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Reply 40 of 50, by Jo22

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Rank l33t++

Another thing that I find annoying/a step backwards is the tagging for +18 titles in the search results.

For example, searching for the J RPG game "Brave Soul" results in a warning with red, screaming capital letters saying "ADULT game: Brave Soul" or "Brave Soul (2002) (NSFW)"

But on the other hand, bloody killer games don't have such a warning.
Where's the warning for, say, Counter Strike?
Personally, I'm slowly starting to feel really p*ssed about that prudishness everywhere. The world really doesn't need to adapt to these NA conditions.

Edit: Please don't get me wrong, a comment about NSFW ot adult isn't the problem. It's the way it's been done.
An NSFW in light gray, maybe in lower case (nsfw) would be acceptable.
But the way it's done currently is somewhat patronizing. It's like a stop sign, a hand gesture which indicates "stop" or a red traffic light. *sigh* 🙄

Edit: Or to use an analogy, does anybody remember the scene in Leisure Suit Larry, in which Larry tried to buy, err, certain things in a liquor store ? That's pretty much Mobygames now. 😉
Edit: I've added it to the attachment section - I hope I didn't forget adding any vital censorship*. 😁

(* No really. Is "weird-o" too offensive, should the pixelated cover girls be further censored ? I seriously don't know these days. Every thing is so weird. 🤷)

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In what to one race is no time at all, another race can rise and fall..." - The Minstrel

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Reply 41 of 50, by Dominus

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I don‘t mind that clearly visible warning.
It’s helpful to remind you not to open that when you are at work or your kids are around 🤷‍♂️

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Reply 42 of 50, by Jo22

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Rank l33t++
Dominus wrote on 2023-09-01, 12:39:

I don‘t mind that clearly visible warning.
It’s helpful to remind you not to open that when you are at work or your kids are around 🤷‍♂️

That's the point. The kids are the ones who're being traumatized the least, I think. It's rather their prudish parents and the co workers who can't cope with it.
Anyway, the visible warning as such isn't the problem, I think. It's the patronizing, not to say pretentious attitude here.
If nsfw titles are being warned about, then all the games containing violence and religious symbols should be marked, as well.
Otherwise, it's double standards, I think.

Edit: Please don't get me wrong, I can understand that warning signs make sense sometimes (violence, strong language, r*pe etc).
But I find it annoying that US standards are constantly being pushed all around the world.
Not that this is wrong per se, but it's a bit too much right now (IMHO).

For comparison, in school, our whole class has once watched a sex education film (cartoon, but very detailed).
No one was being traumatized here, most boys laughed, since they had already seen real porn films before.
We were roughly age 11 and up at the time.

By contrast, I was being horrified when I saw the cow scene in Jurassic Park film, when I was at age 6.
That was a moment in which I truly had use for a warning sign on TV screen.
Nudity was the least problem. I've seen my own parents occasionally totally nude when I was little
(it was in the morning when they stood up and were taking on clothes in bed room),
it didn't traumatize me in any way. It was just natural, I didn't care.

Edit: Formatting fixed (on PC), added 'I think'.

Last edited by Jo22 on 2023-09-01, 16:19. Edited 2 times in total.

"Time, it seems, doesn't flow. For some it's fast, for some it's slow.
In what to one race is no time at all, another race can rise and fall..." - The Minstrel

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Reply 44 of 50, by Jo22

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Dominus wrote on 2023-09-01, 12:59:

Ok, sure, I’m disagreeing but it’s not an issue I care at all about. So you do you

Thanks for your understanding. I didn't mean to make a big fuss about it, whatsoever.
It's just.. When you see such a new change happening you say to yourself "Really?! Owww. Not again! *sigh* 🙄"

That's what I felt. I was just annoyed, not angry or upset in anyway. Just annoyed.
By main concern is something else - loss of tolerance.

Back in the day, there was dark humor that would nowadays be considered to be racist, misogynist and sexist.
It wasn't exactly classy, but people understood that it was meant as humor, as a side blow, maybe as a hidden sign of affection.
Not seldomly, the person making the bad joke would get a matching response and both had a laugh.
After that, when the situation has calmed down, the first person may even apologize for the bad joke or the stereotype.

This has changed. In these days we're living in, people can no longer cope with insults or unfriendly jokes. The reactions are much more drastic.
For example, let's take an early cartoon in which African or Caribbean people are being represented as cannibals (there was one Tom&Jerry episode doing exactly that).
Typically, in good old cartoon style, everything was being shown in an exaggerated form.

Back in the day, this exaggeration was being recognized and understood by the audience as a parody.
Some people laughed, some were mad/hurt, some found it gross, to some it was thought-provoking.
Humor and parodying was meant as a mirror of society.
It was not seldomly used to make people aware of certain things, to trigger emotions of compassion or guilt.
And to some people, it was a tool to mentally process traumas.

Such a cartoon, as I just mentioned, was racist at first glance.
On second glance, it made people "wake up", make them sensitive for a certain topic.
It touched a topic that otherwise wouldn't have been reached the audience via TV.
In case of cannibals, the problem with the bomb tests on the Biki*i isles, maybe, not sure.

Now, how are the reactions nowadays ? Commenters on YouTube (from the US, seemingly Edit: also from EU, we're no exception I think) are totally upset about it.
Interestingly, people of color who are actually being affected here, aren't acting in exactly same way.
Some respond with disapproval, some are neutral (don't care), while others do find it a bit funny, actually.

Long story short, people of today will rather feel offended and response with hate and anger.
They don't try to relax the situation by using humor anymore or by making fun of themselves.
This will result in an increase in social cold, in which people will have a protective attitude all the time.
In which every innocent laugh they may hear around them makes them feel being laughed about.
And that's what worries me. The ever increasing number of "no no"'s in daily life.

Another thing is increasing censorship, as such. Here in Germany, there was that great book burning in 1933, in which Jewish books were burnt because they weren't "pure".
The world doesn't need censorship, it needs education/explanation, I think. It needs more people that learn to deal with something (also for their own sake, to be able to mentally recover).
Which involves calling things by their name vs whitewashing of words. Educating kids about historic swearwords and events instead of hiding these from them.
Explaining why they went out of daily use and how/why they hurt groups of people so much. Make people understand each others.
Because, in the end, truth comes out anyway. So it's better to learn to cope with things and learn from bad things, so they won't repeat themselves.

Anyway, I don't mean to start a debate here. I seriously just try to explain myself here.
It's really difficult to do that these days, the culture has changed so much.

When I was little, I learned to open doors for elderly people and ladies.
It was total natural for me, I wanted to help. It was acting like any gentleman would.
Nowadays, said groups of people may feel offended, however. So I must be careful. Here's an example:
The lady might assume I see her as an old ugly woman, the young woman may think I'm a perv, the girl with the heavy shopping bags may think I question her independence.
If I lived in the US, another one might feel offended, because I assume a gender. Et cetera et cetera. 😭
And that's just sad. People assume the worst nowadays, all the time.

Edit: Typos fixed.
Edit: Formatting fixed (on PC), added 'I think', reworded a few small things, reduced text size so it won't dominate everything so much.
Edit: The text I wrote above was also in parts meant in context with ol' Leisure Suit Larry; the game was meant as a parody (Larry is portrayed as looser), not as a game to exploit women.
However, someone of today may think so. It also has that NSFW tag. In reality, to my understanding, the game primarily makes fun of men; of the player himself, if we want. It often tries to annoy/tease him.

Last edited by Jo22 on 2023-09-01, 17:00. Edited 2 times in total.

"Time, it seems, doesn't flow. For some it's fast, for some it's slow.
In what to one race is no time at all, another race can rise and fall..." - The Minstrel

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Reply 45 of 50, by DosFreak

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Rank l33t++

These conversations never turn out well since apparently no one can have factual non-opinionated(as much as possible) non-emotional conversations, also it's OT.
If you have an issue with how mobygames does things then.....let them know.

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Reply 46 of 50, by Jo22

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Rank l33t++
DosFreak wrote on 2023-09-01, 14:19:

These conversations never turn out well since apparently no one can have factual non-opinionated(as much as possible) non-emotional conversations, also it's OT.
If you have an issue with how mobygames does things then.....let them know.

https://www.theverge.com/2023/8/30/23852816/g … es-blur-default

Ah, it's you. 😅 Ay, I understand and you're probably right here. As far as I'm concerned, I don't have anything more to add.
It's just annoying that about everything these days seems to be being measured by US standards only, I think.
International thinking would be good for a change, as well, since the internet is an international thing itself.
But that's just an opinion, of course. 🤷‍♂️ I'm quiet now. Edited.

"Time, it seems, doesn't flow. For some it's fast, for some it's slow.
In what to one race is no time at all, another race can rise and fall..." - The Minstrel

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Reply 47 of 50, by elszgensa

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Rank Member

My previous post here apparently contained too much of an opinion and got deleted, so I'll just neutrally state that Mobygames now has a paid user rank (MobyPro) with a slightly different feature set. Make of that what you will.

Reply 48 of 50, by leileilol

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Rank l33t++

Can't sort games by release anymore - just the once-deprecated-but-now-not-anymore mobyscore, and pages can't be skipped, gotta go through one at a time so you can hit their rate limit easier....


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Reply 50 of 50, by robertmo3

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Rank Oldbie
leileilol wrote on 2023-10-07, 01:40:

Can't sort games by release anymore - just the once-deprecated-but-now-not-anymore mobyscore, and pages can't be skipped, gotta go through one at a time so you can hit their rate limit easier....


you can sort games by release (selectable from left menu):

you can type in page number in page address:
https://www.mobygames.com/game/genre:action/s … t:date/page:20/

limit is not based on amount of displayed pages but this way:
if you have set moby to display 50 games per page -> then you can see only first 20 pages (which gives 1000 games)
12 results -> 84 pages -> 1008 games
18 results -> 56 pages -> 1008 games
24 results -> 42 pages -> 1008 games
30 results -> 34 pages -> 1020 games <---- best option 😉
40 results -> 25 pages -> 1000 games
50 results -> 20 pages -> 1000 games
*(you have to be logged in) (if you are not logged in you can see only 5 pages of 50 games (250 games) )

you can see another 1020 if you arrange games in reversed order for example first (a->z) and later (z->a)
this gives 2040 games 😉

to see more games you can narrow down search by year

you can also exclude add-ons in the check box.

to see more games you can narrow down search by genre (i think every game must be assigned to at least one of 14 basic genres):

Strategy / tactics (14,381 games)
Simulation (11,879 games)

Educational (4,933 games)
Adventure (16,322 games)
Role-playing (RPG) (8,254 games)

Action (52,154 games)

Racing / Driving (5,746 games)
Sports (8,571 games)

Puzzle (14,727 games)
Gambling (1,079 games)

Idle (139 games)

DLC / Add-on (36,272 games)
Special edition (3,241 games)
Compilation (11,188 games)

this way you can see all windows action games from 2017 (biggest moby games group so far)
(at the time of writing that is 1954 games 😉 )
https://www.mobygames.com/game/from:2017/genr … t:title/page:1/

(DLC / Add-on form bigger groups) but at least we can browse games