First post, by mitradis

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Rank Newbie

Here transferred some my posts from "Regressive bugs" topic. But any people can post offers here too.

Useful note:
- If you game runs in widescreen stretched full screen mode with 4:3\5:4 aspect ratio resolution, and ignore "Keep aspect ratio" settings, just change screen refrash rate (or force Resolution = refrate:X) to other than desktop refrash rate. This will do video driver (Intel) and he reset resolution to FHD by detect 4:3\5:4 games with desktop screen refrash rate.
- Using fps limits (even if vsync on) in some games help with stutters (W40k DoW).
- If you have micro stutters in many games, try disable XMP memory profile in BIOS (and reset to default). In many cases you even not lose real performance. Big timing with some hardware assembly not good.
- If game not runs with forcing AA try disable same option in game (Blitzkrieg 2\FarCry for example).

Last edited by mitradis on 2023-09-16, 14:42. Edited 10 times in total.

Reply 1 of 2, by mitradis

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Rank Newbie

Exclude text from AA process in W40K DoW (WA\DC\SS). As say on pcgamingwiki "Forcing AA will render fonts blurry and harder to read." and its true. If forsing AA by dgVoodoo text becomes harder to read.

GTA: Vice City - alpha channel textures problem:

Raver Shield game - big stutters, for example on first level you can see strong twitching (without wrapper no stutters):

Swat 4 - stutters like in Raver Shield. Good to see on big levels. Some times game can freeze on 1 second. Without wrapper no stutters.

Sid Meier's Pirates! - green .bik videos, settings senseless.

Space Rangers 2: Dominators \ Reboot - if added d3d9.dll and ddraw.dll planet 3D battles not load, need use cnc-ddraw wrapper (https://github.com/FunkyFr3sh/cnc-ddraw/issues/236). And AA interface affected in planet 3D battles.

Mafia The City of Lost Heaven - if disabled T&L sky black glitch (doesn't matter because no one plays without T&L).

Reply 2 of 2, by Dege

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Rank l33t

I have only looked into Mafia so far but couldn't reproduce the black sky (dgV 2.81.3). Could you provide a savegame or a screenshot plz?