 x 500 GB HDD
Retro 98SE PC: MSI MS-6511, AMD Athlon XP 2000+, 512 MB RAM, ATI Rage 128, 80GB HDD
My Youtube channel

Reply 659 of 6167, by Kadath

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clueless1 wrote:

I installed and played about 30 minutes of The Witcher just to check it out. Pretty fun! But I'm in the middle of Ultima VII: Serpent Isle, so back to that. 😀 Currently trying to get out of the Mountains of Freedom...

Once you've seen and enjoyed Ultima VII, you'll never go back. Masterpiece - I can tell you I've passed a month or two on it, playing main storyline, every side quest and every released expansion... I miss that atmosphere, that graphic - my only regret: I've played the Exult version, so I've been able to install Italian translation unofficial patch. Have a fun and epic journey, Avatar.

First comes smiles,
then lies.
Last is gunfire.