Anybody tried this with your MT-32?

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Reply 20 of 23, by r00tb33r

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My MT-32 ("old" rev.01) arrived and I tested it out on it. It's pretty good.

Mine sounds pretty quiet compared to my SC-55...? So quiet in fact that I might need to add an amplifier just for the input to amplified speakers. Anybody else's?

Does anyone know any graphical/pseudographical editor/control programs for DOS or Windows that will let me set the reverb, for example?

Reply 21 of 23, by Spikey

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Rank Oldbie

You can edit reverb level from the front panel, but otherwise you need MIDI software to send SysEx. WSysEx should still work on Win 10.

And yes, it's a very quiet synth compared to future releases.

Reply 22 of 23, by Laukku

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Rank Newbie
Falcosoft wrote on 2022-10-27, 07:07:

Unfortunately you cannot do this with the standard Munt driver for Windows. You either need 2 real MT-32's or use Munt VSTi.

Yes you can; I got it working using LoopMIDI and MIDI-OX.

  1. Make 3 midi ports in LoopMIDI (let's call them A, B and C)
  2. In MIDI-OX set from "Options" -> "Midi Devices..." A as input with B and C as output
  3. In MUNT set from "Tools" -> "New MIDI port..." separate synth instances for B and C
  4. Send the SysEx attached earlier in this thread (MIDI-OX handily has a SysEx feature at "View" -> "SysEx"); temporarily remove B from MIDI-OX's output when sending MT32_Ch_9_11-16.syx
  5. Play MIDI into port A.

I guess you could setup one of the MIDI-OX outputs directly to MUNT, thus needing only 2 LoopMIDI ports, but mentally the above is a bit more straightforward and any latency might be more consistent when all data goes through similar routes.

My YouTube account, with miscellanous DOS game stuff: http://www.youtube.com/@LaukkuPaukku

Reply 23 of 23, by Falcosoft

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Rank l33t
Laukku wrote on 2024-04-13, 11:00:
Yes you can; I got it working using LoopMIDI and MIDI-OX. […]
Show full quote
Falcosoft wrote on 2022-10-27, 07:07:

Unfortunately you cannot do this with the standard Munt driver for Windows. You either need 2 real MT-32's or use Munt VSTi.

Yes you can; I got it working using LoopMIDI and MIDI-OX.

  1. Make 3 midi ports in LoopMIDI (let's call them A, B and C)
  2. In MIDI-OX set from "Options" -> "Midi Devices..." A as input with B and C as output
  3. In MUNT set from "Tools" -> "New MIDI port..." separate synth instances for B and C
  4. Send the SysEx attached earlier in this thread (MIDI-OX handily has a SysEx feature at "View" -> "SysEx"); temporarily remove B from MIDI-OX's output when sending MT32_Ch_9_11-16.syx
  5. Play MIDI into port A.

I guess you could setup one of the MIDI-OX outputs directly to MUNT, thus needing only 2 LoopMIDI ports, but mentally the above is a bit more straightforward and any latency might be more consistent when all data goes through similar routes.

Yes, you can do this with multiple Munt instances using the Qt interface. I was talking about the Windows driver/port that is single instance only.

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