Welcome to the updated VOGONS

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First post, by Qbix

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Rank DOSBox Author
DOSBox Author

Welcome the next iteration of VOGONS!

What’s new?
  • A more consistent look and feel, with enhancements to usability and accessibility versus the standard phpBB prosilver theme and the old VOGONS theme.
  • Designed to work well on screens of all sizes (320px and up), inputs (mouse, pen, touch, keyboard, screen reader), and DPIs.
  • Emoji support🎉 (and other characters outside the BMP, like Cuneiform 𒀩, Egyptian Hieroglyph 𓀡, or Alchemical Symbols 🜩 if you’re into that). Old image smilies are converted to their corresponding emoji; image fallbacks are used for machines that don’t support a given Unicode version.
  • TOTP-based two-factor authentication. (Please secure your account with two-factor authentication!)
  • New BBCodes:
    1. inline monospace
    2. strikethrough (technically this existed before, but was undiscoverable)
    3. collapsible sections (for long content, or spoilers, or whatever your mind can imagine)
    4. bbcode-free sections (in case you need to actually type [b] sometime)
    5. horizontal rules.
  • Real time zone support, so you don’t have to change your summer time settings twice a year to see the correct time.
  • Code blocks automatically collapse when the code is long (currently >60 hard lines).
  • Code blocks can be syntax highlighted using [code=lang].
  • Code blocks can be copied to the clipboard in one click.
  • Auto-completion when typing usernames (e.g. when adding receivers to a PM).
  • No more janky pop-up windows, anywhere, ever.
  • JavaScript is not needed for any basic site functionality.
  • Improved BBCode editor with keyboard shortcuts and automatically reloading preview tab.
  • Post quotes can now include complete back-references to the original post.
  • Improved security and privacy with Content-Security-Policy and Referrer-Policy.
  • Image requests are automatically upgraded to HTTPS. No more mixed mode content; no manually changing a decade of insecure image tags.
  • Features which have effectively never been used by anyone, like custom user groups and “friends”, are hidden.
  • Significantly improved site search functionality (using Sphinx instead of phpBB’s default search).
Frequently Asked Questions/Remarks
    • Why does the forum need to be upgraded ?
    • The old forum software is EOL and only runs on PHP versions which no longer receive any official security updates.
      Further the old forum had some issues with high DPI screens as well as mobile devices and
      it became more difficult to keep the spam and vandalism under control as we reached the limits on what could be modified without making a total mess.
    • Why did the familiar purple have to go ?
    • The original colour scheme had poor contrast and too small text in
      areas, which did not conform to web content accessibility guidelines and
      generated complaints about things being hard to read, especially for
      those with vision issues.
    • Why is everything taking up so much more space ?
    • The original design was for monitors which, way back in 2003, were
      ~72dpi. Today’s monitors are 96dpi–120dpi, which means that content
      needs to be larger in order to match how it was actually presented back
      in 2003. The larger buttons also help with devices where you use your hands.
    • I don't like how it looks, is there something I can tweak ?
    • You have the option to go back to an oldskool colour scheme, adjust the
      spacing and font size from the Display Settings in the User Control Panel to fit your
    • After tweaking it, I still don't like it or I have an idea to improve either theme!
    • Please post in the thread New forum suggestions/Feedback which part you don't like (be precise, we can't do much with "I don't like it"). We will read all feedback and maybe some things can be tweaked. No promises, but we want to make VOGONS a nice place to be.
    • Where did the "latest post button" go ?
    • It's back to its original place! The button on the left size (in front of the thread) is clickable again!
Who do we have to blame/thank for this upgrade?

Mostly Snover and Qbix a little bit.

Last edited by Qbix on 2019-12-27, 21:35. Edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Improved BBCodes part

Water flows down the stream
How to ask questions the smart way!

Reply 1 of 743, by wirerogue

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Rank Member

it's blue, it's purple, it's blurple

Reply 2 of 743, by kolderman

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Rank l33t


Reply 3 of 743, by Shagittarius

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Rank Oldbie

Nice, should be a fair bit easier to navigate with mobile devices. My main machine keeps rendering the old site, I've cleared cookies and cache on both Firefox and Chrome but they still keep showing me the reticulating spline message. What more can I do to clear those out?

EDIT: Had to reboot also, that did the trick.

Last edited by Shagittarius on 2019-12-27, 21:32. Edited 2 times in total.

Reply 5 of 743, by kixs

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Rank l33t

Good so far... 😀

Requests are also possible... /msg kixs

Reply 6 of 743, by Cyrix200+

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Rank Oldbie

Oooh much better on mobile!

1982 to 2001

Reply 7 of 743, by harddrivespin

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Rank Member

This will take some getting used to... I like that to some degree purple-y colour scheme (although not in text) has been retained though. The forum certainly has a somewhat retro-y feel with the new look, but I don't know if I like it more than I did the old scheme. At least it isn't intolerable.

Reply 8 of 743, by Grunt

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Rank Newbie

What the hell?

Reply 9 of 743, by sledge

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Rank Member

"Back when I was on the internet, we weren't "surfing the web" with graphical user interfaces and pretty pictures. It was all TEXT! And we liked it that way..."

Nah, was afraid of change, but I actually like it! Modern, yet retro, great on mobile. One little nitpick - not sure about that "dithered" background on .post:nth-child(2n) posts. It looks especially weird with old skool color theme.

doshaven.eu / high-voltage.cz

Reply 10 of 743, by Shagittarius

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Rank Oldbie

Agree, the dithered background adds extra flicker on local dimming displays when you scroll, was just looking for the option to change the color.

Reply 11 of 743, by mpe

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Rank Oldbie

Change the default purple colour to dark grey or black (or enable such theme) and it'll be perfect 😀

Blog|NexGen 586|S4

Reply 12 of 743, by Firtasik

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Rank Oldbie


11 1 111 11 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 111 1 111 1 1 1 1 111

Reply 13 of 743, by jesolo

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Rank l33t

How do I view the latest "active topics"?
Previously, there was a link at the top you could click on that listed the latest active topics.

Last edited by jesolo on 2019-12-27, 21:41. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 15 of 743, by ATauenis

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Rank Member

Looking unusual. 0_0

But on a 17 "monitor even with small font size it still very cumbersome. May be need to get accustomed to it, but old design was definitely easier to use (required less scrolling).

Why not to add theme selection like most of phpBB forums and add the the old theme as an option for registered users?

Smileys seems to be dropped at full. Neither I can see them nor can insert. 🙁

2×Soviet ZX-Speccy, 1×MacIIsi, 1×086, 1×286, 2×386DX, 1×386SX, 2×486, 1×P54C, 7×P55C, 6×Slot1, 4×S370, 1×SlotA, 2×S462, ∞×Modern.

Reply 16 of 743, by ATauenis

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Rank Member

Hmm... Most of smileys now are visible, but on top of the page a new error is appearing:

[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/ext/vogons/tos/event/main.php on line 507: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()
[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/ext/vogons/tos/event/main.php on line 507: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()

And attachments are not visible for guests.

2×Soviet ZX-Speccy, 1×MacIIsi, 1×086, 1×286, 2×386DX, 1×386SX, 2×486, 1×P54C, 7×P55C, 6×Slot1, 4×S370, 1×SlotA, 2×S462, ∞×Modern.

Reply 17 of 743, by luckybob

User metadata
Rank l33t

I'm happy to report it looks nice on my 16:10 monitor. I too get the error directly above.

I think this was a long time coming and well worth the effort.


Ok the scroll 'effect' when you click a link that takes you to some post halfway down the page, no offense, but that can fuck right off.

Last edited by luckybob on 2019-12-27, 21:54. Edited 1 time in total.

It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes.

Reply 19 of 743, by ATauenis

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Rank Member

It changing only colour scheme, not layout.

2×Soviet ZX-Speccy, 1×MacIIsi, 1×086, 1×286, 2×386DX, 1×386SX, 2×486, 1×P54C, 7×P55C, 6×Slot1, 4×S370, 1×SlotA, 2×S462, ∞×Modern.