What game are you playing now?

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Reply 680 of 6167, by gdjacobs

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If supplies of socket 370 (Pentium III) motherboards with ISA slots are more plentiful where you are, a VIA C3 based retro machine is also an interesting option.

All hail the Great Capacitor Brand Finder

Reply 681 of 6167, by creepingnet

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Anything that's not been Emulation/MAME/Genecyst/ESNES related on the 486 has been mostly me playing the various Sim City games - mainly the first and Sim City 2000, those never get old for me, plus a few road-rage releases in Car & Driver. I'm thinking about picking up Retro City Rampage on Steam and getting my hands on the DOS release.

~The Creeping Network~
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Reply 682 of 6167, by badmojo

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Tiger433 wrote:

And that boys from ID implement option to save game at any time to almost all their games. I don`t like today savepoints in any game, I want to save when I want.

Agreed - I recently bought Wolfenstein: The New Order (it's currently on sale on Steam) and it's fine and dandy, but the checkpoint system just doesn't work for me. It never has worked on PC IMHO, it's just an annoyance. I've been having more fun with Wolf3D.

Life? Don't talk to me about life.

Reply 683 of 6167, by FFXIhealer

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Beat Quake 1 for the first time a few days ago. Just beat Turok 2 for the first time on PC. The only other time I've beaten it was on N64 (I still have the cartridge and it still works) back sometime in the early 2000s. Next up.... Quake 2 (beaten PS1 version, but not PC). Also, I'm running all of these on dual Voodoo2 12MB in SLI at 1024x768 where available.


Reply 684 of 6167, by luckybob

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Bought and paid for Astroneer ( http://store.steampowered.com/app/361420/ )

Very thin game at the moment, but for whatever reason, it REALLY scratches an itch for me.

It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes.

Reply 685 of 6167, by clueless1

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FFXIhealer wrote:

Beat Quake 1 for the first time a few days ago.

I beat 1st episode but moved on from there. Did you play in DOS or GLQuake?

luckybob wrote:

Bought and paid for Astroneer ( http://store.steampowered.com/app/361420/ )

Very thin game at the moment, but for whatever reason, it REALLY scratches an itch for me.

That actually looks really interesting! Thanks, I had no idea it existed.

I'm *still* working through Ultima VII: Serpent Isle. I've got to be at least 2/3 through it by now. I just killed Vasculio and saved in front of the entrance to Spinebreaker Mountains where I guess I'll face Batlin. That sounds like endgame, but it seems like there's a lot more to do, so I'm not sure.

The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don't know.
OPL3 FM vs. Roland MT-32 vs. General MIDI DOS Game Comparison
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Reply 686 of 6167, by MusicallyInspired

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Arkham Knight. Terrible performance sometimes, but mostly ok. Only got one fatal crash and one instance where the framerate dropped to below acceptable levels and wouldn't come back. A restart fixed that, though. Otherwise, I have pretty severe frame skipping and frame freezing as well as audio dropouts both of which can last for a good full 3-5 seconds. Annoying, but I've learned to live with it.

I bought and finished Turok: Dinosaur Hunter in two days over the holidays. Really enjoyed it. Never got very far when I was a kid. Gave me that feeling again of playing something without a lot of content but had a lot of variety, if that makes sense, like good old games do. Also found a Turok map on the Workshop that recreated Hollywood Holocaust which I thought was cool. Really well done, too.

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Reply 687 of 6167, by Kadath

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After finished Cobra Mission: Panic in Cobra City [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cobra_Mission:_ … c_in_Cobra_City] on pure MS-DOS 6.22 // 486 DX-33, I'm playing a 'modern' one, X-COM: Enemy Unknown on XBOX 360.

First comes smiles,
then lies.
Last is gunfire.

Reply 688 of 6167, by Aideka

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Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor and DOOM 2016. Shadow of Mordor is surprisingly good in my opinion, although with a little too simple fighting. DOOM on the other hand is somehow extremely disappointing, it somehow feels just like Duke Nukem Forever, but even more boring.


Reply 689 of 6167, by Rhuwyn

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Been working on Final Fantasy XV on my PS4, Rogue Squadron on N64, Overwatch, Starcraft II, Heros of the Storm, and the Original Farcry on my Retro XP system.

Reply 690 of 6167, by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman

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Kadath wrote:

After finished Cobra Mission: Panic in Cobra City [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cobra_Mission:_ … c_in_Cobra_City] on pure MS-DOS 6.22 // 486 DX-33, I'm playing a 'modern' one, X-COM: Enemy Unknown on XBOX 360.

Cobra Mission has cool, anime-like intro music. But IIRC the game only support Sound Blaster FM Music. I wish it could use General MIDI.

Never thought this thread would be that long, but now, for something different.....
Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman.

Reply 691 of 6167, by creepingnet

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Retro City Rampage 486 - I've mostly been having fun in free roaming mode by amping my little guy up on lots of coffee and accumulating cars to weaponized and terrorize town with.

~The Creeping Network~
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The Creeping Network Repo - https://www.geocities.ws/creepingnet2019/

Reply 692 of 6167, by Malik

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Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman wrote:
Kadath wrote:

After finished Cobra Mission: Panic in Cobra City [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cobra_Mission:_ … c_in_Cobra_City] on pure MS-DOS 6.22 // 486 DX-33, I'm playing a 'modern' one, X-COM: Enemy Unknown on XBOX 360.

Cobra Mission has cool, anime-like intro music. But IIRC the game only support Sound Blaster FM Music. I wish it could use General MIDI.

Aah....Cobra Mission... before I had internet (just before I got my first modem) played this ... mainly for the you-know-what.. 🤣

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Reply 693 of 6167, by JayCeeBee64

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Jill of the Jungle, one of my all-time favorite PC games.


Got the full version from Epic in 1995, truly enjoy everything about it - the graphics, gameplay, levels, puzzles, goofy sound effects, and most of all the Dan Froelich FM soundtrack.





Most of the enemies can be dealt with, but some (like the red devil in the third screenshot) are very tough 😵

Since I didn't see one like it anywhere, I took the liberty of scanning the Hint Manual booklet and use Acrobat 6 to create a PDF. Here's the download link:

https://www.dropbox.com/s/6egn6y244r8oc6p/Jil … Manual.pdf?dl=0

For those that want the original scans (lossless PNG) in a single ZIP file, get it here:

https://www.dropbox.com/s/m671kfl2ogcieab/Jil … Manual.zip?dl=0

Okay, back to Jill Saves The Prince. Still have a ways to go to reach the Happy End 😁

Ooohh, the pain......

Reply 694 of 6167, by badmojo

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Great post! Thanks for the booklet, I haven't seen that before. Jill really is a fun game - I like the graphics too, and the weapons were always a highlight for me.

I've been dabbling in various games lately while not really focussing on any. I spent some time recently working out how to get music working in Syndicate (Bullfrog). I have the CD version and the installer created a synd.bat file with params that didn't work with my PAS16 in my 486. With some fiddling and googling I worked out that I needed to drop the IO param it had added, and add /c0. All good now.

I also spent some time tracking down the version of Dune II that I had as a kid. The version I own (also on CD) is branded as "battle for arrakas", but I remember the sexy voiceover lady saying "Dune... The building of a dynasty". A minor thing, but vitally important to me!

Life? Don't talk to me about life.

Reply 695 of 6167, by clueless1

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clueless1 wrote:

I've been playing Ultima VII: Serpent Isle on my 486DX2-66 for the past few days. Lovely experience, even having to turn on Smartdrive to smooth disk access during scenery changes. Such a rich story, it sucks you right in. I can see myself playing this through over the next couple of months.

Here we are on January 15, a little over two months after my post above. I'm just getting organized for the endgame of Serpent Isle. Not sure how long this part's going to be, but it seems like I am close to finishing! Just getting ready to go to the Castle of the White Dragon to take on possessed Shamino, Dupre and Iolo.

The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don't know.
OPL3 FM vs. Roland MT-32 vs. General MIDI DOS Game Comparison
Let's benchmark our systems with cache disabled
DOS PCI Graphics Card Benchmarks

Reply 698 of 6167, by Tiger433

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Gothic II Night of the Raven The Returning mod, which is very hard but I have now almost strong character.

W7 "retro" PC: ASUS P8H77-V, Intel i3 3240, 8 GB DDR3 1333, HD6850, 2 x 500 GB HDD
Retro 98SE PC: MSI MS-6511, AMD Athlon XP 2000+, 512 MB RAM, ATI Rage 128, 80GB HDD
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Reply 699 of 6167, by PhilsComputerLab

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I get to play very little these days.

Did play the first three levels of Total Annihilation on a Pentium II, the game felt really nice.

Also mucking around with some Pis and played Ridge Racer on a PSX emulator.

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