First post, by drone16

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I bought a noname Yamaha YMF701 sound card, and have huge problem making it work in Win95.
It has SETUPSA.EXE DOS configuration utility in drivers. I assumed that when I set the IOADDR, IRQ, DMA in utility and press OK, setting are saved in the card itself and survive restart.
Is it true?

The card: Yamaha-YMF701-Sound-Card.jpg

All driver Readme's say that "New hardware found" should just pop up when Win95 is started. This never happens...

1. Install the card, boot Win95, run "Add New Hardware" from Control Panel: Nothing detected.
2. Add "SETUPSA.EXE /S" and "SET BLASTER" to "C:\autoexec.bat" and place "opl3sa.ini" and "Message.tbl" on C:\ too, card is detected by "Add New Hardware", but as "Creative Sound Blaster Pro"!
3. Forcing driver change to "Yamaha OPL3SA Sound Controller" hanged the system hard, I had to restore system from backup.

Is is necessary to run SETUPSA.EXE at Win95 boot? Or the card supposed to store its settings in card NVRAM?
I spent more than a day on this card. My ES688 is detected on first try, as ESS, Win95 installs correct ESS drivers.

SOLUTION: Mini guide to install YMF701 card on Win95. Many Thanks to @Tiido!
- Download YMF95.rar from Re: Jumperless, non-PnP ISA sound cards and Windows 95 hardware detection problem. Extract.
- Run YMFW95.EXE. It will extract Windows drivers into c:\windows\temp\sax, and DOS drivers into c:\Program Files\Yamaha\Yamaha SAx Driver\
- Copy DOS drivers to C:\DOS\YAMAHA. Add these lines to C:\Autoexec.bat: This will activate the card and Win95 will see it.
- Reboot. Run Control Panel --> Add New Hardware --> Want search? No --> Select category: Sound controllers --> Have Disk --> D:\ymf95\sasounf.inf
- Select "OPL3-SA Legacy Board"
- When it asks for files --> point it to c:\windows\temp\sax.
- Hopefully it will say "Windows can install your hardware using the following settings". Press Next until all done. Reboot and hear sounds 😀

Last edited by drone16 on 2024-05-21, 10:19. Edited 3 times in total.

1997 period correct retro PC build

Reply 1 of 14, by Rwolf

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I don't know this board, but it looks like this one from Addonics: https://hw.fagear.ru/yamaha-ymf701-s-addonics-a151-830/

You picture is a bit gritty, but there may be some stray solder around the empty socket, and maybe in other places...it may need some clean up.

Reply 2 of 14, by dominusprog

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What is this? can you upload a better photo?

The attachment Yamaha-YMF701-Sound-Card.jpg is no longer available

A-Trend ATC-1020 V1.1 ❇ Cyrix 6x86 150+ @ 120MHz ❇ 32MiB EDO RAM (8MiBx4) ❇ A-Trend S3 Trio64V2 2MiB
Aztech Pro16 II-3D PnP ❇ 8.4GiB Quantum Fireball ❇ Win95 OSR2 Plus!

Reply 3 of 14, by Tiido

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There is no presistent storage on the card where settings get stored by SETUPSA or any other conf util. You're supposed to run SETUPSA every time on boot of the computer, although Yamaha's Win95 driver should work even without doing that. That driver package should also do any setup necessary for things to work in windows itself. There are no drivers in Windows for this card.

YMF701 is not an ISAPnP, it is jumperless and software confed but it predates ISAPnP and will not be autodetected by any ISAPnP aware things such as Windows. Bear in mind this card requires 3x IRQs (WSS, SB, MPU), 3x DMAs (2 for WSS play and record, one for SBpro side) and because of that it is hard to get it running when there's much other hardware beside it. Later YMF711, 715, 718 and 719 are actual ISAPnP cards and have lesser resource requirements due to having ability to share the resources among internal components.

I have attached a driver package of the final version from Yamaha.

T-04YBSC, a new YMF71x based sound card & Official VOGONS thread about it
Newly made 4MB 60ns 30pin SIMMs ~
mida sa loed ? nagunii aru ei saa 😜

Reply 4 of 14, by drone16

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dominusprog wrote on 2024-05-12, 16:54:

What is this? can you upload a better photo?

Thanks guys. Better picture attached!

The attachment DSC_0752.JPG is no longer available

And the chip:

The attachment YMF701 chip.jpeg is no longer available
Last edited by drone16 on 2024-05-13, 02:56. Edited 1 time in total.

1997 period correct retro PC build

Reply 5 of 14, by drone16

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Tiido wrote on 2024-05-12, 17:20:

You're supposed to run SETUPSA every time on boot of the computer, although Yamaha's Win95 driver should work even without doing that.

So which one? Do I need to have Setupsa.exe in c:\autoexec.bat or Yamaha's Win95 driver should work without it? I'm confused.

Tiido wrote on 2024-05-12, 17:20:

That driver package should also do any setup necessary for things to work in windows itself. There are no drivers in Windows for this card.

Thanks, I'm now using your drivers. I ran the YMFW95.exe. It extracted Windows drivers into c:\windows\temp\sax, and DOS drivers into c:\Program Files\Yamaha\Yamaha SAx Driver\.
It also added "SET BLASTER=A220 I5 D1 T4" to c:\autoexec.bat
Then it rebooted. And nothing happened... I ran "Add New Hardware" and nothing was found.
What are my next steps plz?

Tiido wrote on 2024-05-12, 17:20:

YMF701 is not an ISAPnP, it is jumperless and software confed but it predates ISAPnP and will not be autodetected by any ISAPnP aware things such as Windows.

But why this table says YMF701 "Plug & Play ISA 1.0a = Yes"? Just trying to get to the bottom of this. BTW, my BIOS does not show detected ISA cards (i think it can only show PCI ones).

1997 period correct retro PC build

Reply 6 of 14, by Tiido

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Because this card is not PnP, automatic detection in "add new hardware" wizard will not do much. The driver installer should have set up stuff automatically, but since it didn't you have to go to actual Add hardware and manually select INF in the installation directory of the driver package.

Ideally SETUPSA is always ran before windows starts, especially if you want to have sound in DOS stuff if you decide not to boot into Windows. To have sound when restarting into MS-DOS mode you'll have to add it to DOSSTART.BAT file too.

That table is simply inaccurate. There's very little documentation of YMF701 (OPL3-SA), but it absolutely isn't a PnP device and it isn't like the remaining chips in the OPL3-SA family. YMF711/718 (OPL3-SA2) and YMF718/719 (OPL3-SA3) are actual ISAPnP cards and will be automatically found by Windows and should have relatively painless usage. My SETYMF util will work for them, but YMF701 is special and totally different and my software cannot support it. Maybe one day I'll try to reverse engineer it but that won't happen anytime soon.

T-04YBSC, a new YMF71x based sound card & Official VOGONS thread about it
Newly made 4MB 60ns 30pin SIMMs ~
mida sa loed ? nagunii aru ei saa 😜

Reply 7 of 14, by drone16

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Tiido wrote on 2024-05-13, 06:43:

... but since it didn't you have to go to actual Add hardware and manually select INF in the installation directory of the driver package.

I will try adding SETUPSA.EXE /S as a second line in c:\autoexec.bat (after SET BLASTER line), reboot and then I see 2 options:
a) try the "Add Hardware" dance with search for new hardware option.
b) directry install the inf from c:\windows\temp\sax (installer extracted Win drivers there)

Option b) is "forced" device install. Lemme try a) first (i think I've been there, it will find Sound Blaster Pro 😀

1997 period correct retro PC build

Reply 8 of 14, by drone16

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Tiido wrote on 2024-05-13, 06:43:

... Add hardware and manually select INF in the installation directory of the driver package.

My current c:\autoexec.bat


the /S switch tells it to load settings from "opl3sa.ini" in same dir.
It brings DOS-looking card settings page first time, press OK, it asks "Do you want to see this screen next time?", say No and all is good. Next boots are going without this screen.

This works, if I do "Add new hardware", and search for hardware, it produces cryptic error "Detection Manager error. Error in generic installer. OK" but proceeds. Then it shows you "We found hardware" screen with Details button.
When I press Details I see Sound Blaster Pro, but no "Have Disk" button, only Finish button. Pressing Finish installs Sound Blaster Pro. After reboot we have sound working.

Last edited by drone16 on 2024-05-13, 09:41. Edited 2 times in total.

1997 period correct retro PC build

Reply 9 of 14, by Tiido

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This isn't quite the right way, the Sound Blaster it found should be wholly ignored, it is the SBpro component of the card which DOS games would be using but the WSS side that gives 16bit sound is still missing.
Instead of making windows look for hardware you choose "select hardware manually", and then from there you get the "have disk" (after selecting a random device from the list) and then you can find the INF and hopefully get all the components of the card working. You'll have to remove the currently found SB first, or it'll interfere with the process. My memory is a bit hazy on the exact procedure and I don't have a 9x machine nearby to go over the process myself...

T-04YBSC, a new YMF71x based sound card & Official VOGONS thread about it
Newly made 4MB 60ns 30pin SIMMs ~
mida sa loed ? nagunii aru ei saa 😜

Reply 10 of 14, by drone16

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Tiido wrote on 2024-05-13, 08:35:

Instead of making windows look for hardware you choose "select hardware manually", and then from there you get the "have disk" (after selecting a random device from the list) and then you can find the INF and hopefully get all the components of the card working.

First, many thanks for the help!!!
1. Deleted SB in Device Manager.
2. Control Panel --> Add New Hardware --> Want search? No --> Select category: Sound controllers --> Have Disk --> D:\ymf95\sasounf.inf
3. Select device is shown:
4. Selecting Yamaha OPL3-SA Sound Controller
5. Asks for files - point it to c:\windows\temp\sax. All done, want to reboot? Yes.
6. Device is there in Device Manager, but not working, and no Resources tab in Properties:

Thats where I am for the past few days. Some chip this YMF701 😀
I tried selecting OPL3-SA Sound System - same result.

1997 period correct retro PC build

Reply 11 of 14, by Tiido

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You need to select the "OPL3-SA Legacy Board" and not the "Sound Controller", which is a subcomponent of the whole chip. Legacy Board should install all the different subcomponents automatically.

T-04YBSC, a new YMF71x based sound card & Official VOGONS thread about it
Newly made 4MB 60ns 30pin SIMMs ~
mida sa loed ? nagunii aru ei saa 😜

Reply 12 of 14, by drone16

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Rank Newbie
Tiido wrote on 2024-05-13, 09:02:

You need to select the "OPL3-SA Legacy Board" and not the "Sound Controller", which is a subcomponent of the whole chip. Legacy Board should install all the different subcomponents automatically.

Damn man, may you live many years 😀

Weird resource choices, but it works! I will adjust resources to be the default ones as they are in "opl3sa.ini".
And I will write install guide and put it in top post here 😀)

1997 period correct retro PC build