New forum suggestions/Feedback

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Reply 482 of 526, by schmatzler

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Rank Oldbie

Does anyone else have problems when doing new posts?

I have gotten an error 500 the last two or three times I made a reply. The reply did show up fine when I went back in the browser, but on this post it set the file licenses wrong (from public domain to CC-by-4.0).

(Editing the post and setting the license again worked)

"Windows 98's natural state is locked up"

Reply 483 of 526, by VileR

User metadata
Rank l33t

Some images are never displayed within the post when they're inserted inline - neither in full size, nor as a smaller (clickable) thumbnail; only a link.
Like this one:

The attachment pngtest_small768x480.png is no longer available

Why is that? Links like this are barely noticeable within larger posts; if the image is significant to the content, I'd have to host it somewhere else - which means it'll probably gone when people come and view the post years later.

[ WEB ] - [ BLOG ] - [ TUBE ] - [ CODE ]

Reply 484 of 526, by JustJulião

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Rank Member

Sorry if it has been asked already, but what happened to the hardware wallpapers thread ?

Reply 486 of 526, by chris2021

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Rank Oldbie

Old hardware giveaway thread -

Wouldn't it make the most sense if the first words at the top of the post were the LOCATION

Followed by the word SOLD if it were. The op can go back and edit the post.

And frankly all the chitter chatter should be conducted offline/pms. It's currently all mish moshed. I hate to complain. But that thread's format really needs some attention and standardization.

Reply 487 of 526, by 3lectr1c

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Rank Member

Just tried to add my YouTube channel link to my profile but it appears the formatting is out of date. I added my channel ID in but it directs to youtube.com/user/[what i inputted]. This 404s now, proper formatting nowadays would be youtube.com/channel/[what i inputted], or just youtube.com/[channel handle] with YouTube's new system.

For example on all three:
Out of date and non working:


I probably have too many old laptops.

Reply 488 of 526, by cyclone3d

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Rank l33t++
3lectr1c wrote on 2023-07-29, 02:59:
Just tried to add my YouTube channel link to my profile but it appears the formatting is out of date. I added my channel ID in b […]
Show full quote

Just tried to add my YouTube channel link to my profile but it appears the formatting is out of date. I added my channel ID in but it directs to youtube.com/user/[what i inputted]. This 404s now, proper formatting nowadays would be youtube.com/channel/[what i inputted], or just youtube.com/[channel handle] with YouTube's new system.

For example on all three:
Out of date and non working:


Easy way to make it work is to use a url shortener. Something like tinyurl will work just fine.

Maximum signature length was also super gimped when the new forum software was put into place. I had to use tinyurl for all the links in my sig as well as shorten the descriptions a lot.

I really wish that horrid limit would be walked back to how it was before.

Yamaha modified setupds and drivers
Yamaha XG repository
YMF7x4 Guide

Reply 489 of 526, by 3lectr1c

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Rank Member

Unfortunately I can't. It only accepts the full channel ID in the box. That wasn't the first thing I tried, I tried putting the whole link in there but that didn't work. So basically, I have to put "UCPwdHoNnrVs3xRWIbxagpqw" in the box, or a different string in that format. And then the software sends you to youtube.com/user/[what you inputted].

If I try to put any link in the box, the option to save my changes grays out.

I probably have too many old laptops.

Reply 490 of 526, by shevalier

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Rank Member

Hi, is it possible to highlight the nickname of the creator of the topic in the thread?
By the third page, start to forget who created the topic.

Aopen MX3S, PIII-S Tualatin 1133, Radeon 9800Pro@XT BIOS, Diamond monster sound MX300
JetWay K8T8AS, Athlon DH-E6 3000+, Radeon HD2600Pro AGP, Audigy 2 Value

Reply 491 of 526, by Robbbert

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Rank Member

Not sure if this is the right place, but I noticed an oddity with the "Report this post" option.

It only shows on my posts but not anyone else's. This would seem to be profoundly pointless, as why would I want to report my own posts? Surely, if it was to be there at all, it should be on everyone else's posts instead?

Reply 492 of 526, by ldeveraux

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Rank Member
Robbbert wrote on 2023-10-07, 04:21:

Not sure if this is the right place, but I noticed an oddity with the "Report this post" option.

It only shows on my posts but not anyone else's. This would seem to be profoundly pointless, as why would I want to report my own posts? Surely, if it was to be there at all, it should be on everyone else's posts instead?

I can report each post in this thread (I won't!) so i think the issue is on your end.

Reply 493 of 526, by Robbbert

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Rank Member

Seems to be working now.

Reply 494 of 526, by and3rson

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Rank Newbie

New user here.

Please pardon me if this isn't the right thread for my feedback: I never received any activation emails on my address (under personal domain which I've been using for over 7 years now and never had any issues with) for over a week now, despite multiple attempts. However, my gmail worked instantly.

Is there some domain allow-listing configured here?

Reply 495 of 526, by ldeveraux

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Rank Member

Apologies if it's been asked, there's a chance I've even asked it! But I haven't got a solution so I'll ask. Browsing via firefox, I come to the Software subforum and I see there are new replies to a topic. If I click on the topic it takes me to the first page. Is there a way to take me to the last page instead so I can read the new content? The subforum list of discussions doesn't list the individual pages such that I might manually choose the last page either. Thanks!

Reply 496 of 526, by vetz

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Rank l33t
ldeveraux wrote on 2023-11-12, 13:10:

Apologies if it's been asked, there's a chance I've even asked it! But I haven't got a solution so I'll ask. Browsing via firefox, I come to the Software subforum and I see there are new replies to a topic. If I click on the topic it takes me to the first page. Is there a way to take me to the last page instead so I can read the new content? The subforum list of discussions doesn't list the individual pages such that I might manually choose the last page either. Thanks!

Have you tried clicking on the icon? Should bring you to the last unread post.

3D Accelerated Games List (Proprietary APIs - No 3DFX/Direct3D)
3D Acceleration Comparison Episodes

Reply 497 of 526, by Robbbert

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Rank Member

I had the same problem, looks like that icon does the trick. Now if only this forum had a Like button...

Reply 498 of 526, by ldeveraux

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Rank Member
vetz wrote on 2023-11-12, 13:26:
ldeveraux wrote on 2023-11-12, 13:10:

Apologies if it's been asked, there's a chance I've even asked it! But I haven't got a solution so I'll ask. Browsing via firefox, I come to the Software subforum and I see there are new replies to a topic. If I click on the topic it takes me to the first page. Is there a way to take me to the last page instead so I can read the new content? The subforum list of discussions doesn't list the individual pages such that I might manually choose the last page either. Thanks!

Have you tried clicking on the icon? Should bring you to the last unread post.

Much like everything else on this platform, what a weird solution.