First post, by Harry Potter

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Rank Oldbie

Hi! I have a program I want to upload called Template Creator for DOS. It is a utility to create, handle, organize and use template files under DOS. You can find it at https://sourceforge.net/projects/tmpcreat/files/. The file is called "tmpcr02.zip,"and the Win32 version is "picker02.zip." I tried e-mailing the administrator of the https://dosprograms.info.tt/indexall.htm but got an error message. 🙁 I am asking for other sites to which to upload the program. Thank you.

Joseph Rose, a.k.a. Harry Potter
Working magic in the computer community

Reply 1 of 8, by megatron-uk

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Rank Oldbie

I think if you want people to host your utilities you probably need to describe them better. I've seen your posting about this template utility before, here and elsewhere. I've even looked at the zip contents on Sourceforge and I'm *still* no wiser on what it actually does.

A guide, walkthrough and examples goes a long way.

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Reply 2 of 8, by Harry Potter

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Rank Oldbie

I'm sorry about the lack of clarity. I'll try to explain it again: a template is any file from which you want to derive other files. This program provides ways to add templates to its database and organize the files by groups. The DOS version gives aliases to the filenames for better readability and provides group names to narrow down a search, and the Windows one organizes the files by two group levels as subfolders of the main template folder. Adding a file to the database is easy for the Windows version: simply right-click a file to add, point to SendTo and click Add Template. You can specify the name of the template as added and up to two grouping levels. If you specify a group that doesn't already exist, it will be creates. The DOS version is a little harder: type "tmpcreat" at the DOS prompt, click Add..., under Type, click Template, then fill in the boxes below it. Temp Name is the long name of the template to add, Temp File is the DOS name to give the file without the extension, and Load File is the path and filename of the file to add. Clicking Load will provide a dialog box to make easier the file-hunting. Then click Add. The DOS version requires you to associate a file type and create the groups. This can be done from the Add button in the main dialog box. The Windows version also requires you to associate file types. An icon is placed on the desktop to run the program that writes the association to the Registry. After that, the ShellNew menu can create the new files. To create new files with the DOS version, run the program and click "Create." Is this helpful?

Joseph Rose, a.k.a. Harry Potter
Working magic in the computer community

Reply 3 of 8, by badmojo

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Rank l33t
Harry Potter wrote on 2023-09-25, 22:14:

Is this helpful?

I read what you wrote twice and still don't understand the purpose if this tool - what problem does it solve?

Life? Don't talk to me about life.

Reply 4 of 8, by Gmlb256

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Rank l33t

I think that it would be better to complement it with screenshots of the program, which can explain the details better without resorting to a wall of text.

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Reply 5 of 8, by Warlord

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Rank l33t

So once I've added a bunch of templates to my database, then what happens? I can create a file?

If theres another program or feature of an OSprogram that does somthing similar, that might help me to figure out what exactly this is supposed to do.

Reply 6 of 8, by feda

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Rank Member

Now if we could only get Harry Potter to release his revolutionary magical compression algorithm that's better than 7zip, then we could compress all our template files to be 0,0001% smaller.

Reply 7 of 8, by BloodyCactus

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Rank Oldbie

its hosted on sourceforge, why does it need to be anywhere else? you have one place to keep it updated instead of updating loads of other sites.

--/\-[ Stu : Bloody Cactus :: [ https://bloodycactus.com :: http://krÄketÊr.com ]-/\--

Reply 8 of 8, by ldeveraux

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Rank Member
BloodyCactus wrote on 2023-09-26, 12:44:

its hosted on sourceforge, why does it need to be anywhere else? you have one place to keep it updated instead of updating loads of other sites.

Came here for this...