First post, by V15UAL K3YS
I've been taking advantage of the awesome fact that dgVoodoo 2 now has DirectX 9.0 support for DirectX 9 games, and have been using it to see if I could successfully run it on The Sims 2. The game is originally plagued with many issues when running it on modern PCs, and my current issue I had with it was because of the infamous "flashing pink" issue; no matter what fixes I applied and no matter what I tried (which was literally everything I could find) nothing worked.
When I had found out about the newly implemented DX9 support I tried to see if I could work around this issue using dgVoodoo 2. The game loads up and runs only when I load up the game using the ATI Radeon 8500 graphics card, which is one of the supported graphics cards in the game. However, I get a "flashing red" issue with the sims and they do the same thing as with the flashing pink issue, except that they flash red instead. If I try using the GeForce4 Ti 4800 it immediately crashes on startup and if I use the FX 5700 it crashes when loading a neighborhood. I have also entered the vendor and device id for my actual graphics card (GeForce GTX 1080Ti) into the dgVoodoo.conf file, ran the game using the Internal 3d Graphics Driver that is built into dgVoodoo 2 and it still crashes upon loading the neighborhood, with an EXCEPTION log created in the Logs folder of The Sims 2. It is having an ACCESS VIOLATION and the module is the user32.dll file. This doesn't happen when I load it up using the ATI Radeon 8500 video card in the dgVoodoo 2 control panel, but as mentioned above, that video card won't work.
I have attached both the exception log and the dgVoodoo config file to check out. I should also note I am using the DVD version of the game and have all the expansion packs, so I am running the game from the Sims2EP9.exe file. Any help would be greatly appreciated 😀
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080Ti
CPU: Intel i7-7700k
RAM: 32GB DDR4 2400MHz
OS: Windows 10 x64