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First post, by Qbix

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This topic is to post ideas on what to change and to provide precise feedback on which features/looks you don't like.
Please be as precise as possible.
We will read all feedback, but no promises on what features/ideas we will take into account.

Water flows down the stream
How to ask questions the smart way!

Reply 2 of 572, by keropi

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Rank l33t++

I can't log in using my windows10 phone , I enter my credentials but the login page just refreshes and asks about them again
If I enter a wrong password I get a message about it, entering the correct one does not produce any result just the same login screen.
Maybe it's something that can be tweaked? Win10 mobile is a dead platform since some months though, a shame really.

🎵 🎧 PCMIDI MPU , OrpheusII , Action Rewind , Megacard and 🎶GoldLib soundcard website

Reply 4 of 572, by brostenen

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Rank l33t++

Can I switch to the old design again? The new one makes everything kind of fragmentet and incoherent. It is a really messy design.

Don't eat stuff off a 15 year old never cleaned cpu cooler.
Those cakes make you sick....

My blog: http://to9xct.blogspot.dk
My YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/brostenen

001100 010010 011110 100001 101101 110011

Reply 5 of 572, by Tiido

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Rank l33t

It is difficult to tell what is new and old since contrast is very low and all the text is equal sized (i.e all bold). If new stuff is made bold and old stuff much darker and not bold it would be much better. Actual color difference would be even better, keeping things so monochrome isn't doing readability any favors.

T-04YBSC, a new YMF71x based sound card & Official VOGONS thread about it
Newly made 4MB 60ns 30pin SIMMs ~
mida sa loed ? nagunii aru ei saa 😜

Reply 6 of 572, by Disruptor

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Rank Oldbie

I miss the function that shows the last page numbers for each topic in a board. -> viewtopic.php

There are a few threads in Marvin I usually visit again when there is a new page opened.
I do not want to visit them everytime when a new post is made.

Reply 8 of 572, by GigAHerZ

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Rank Oldbie

Scrolling to an unread post is scrolling to wrong place (probably because images are loaded later) and it seems the unread post indicator from each post is missing... 🙁

"640K ought to be enough for anybody." - And i intend to get every last bit out of it even after loading every damn driver!
A little about software engineering: https://byteaether.github.io/

Reply 9 of 572, by Shagittarius

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Rank Oldbie

IE 5 and FF (Windows 98 Versions) can no longer connect on secure and no longer login unsecure. Forgive me if this is a known sacrifice.

Reply 11 of 572, by kixs

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Rank l33t
swaaye wrote on 2019-12-27, 22:45:

I think removing some underlining and maybe some of the borders would make it more readable. Too many lines about.


Visit my AmiBay items for sale:

Reply 12 of 572, by ZellSF

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Rank l33t

Besides probably resulting in a flickering mess when scrolling on some LCDs, the dithering also looks bad at different zoom levels:

File size
100.17 KiB
File license

Also why no "Text select" cursor on selectable text? I can't think of any other web page that does this annoying nonsense.

And if you go to a "Main" forum:
Heart of Gold
There's no path at the top (C:\Heart of Gold). Might be a design decision, but it seems more like an oversight.

Reply 13 of 572, by maxtherabbit

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Rank l33t

I had a great many threads "bookmarked" through the old forum software, but I see no way to access them now

No I'm not talking about bookmarking them in my browser, it was a function of the old forum software that seems to be missing or disabled now

Reply 14 of 572, by Gered

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Rank Member

Some additional styling / colouring would seem to go a long way to help aid readability and the separation of posts and different elements on the page. Everything (text mainly) is all far too similar to each other. Scrolling through a topic, everything just seems to blend together... in stark contrast to the old forum, where skimming through a page full of posts felt (comparatively) easy. I'm not trying to be a jerk here, but it feels highly ironic that this twitter thread was getting attention on places like reddit and HN today, the same day that this new design (which appears to mostly follow the new "modern web" design trends that this twitter thread is arguing against) went live on Vogons. Heh.

Dislike of the dithering has been mentioned already, I agree. Page numbers on forum topics listing page, also extremely nice (or at the very least, an additional link/icon to take you immediately to the last page of that topic).

The old style had breadcrumb navigation links on the top and bottom of each page to allow you to quickly navigate elsewhere without having to scroll back up to the top or just click the "back" button in your browser. For example, if I am reading a post and reach the bottom and want to go back to the forum index, on the old design I could click the link for where I want to go from the navigation breadcrumbs located conveniently on the bottom of the page. That is gone now and is mildly annoying.

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P233 MMX/64MB/Voodoo2/Matrox/YMF719/GUS CD3
Duron 800/256MB/Savage4 Pro/SBLive (IN PROGRESS)
Toshiba 430CDT

Reply 15 of 572, by beastlike

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Rank Member

Fixed it!

File size
472.61 KiB
File license

.root {
background-image: repeating-linear-gradient(#2a2650, #98258a 20%, #2a2650 40%);
color: #dee04d

color: #ffd400

Reply 16 of 572, by cyclone3d

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Rank l33t++
maxtherabbit wrote on 2019-12-28, 00:37:

I had a great many threads "bookmarked" through the old forum software, but I see no way to access them now

No I'm not talking about bookmarking them in my browser, it was a function of the old forum software that seems to be missing or disabled now

This right here. I had a large number of threads bookmarked and would really like/need my bookmarks back.

Yamaha modified setupds and drivers
Yamaha XG repository
YMF7x4 Guide

Reply 17 of 572, by cyclone3d

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Rank l33t++
Disruptor wrote on 2019-12-27, 21:55:

I miss the function that shows the last page numbers for each topic in a board. -> viewtopic.php

There are a few threads in Marvin I usually visit again when there is a new page opened.
I do not want to visit them everytime when a new post is made.

This as well. Navigation in the threads was much better in the old version.

Yamaha modified setupds and drivers
Yamaha XG repository
YMF7x4 Guide

Reply 18 of 572, by krcroft

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Rank Oldbie

Positive feedback: all the technical modern bits regarding security and support across today's devices.

The mobile layout is very "zoomed-in" feeling, and is missing overall site context and navigation controls. So I would suggest adding easy ways to jump to the list of active topics, list of forums, and other 'top level' navigators that existed previously. (without these, the mobile layout induces claustrophobia).

To solve this, I'm now using 'desktop mode' on mobile to get access to the big-picture site navigator controls (however the downside is expectedly tiny fonts, having to zoom and pan around, etc.. just like before the update)


Reply 19 of 572, by krcroft

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Rank Oldbie

It would also be interesting to compare traffic stats before and after the update, and see if the update has affected frequent users, and if they're visiting more or less on mobile vs. desktop.
For me, I'm quite happy with the desktop layout (on both mobile and desktop).

Last edited by krcroft on 2019-12-28, 04:38. Edited 2 times in total.