Reply 20 of 41, by Plasma

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Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman wrote:
Interesting. I wonder if there are ISA cards longer than AWE32, or modern PCIe cards longer than 6800 Ultra Mac. […]
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Interesting. I wonder if there are ISA cards longer than AWE32, or modern PCIe cards longer than 6800 Ultra Mac.



You're not going to find a mass-produced ISA card with a PCB longer than 13.3", because that's "full length". Anything longer will not fit in a standard AT case.

Reply 21 of 41, by subhuman@xgtx

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Ah, classic.



Reply 23 of 41, by oeuvre

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Had some old Thomas Conrad token ring card around 10 years ago.

HP Z420 Workstation Intel Xeon E5-1620, 32GB, RADEON HD7850 2GB, SSD + HD, XP/7

Reply 24 of 41, by XCVG

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All my retro cards are actually quite short, with a Pentium-era ethernet adapter the longest (and it only extends a few inches past the end of the ISA slot).

Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman wrote:

Interesting. I wonder if there are ISA cards longer than AWE32, or modern PCIe cards longer than 6800 Ultra Mac.

The HD 5970 edges out the 6800 Ultra DDL, but only because of the shroud and only by a hair. It's the longest card I can think of off the top of my head.

Reply 25 of 41, by bjwil1991

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subhuman@xgtx wrote:
https://i.imgur.com/PWtYoFc.jpg […]
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Ah, classic.

Interesting card. I've never seen a card that has Rage128, Voodoo3, G400, Savage4, and TNT2 on one card ever. That must be rare in existence.

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Reply 26 of 41, by Auzner

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HD6970 - 28cm
AG2000 - 32cm

The attachment pci.jpg is no longer available

Reply 27 of 41, by Artex

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IBM PC Music Feature Card.

My Retro B:\ytes YouTube Channel & Retro Collection

Reply 28 of 41, by Gene Wirchenko

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subhuman@xgtx wrote:
https://i.imgur.com/PWtYoFc.jpg […]
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Ah, classic.

Is this an April Fools' joke? It does seem overwritten.


Gene Wirchenko

Reply 30 of 41, by PCBONEZ

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It was NOT fake and it was not an ad.
It was in the Sept 1999 issue of Magnum PC. (Not anywhere near April...)
And you can now see that issue online to see for yourself.
https://books.google.com/books?id=FwIAAAAAMBA … epage&q&f=false
It's mentioned in the article index on page 6 and the article is on page 112.

I used to get Magnum PC and I followed that author because he was a nut case and a fun read.
If you actually read the article what he was saying is that card is ridiculous. (As in stupid.)
Don't miss the note in the bottom right corner.

That page in the magazine was called "Glitch, by Jon Phillips".
The whole point of Glitch was to call stupid things stupid.

GRUMPY OLD FART - On Hiatus, sort'a
Mann-Made Global Warming. - We should be more concerned about the Intellectual Climate.
You can teach a man to fish and feed him for life, but if he can't handle sushi you must also teach him to cook.

Reply 31 of 41, by PCBONEZ

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And here's a "Glitch" for this thread....

Why do guys always end up bragging about how long their "parts" are? 🤣 🤣 🤣

Last edited by PCBONEZ on 2018-04-12, 06:01. Edited 1 time in total.

GRUMPY OLD FART - On Hiatus, sort'a
Mann-Made Global Warming. - We should be more concerned about the Intellectual Climate.
You can teach a man to fish and feed him for life, but if he can't handle sushi you must also teach him to cook.

Reply 32 of 41, by Auzner

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A Rick and Morty character voiced by Werner Herzog explains it.

Reply 33 of 41, by Plasma

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PCBONEZ wrote:
It was NOT fake and it was not an ad. It was in the Sept 1999 issue of Magnum PC. (Not anywhere near April...) And you can now s […]
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It was NOT fake and it was not an ad.
It was in the Sept 1999 issue of Magnum PC. (Not anywhere near April...)
And you can now see that issue online to see for yourself.
https://books.google.com/books?id=FwIAAAAAMBA … epage&q&f=false
It's mentioned in the article index on page 6 and the article is on page 112.

I used to get Magnum PC and I followed that author because he was a nut case and a fun read.
If you actually read the article what he was saying is that card is ridiculous. (As in stupid.)
Don't miss the note in the bottom right corner.

That page in the magazine was called "Glitch, by Jon Phillips".
The whole point of Glitch was to call stupid things stupid.

If you think that card is real, I have a bridge to sell you...

Reply 34 of 41, by squiggly

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Supports Quake XI....must be real...

Reply 35 of 41, by Errius

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Longcard is long.

Is this too much voodoo?

Reply 36 of 41, by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman

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Have you ever owned a card very long that won't fit into standard ATX case?

Never thought this thread would be that long, but now, for something different.....
Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman.

Reply 37 of 41, by bjwil1991

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I had an Adaptec Ultra SCSI card from a Dell PowerEdge 6300 Server that was so long that it almost reached the other end of my AT computer case and went over my CPU fan (Socket 7).

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Reply 38 of 41, by creepingnet

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Probably the PTI-255W in my 486 - it's a VLB card, which is tied with the S3 805 in the same computer for size.....

PTI-255W (before I tweaked the HDD Controller BTW)

The attachment IMG_20170120_171741568.jpg is no longer available

S3 805 2MB VLB

The attachment IMG_20170120_171751795.jpg is no longer available

not as big as some on the forum, but honestly the whole idea of card size makes me laugh anyway. The longer the PCB, the more likely it'll get flexed someday and something will need resoldered or patched together with wires and solder.

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Reply 39 of 41, by Errius

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Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman wrote:

Have you ever owned a card very long that won't fit into standard ATX case?

Baby AT motherboards that put the CPU right of the PCI slots (e.g. PCChips M573) are annoying. ATX put a stop to that nonsense.

Is this too much voodoo?