Reply 20 of 49, by ZellSF

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Still broken in the latest beta driver. Sent a report to Nvidia, though I doubt anything good will come out of it.

Reply 21 of 49, by ZellSF

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Still not working as of Nvidia driver version 385.69 🙁

Reply 22 of 49, by ZellSF

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Still broken as of Nvidia driver 390.77, but dgVoodoo2 WIP41 now falls back to WARP rendering. Maybe there should be a warning when it does that (when WARP rendering isn't explicitly chosen)?

Reply 23 of 49, by xcomcmdr

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Rank Oldbie

Still broken with the latest nvidia drivers (419.17).

I wish I knew what to do, beside sending a report to nvidia that will be redirected to /dev/null...

Reply 24 of 49, by xcomcmdr

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I found this procedure :
https://gist.github.com/mjbroekman/721460871c … 22955cc02c6d944

8. Open up the Windows Device Manager and find your Display Adapters. 9. Right-click on your display adapter and choose "Proper […]
Show full quote

8. Open up the Windows Device Manager and find your Display Adapters.
9. Right-click on your display adapter and choose "Properties"
10. Go to the Details tab and find the "Hardware Ids" property.
- You are going see a bunch of values like "PCI\VEN_xxxx&DEV_xxxx&..."
- Make note of the VEN value (just the 4 characters) and the DEV value (again, just the 4 characters)
- For example, my Intel HD 530 is VEN_8086 and DEV_191B.
11. Open the VIDCARD.csv file in a text editor (NOT wordpad, word, or other 'rich text' editors. Notepad is ok. I use Sublime Text)
12. Find the entries for other cards of the same vendor (Intel, nVidia, etc)
13. Copy the last line and paste it back.
14. Make sure the first column matches the VEN value you found in Device Manager. (Step 10)
15. Change the second column to match the DEV value you found in Device Manager. (Step 10)
- You should now have something that looks like: 0xVVVV, 0xDDDD, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, Vendor, card, other stuff.
- For my card, at this point it looked like this: 0x8086, 0x191b, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, Intel, 810e, Disable1024x768...
16. Change the 'card' column to YOUR card.
- For me, I changed 810e to 530
17. Change the last column (everything after the card) to 'None', making sure to leave a comma between the card and 'None'
18. Save and exit the text editor.
19. At this point, you can try running the game!

I wonder if this truly works. I already tried to delete badcards.csv and vidcards.csv to no effect.

Reply 25 of 49, by wolfman-x

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Hi there; I am new to this forum and dgvoodoo but very familiar with MC2 and alle available MC2 mods because I am modding MC2 since it came out (see my work at http://www.mc2x.net , if you are interested).

I recently switched my 3 PCs from win7 Ultimate or Win8.1 to Win10Pro; all PCs play a role in my coding, campaign developemnt or testing and on all PCs any MC2 (original or mod) ran perfectly without any compatibility settings or tweaks. I upgraded 2 PCs and after the upgrade MechCommander 2 runs as perfectly as before. One PC had upgrade issues thus I installed a fresh Win10Pro on an additional disk in that PC and tried MC2 or the available mods MC- Omnitech or my MC2X. All show the same issues and are unplayable.
My point here is that it is a generic MC2/Win10 issue not mod specific and it can not be the hardware difference because it runs on the same hardware (excellent under win64 Ultimate and terrible under fresh installed win10Pro). I like to find the fix for that, because plenty of MC2 gamers (what ever mod or version) have this problem. The well ment but worthless hints towards activating legacy components and/or using compatibility mode do not change anything for me.
This is where dgVoodoo2 came into play. I installed the latest version and tried it on a PC with a well running MC2 to get a feel for dgVooDoon2 it works fine there but it's not needed in that installaion.

When applying the same dgVoodoo2 settings and files from my VdgVoodoo2 test installation to the PC with MC2 problems I can not even get to the MC2 start screen anymore
This is when I came here to find support and offer testing capacity and options.

I tested the proposal made by xcomcmdr and it had no impact for me.

Any ideas are welcome.

"Better" will always be the enemy of "Good"

Reply 26 of 49, by lowenz

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Wow man, the mythical Wolfman-X here with us 😁

Reply 27 of 49, by ZellSF

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Should probably note in this topic that DXVK works, sort of.

Reply 28 of 49, by wolfman-x

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I use GeForce GTX 1080 and nVidia Driver431.36.
Are there any settings in the nVidia Control Panel that may be important to check or set for dgVoodoo to do its magic?

"Better" will always be the enemy of "Good"

Reply 29 of 49, by lowenz

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ZellSF wrote:

Should probably note in this topic that DXVK works, sort of.

With dgVoodoo? So we can bypass NVidia driver issue with MC2?

Reply 30 of 49, by ZellSF

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Rank l33t
lowenz wrote:
ZellSF wrote:

Should probably note in this topic that DXVK works, sort of.

With dgVoodoo? So we can bypass NVidia driver issue with MC2?

Yes, though as I said "sort of".

Reply 31 of 49, by lowenz

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Rank Oldbie
ZellSF wrote:
lowenz wrote:
ZellSF wrote:

Should probably note in this topic that DXVK works, sort of.

With dgVoodoo? So we can bypass NVidia driver issue with MC2?

Yes, though as I said "sort of".

You can simply force the initialization on the iGPU (on AMD/Intel+Nvidia systems) with Windows 10 itself.....MC2 is a ddraw application so the process will automatically re-switch to the GeForce 😁

https://www.howtogeek.com/wp-content/uploads/ … f097be26793.png

But you can MORE simply run the game directly (o through dgVoosoo2) via the iGPU connected to a second monitor (or the same but with another input).

Reply 32 of 49, by lowenz

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Rank Oldbie
lowenz wrote:

But you can MORE simply run the game directly (or through dgVoodoo2) via the iGPU connected to a second monitor (or the same but with another input).


Reply 33 of 49, by wolfman-x

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Rank Newbie

Maybe the last conversations above are giving an answer to my topic; it is not clear to me. And I do not understand anything you posted . if it is regarding my issue, it would be great to explain for non-experts and give me advise what to do.
Thank you very much.

"Better" will always be the enemy of "Good"

Reply 34 of 49, by Dege

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Rank l33t

I think I figured out what's going on here, with this game.

When dgVoodoo calls into D3D11 to create the DX device then the D3D11 runtime calls into the driver dll at some point.
This dll is nvldumd.dll (which must stand for 'nv load user mode driver') in the case of nVidia that is a proxy dll for loading other components. So, this one wants to load 'nvwgf2um.dll', the real driver component, but before doing that, the loader checks if it contains a digital sign.
This is done through windows components: crypt32.dll -> wintrust.dll -> imagehelp.dll.
However the game has an own imagehelp.dll (versioned as a Win2k component) in its assets\Binaries folder which gets loaded before initializing D3D11.
So, when wintrust calls into imagehelp (function ImageGetCertificateDataEx) it just calls into an empty function simply returning an error, causing getting the driver certificate information to fail.

I experimentally removed imagehelp.dll from assets\Binaries and the game started on nVidia too.
I don't know if the game really needs this dll though. Is there any reason it's distributed with the game?

Reply 35 of 49, by UCyborg

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Rank Member

imagehlp.dll is not an integral component of Windows 95.

Arthur Schopenhauer wrote:

A man can be himself only so long as he is alone; and if he does not love solitude, he will not love freedom; for it is only when he is alone that he is really free.

Reply 36 of 49, by lowenz

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WOW ! Testing NOW! 😁

Reply 37 of 49, by lowenz

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Working! Very Good Catch Dege!

Reply 38 of 49, by xcomcmdr

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Rank Oldbie

That's fantastic !! Good bye the ugly and slow software mode !

Thank you SO much ! 😁

Now that's an interesting case to keep a trace of in the PCGamingWiki page about dgvoooo2 (or on the game's page).

Reply 39 of 49, by wolfman-x

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Rank Newbie

This solution solves my problem. No compatibility settings or any other changes or tricks required here anymore. Simple and effective. Thank you, Dege.
The game does not start here correctly if I delete dbghelp.dll as well. Just fyi.

Last edited by wolfman-x on 2019-09-07, 20:18. Edited 1 time in total.

"Better" will always be the enemy of "Good"