Reply 140 of 407, by gerry

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Rank Oldbie
DracoNihil wrote on 2024-01-12, 18:22:

YouTube's search is borderline useless unless you prefix every search with allintitle: so that it's more likely to actually return the video you're looking for. (It still sucks but it sucks a lot less doing it this way)

a good reminder that i need to use that more!

ElectroSoldier wrote on 2024-01-14, 11:01:
gerry wrote on 2024-01-12, 13:16:

one thing that has changed on youtube (actually it changed years ago...) is that the common format now is to release regular "episodes" with emphasis on "this week" as if its TV. This does have the effect of people coming back regularly and ups the views i suppose but i like to use youtube less as a "what's been released this week" and more as a library

Youtube "rewards" creators who upload on a regular basis.
It doesnt need to be every day but it does need to be regular and consistent to register on the algorithm.

yes, a shame as it encourages treadmill content rather than occasional but always good content

Reply 142 of 407, by chinny22

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Rank l33t++

LGR's recent Robot video is back to form IMHO.
Just a bit of silly fun which he fully acknowledges, but at least he enjoys himself in this one.

Reply 143 of 407, by DerBaum

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Rank Oldbie

Haha. remember this?
Re: 8-bit guy gets ultra-rare NOS IBM (prototype?) from Computer Reset then proceeds to obliterate it

The Ad-Bit Guy ruined a rare IBM with a paperclip.

The comments on this video are disabled but its still on.
I am still not sure what he expected to happen in the comments... Of course people will have a heart attack from an action like this from a professional influencer. No research. No interest. No fun.
You keep content like this online and expect people to respect your work? Respect you for showing your fails without doing even basic research? I am not sure about that...
Accidents can happen. But a tiny bit of research can also happen... Or at least ask people.

I would see this video as another point why it is going down hill.
But that is just my opinion... and that isnt worth anything. "comments are disabled"


Reply 144 of 407, by maxtherabbit

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Rank l33t
DerBaum wrote on 2024-01-19, 00:07:
Haha. remember this? Re: 8-bit guy gets ultra-rare NOS IBM (prototype?) from Computer Reset then proceeds to obliterate it […]
Show full quote

Haha. remember this?
Re: 8-bit guy gets ultra-rare NOS IBM (prototype?) from Computer Reset then proceeds to obliterate it

The Ad-Bit Guy ruined a rare IBM with a paperclip.

The comments on this video are disabled but its still on.
I am still not sure what he expected to happen in the comments... Of course people will have a heart attack from an action like this from a professional influencer. No research. No interest. No fun.
You keep content like this online and expect people to respect your work? Respect you for showing your fails without doing even basic research? I am not sure about that...
Accidents can happen. But a tiny bit of research can also happen... Or at least ask people.

I would see this video as another point why it is going down hill.
But that is just my opinion... and that isnt worth anything. "comments are disabled"

Yeah *this* is a valid reason not to like him, his pro gun activism is not

Reply 146 of 407, by DerBaum

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Rank Oldbie
Shponglefan wrote on 2024-01-19, 01:54:

Both are valid. Especially in light of the infamous home depot video.

I guess that opinion depens on the region we all are from.
As a european monster Pickup trucks, flimsy barely isolated houses, and guns dont really make a lot of sense.
And thats ok if somebody has a completely different opinion. Because i dont have to live that way. 😀


Reply 147 of 407, by Shponglefan

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Rank l33t
DerBaum wrote on 2024-01-19, 02:03:

I guess that opinion depens on the region we all are from.
As a european monster Pickup trucks, flimsy barely isolated houses, and guns dont really make a lot of sense.
And thats ok if somebody has a completely different opinion. Because i dont have to live that way. 😀

I'm getting the sense that not a lot people here are familiar with the Home Depot video, what 8-bit guy said in that video, and the context related to the Sandy Hook shooting.

This isn't just about gun ownership. This was about him taking pleasure in trolling people who want to prevent kids from dying from school shootings, following the Sandy Hook shooting.

I don't understand how anyone could reasonably defend that.

Pentium 4 Multi-OS Build
486 DX4-100 with 6 sound cards
486 DX-33 with 5 sound cards

Reply 148 of 407, by keenmaster486

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Rank l33t

>8-bit guy mentioned
>thread devolves into flamewar over American politics

World's foremost 486 enjoyer.

Reply 150 of 407, by DerBaum

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Rank Oldbie
Shponglefan wrote on 2024-01-19, 02:32:

It's not about the gun politics. What really rubs me the wrong way about that 8-bit Guy Home Depot video, is that he seems to be reveling in cruelty.

I don't like that.

i just found this video on his "air gun channel" exactly on this topic and "just" 8 months old.
Seems to be some kind of excuse, explaination , calm down thing.
Barely 5k views... Not many people seem to have found it (including me).
Is it intentional on this extremely small channel and not promoted to lose a group of viewers on his main channel?
comments and likes disabled... this will be a good one...

I am just watching it so i cant have final thoughts yet.


Reply 151 of 407, by DerBaum

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Rank Oldbie
DerBaum wrote on 2024-01-19, 03:14:

I am just watching it so i cant have final thoughts yet.

Ok. I am through.
All this is so alien to me and sounds so absurd that i cant have any proper opinion on it.

I stay at judging technical incompetence.


Reply 152 of 407, by appiah4

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Rank l33t++
DerBaum wrote on 2024-01-19, 03:37:
Ok. I am through. All this is so alien to me and sounds so absurd that i cant have any proper opinion on it. […]
Show full quote
DerBaum wrote on 2024-01-19, 03:14:

I am just watching it so i cant have final thoughts yet.

Ok. I am through.
All this is so alien to me and sounds so absurd that i cant have any proper opinion on it.

I stay at judging technical incompetence.

It is at such a level of audacity and social inaptitude that I am almost 100% certain that the 8-bit Guy is somewhere on the spectrum. That explains a lot of things actually. Regardless, he can cease to exist for all I care.

Retronautics: A digital gallery of my retro computers, hardware and projects.

Reply 153 of 407, by ThinkpadIL

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Rank Oldbie

Don't want to judge The 8-Bit Guy personality or to discuss American politics, but in excessive enthusiasm about guns there is something childish. Look what a toy I have! Gun is a a very utilitarian and quite dangerous tool and not a status accessory. And in most cases it is also quite useless since in case of a prepared attack you alone with your gun can't do much.

For some period of time I had guns and I was more than happy to get rid of them.

Last edited by ThinkpadIL on 2024-01-19, 08:46. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 154 of 407, by ThinkpadIL

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Rank Oldbie
chinny22 wrote on 2024-01-18, 23:34:

LGR's recent Robot video is back to form IMHO.
Just a bit of silly fun which he fully acknowledges, but at least he enjoys himself in this one.

Nice video, I liked it. But it is a toy review, not a computer.

Not long time ago I purchased this thing:

The attachment c1097516361.3.jpg is no longer available

Some kind of a robot that uses a pocket computer as its brains. I personally would prefer to watch reviews of those kinds of robots.

Reply 155 of 407, by Errius

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Rank l33t

Honestly, if I went to Texas and didn't see people walking around with guns I'd be totally disappointed.

Is this too much voodoo?

Reply 156 of 407, by StriderTR

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Rank Member

My 2 cents...

1. If someone I like uploads content I'm not interested in. I just don't watch it. Old tactic from my childhood I used on TV shows, still works great in an all digital world.
2. I don't care what anyone on YT does, they have to live their own lives however they choose, and I say more power to them. I don't feel I have any place to critique anyone other than myself.


Retro Blog: https://theclassicgeek.blogspot.com/
Archive: https://archive.org/details/@theclassicgeek/
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Reply 157 of 407, by maxtherabbit

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Rank l33t
Shponglefan wrote on 2024-01-19, 02:16:
I'm getting the sense that not a lot people here are familiar with the Home Depot video, what 8-bit guy said in that video, and […]
Show full quote
DerBaum wrote on 2024-01-19, 02:03:

I guess that opinion depens on the region we all are from.
As a european monster Pickup trucks, flimsy barely isolated houses, and guns dont really make a lot of sense.
And thats ok if somebody has a completely different opinion. Because i dont have to live that way. 😀

I'm getting the sense that not a lot people here are familiar with the Home Depot video, what 8-bit guy said in that video, and the context related to the Sandy Hook shooting.

This isn't just about gun ownership. This was about him taking pleasure in trolling people who want to prevent kids from dying from school shootings, following the Sandy Hook shooting.

I don't understand how anyone could reasonably defend that.

I'll defend it. The anti gun side has abused the public's susceptibility to "feelings" for decades to advance their political agenda. Many on our side are fed up with that and overtly rejecting the entire precept that feeling sad about a tragedy is justification for gun legislation.

Reply 158 of 407, by zb10948

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Rank Newbie

There is a lot of good content, and the quantity keeps increasing.

The people you've been mentioning are Youtubers, there is a difference between a Youtuber and a streamer or somebody that just records and uploads his work. The latter aren't tied to Youtube metas or dramas.

By the way I think the original advice given is legit, if you don't like a specific video from a Youtuber don't watch it, if the content ratio gets bad for you, stop following that Youtuber.

Same with everything, music, arts, literature, software, you name it. Whenever someone tries to get commercially successful there's a chance he will diversify and alienate some of the core audience.
There is absolutely no reason to look at entire scene by the behaviour of a few big names. Like I said, a lot of smaller channels with great content, YT "retro" is blooming and far from dead. By the day videos of repairing battery damage for mainboards increase. The chance that your leaky mainboard video repair is popping up is increasing. And everything else - if a platform is obscure, hardware or software, it will be resurrected, put to YT, and the chance of that happening just increases as time goes by.

There is a POV difference, I don't look at this as entertainment but source of knowledge. From that perspective it is absurd to claim situation was better yesterday.

Reply 159 of 407, by anne

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Rank Newbie
Shponglefan wrote on 2024-01-19, 02:32:

It's not about the gun politics. What really rubs me the wrong way about that 8-bit Guy Home Depot video, is that he seems to be reveling in cruelty.

I don't like that.

He's strutting.

I can't hang with that.