Reply 1020 of 3176, by anthony

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as i see, very limited quantity expected, thus manual assembly assumed. how much time consume 1 card to be assembled? quite a lot. plus charge for time spend for development and other things, plus some extra for exclusive, plus some profit

Reply 1021 of 3176, by shock__

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I see ... you followed the thread closely.
There's actually a price and a value ... while I can see a financial value being potentially higher than the targeted price, I'm aiming to keep with what I said - and actually build some light scalper protection into the board 😀

Current Project: new GUS PnP compatible soundcard


Reply 1022 of 3176, by anthony

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no, i'm not following thread. i'm just beholding newly developed devices for old hardware, especially consoles. there is price starts from $100 for quite basic things

btw, are you using 2 layer or more complicated design?

Reply 1023 of 3176, by shock__

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Those usually have a different approach generally being open to everyone or in one case causing a seemingly higher 'demand' than what's the case while having large backstock (rather than opt-in). I'm familiar with the devs of various other devices and can totally respect their pricefinding (ranges from fellow enthusiasts doing small DIY runs to commercially produced devices with a run of 7000 and multiple distributors [i.e. stoneagegamer] so far).

ARGUS is a 2 layer board - no need for 4 layers due to a moderate complexity.

Current Project: new GUS PnP compatible soundcard


Reply 1024 of 3176, by anthony

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inner layers in soundcards are powerplanes, they using for shielding and also acting as a capacitors . afaik from mid 90's only entry level cards used 2 layer design. i have awe64 gold, gus pnp, tropez plus and all of them are using large powerplanes inside pcb. awe64 value has 2 layers. i'd use 2 inner layers. one for dgnd/agnd and other for vccs

Reply 1025 of 3176, by shock__

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Shielding capacitors 😀

Somewhere around page 10 I've had that discussion already - feel free to read up on why I've decided to make this a 2 layer design (hint: cheaper, no benefits [I have a GUS PnP Rev. 3 which sounds _a lot_ worse than the ARGUS], moderate complexity).

Current Project: new GUS PnP compatible soundcard


Reply 1026 of 3176, by Kodai

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Oooohhh, the first hint about the sound quality really sounds great. The main reason I was so into this was the thin hope that I could finally get a GUS that didn't sound like a cat digging in a litter box (my GUS PnP Pro ver 1.0), or one that sounds as bad and takes a few hours to setup because of its proprietary design (my Compaq/STB GUS PnP Pro). That's why I was willing to donate one to you near the start of the project (to tear the little FU*KER down 🤣), but you had already had one. That's also why I wouldn't mind ripping out the rom's from them, to copy or or directly install them to the ARGUS to save a few bucks.

I see you are planning "light scalper protection", 🤣. I hope that wouldn't prevent sales that stay within the community. Personally I'll be going in the opposite direction and never selling/trading mine. They will be going in the ground with me when its my time to leave this earth. Mine, all mine, ha ha ha!

On a side note, I'd like to verify the bracket of choice. Is it going to be the Audition 32 bracket, or another?

Last edited by Kodai on 2017-01-12, 21:40. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 1027 of 3176, by shock__

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It's perfectly fine to part ways with the card if one wants to, without any financial loss for the seller and a reasonable amount extra for whatever reason ... I just don't want to see the cards for sale on eBay/amibay 3 weeks (or 6 months *hint to 'CommanderMovie'*) after I delivered them for 800% of what I charged.

Current Project: new GUS PnP compatible soundcard


Reply 1028 of 3176, by jarreboum

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One thing to shunt the scalpers is to keep the production alive 😉

Quite often these amateur hardware projects are one-off, and if you're late to the party then you have no other choice but to bend over for scalpers. I had it happened to me for limited physical runs of amateur games on ancient machines and I'm just kicking myself on "why wasn't I following the scene one year ago?" Sometimes you just leave for six months, because something else grabbed your attention, and, well, "nothing much happen usually anyway". And then bam, that one project you followed when it started and you kind of forgot about it because it was years ago, got released and sold out in a couple of months.

It's just a general rant not directed towards you, I guess I just got burned one too many times.

Reply 1029 of 3176, by phosgene

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Fantastic project shock__!

I spent yesterday evening reading through this thread, and I've learned a lot as a result. It's very impressive the amount of work you've put into this, and is part of the reason why I registered an account here. So kudos to you!

Reply 1030 of 3176, by brostenen

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Rank l33t++

It would indeed be a shame, to see one of these cards go for sale on eBay for 600% of the original price.
As much as I like GUS cards, I have no use for one. I just wanted to say that I hope this will be for the community only.

Don't eat stuff off a 15 year old never cleaned cpu cooler.
Those cakes make you sick....

My blog: http://to9xct.blogspot.dk
My YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/brostenen

001100 010010 011110 100001 101101 110011

Reply 1031 of 3176, by Phreeze

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anthony's calculation is not realistic. for 150$ people just buy used GUS cards 😉

I'd like to donate to,to be able to be in one of the batches, I'd like 3 cards too (yep,every retro PC must have them,and i have some fancy PCs 😉 )

ArGUS Parts list: http://bit.ly/2Ddf89V

Reply 1032 of 3176, by matze79

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Just look for the SSI-2001 replica wo was found on Ebay for very high price tag...

I also do some projects from which i have no benefit except for supporting the community.
And all files are freely avaible so everyone can build them.

But i don't want to see them selled at all and some shopkeeper gaining all the money for the work i invested..

https://www.retrokits.de - blog, retro projects, hdd clicker, diy soundcards etc
https://www.retroianer.de - german retro computer board

Reply 1033 of 3176, by shock__

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phreeze (and everyone about to ask) - donations are no longer accepted (which were accepted to fund the project). Wait for the second batch which will be priced a bit higher than the current one which will be just material costs.

Current Project: new GUS PnP compatible soundcard


Reply 1034 of 3176, by shock__

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Not exactly an update, but still something awesome I'd like to share.


IC cracked and photographed by Zer0X

Current Project: new GUS PnP compatible soundcard


Reply 1036 of 3176, by elianda

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There have been probably some pieces of 'small' art not yet found on chips. 😀

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DVI2PCIe alignment and 2D image quality measurement tool

Reply 1037 of 3176, by QBiN

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hard1k wrote:

Wow, incredible!!!
Now we know that InterWave was born in Texas! 😀

Throughout the 80's and 90's, the Richardson area (suburb of Dallas) was known as the "Silicon Prairie". Companies like Texas Instruments, Cyrix, id Software, and others called it home. This combined with the Austin area companies like Dell, Compaq, Motorola, and AMD have played a huge part of not only Texas' history, but the whole world's.

Reply 1038 of 3176, by Predator99

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Rank l33t

Wow, cool 😀