I built the AdLib reproduction card

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Reply 20 of 22, by matze79

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Rank l33t

I also build one with small differences, i used different pot.
I did not want to pay 10$ + for Potentiometer.

It works nicely.


Here is also 3D Print Version of the Slot Cover.

https://www.retrokits.de - blog, retro projects, hdd clicker, diy soundcards etc
https://www.retroianer.de - german retro computer board

Reply 21 of 22, by Robin4

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Rank l33t

Thank you.

~ At least it can do black and white~

Reply 22 of 22, by root42

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Rank l33t
MJay99 wrote on 2023-01-01, 10:47:
In the project's README on https://github.com/schlae/adlib there's a link to a mouser basket root42 created. You need to find r […]
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Robin4 wrote on 2023-01-01, 03:43:

Is there a genuine parts list to order parts from?

In the project's README on https://github.com/schlae/adlib there's a link to a mouser basket root42 created.
You need to find replacements for a number of resistors (as they're a minimum order of 200, at least now...) and the 74LS 245 logic IC, as that's currently out-of-stock, it seems.
But none of those should be an issue to source from mouser, too.

Yeah, I haven't updated the basket in years. So maybe someone should update it and share a new link.

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80486DX@33 MHz, 16 MiB RAM, Tseng ET4000 1 MiB, SnarkBarker & GUSar Lite, PC MIDI Card+X2+SC55+MT32, OSSC