First post, by peklop
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why is ibm MWave chip ignored by vintage computing community?
i know many people hated mWave but now it can be "NV1 of the sound cards"
I read about many interesting features
- fully programable DSP processor
- ISA, MCA, PCMCIA (and PCI?) busses. Later cards with PnP.
- software upgradeable by program for DSP
- small but fast SRAM memory instead of DRAM
- scalable power between sound and modem features
- relative good wavetable (with small onboard memory)
- OVERCLOCKING (interesting feature for sound card')
- 16bit audio, wavetable, modem. All inside one chip from end of the 1992 year.
- bad drivers
- DOS problem, Windows 95/98 problems.
- good working only under under Win 3.1 and OS/2?
- bad Sound Blaster emulation
- no FM chip (true Adlib compatibility)
- modem problems. slow and unstable
- class action lawsuit
- Texas Instruments drop
- piece of crap
- and more..
Now i reading articles about mWave cards. Must have hardware.
I'll have a lot of questions 😀 .