First post, by retro games 100

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I understand that the Studio version is "enchanced", but what is the / are the enhancement(s) over the 'regular' P.A.S card? Thanks a lot for any comments! 😀

Reply 1 of 10, by dionb

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That 'enhanced' is from the Wikipedia article, but doesn't cite sources. Another take, although not exactly a primary source either: http://nerdlypleasures.blogspot.com/2017/01/a … -crown-pro.html

The Pro Audio Studio 16 uses the same card as the PAS16, but comes with voice recognition software.

I certainly haven't been able to find any differences and the drivers are definitely interchangeable - my Pro Audio Spectrum 16 detects as a Pro Audio Studio 16 when running the Studio drivers...

Reply 2 of 10, by retro games 100

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Thanks. Please can you tell me how to identify the PAS16, from the PAS Studio card? Is there a difference in the FCC ID / Part Numner, for instance? Thanks a lot.

BTW, thanks to everyone who replies to my questions on this amazing website. This is such a great place to discuss vintage PC hardware.

Reply 3 of 10, by bristlehog

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retro games 100 wrote:

Please can you tell me how to identify the PAS16, from the PAS Studio card? Is there a difference in the FCC ID / Part Numner, for instance?

Pro Audio Studio cards are those with part numbers 650-0060 (FCC ID: IXW-PAR), 650-0082 (IXW-LMSI2), 650-0091 (don't know the FCC ID) and 650-0097 (FCC ID: IXW-SCSI 1-1). It is easy to differentiate them from Pro Audio Spectrum 16 as they have four audio jacks instead of three.

The 650-0097 card has a daughterboard header and doesn't need a -5V power line, unlike the earlier cards.

Last edited by bristlehog on 2019-05-08, 07:01. Edited 1 time in total.

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Reply 4 of 10, by retro games 100

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Nice! Thanks! 😀

Reply 6 of 10, by dionb

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bristlehog wrote:

You can find some additional info here: MediaVision Pro Audio Studio XL.

That muddies rather than clarifies the waters. You say the 'Studio' cards have four jacks, not three, but the first one in that thread has three. Also, my Spectrum, with FCC IXW-PAR - and four jacks - is listed there as a Studio. And again, which card it identifies as depends on the driver I use...

Reply 7 of 10, by bristlehog

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dionb wrote:

You say the 'Studio' cards have four jacks, not three, but the first one in that thread has three.

My mistake. Only 650-0060 and 650-0091 have four jacks. Other Studio cards have three.

dionb wrote:

Also, my Spectrum, with FCC IXW-PAR - and four jacks - is listed there as a Studio. And again, which card it identifies as depends on the driver I use...

I'm not sure I get your idea here. IXW-PAR is a Studio card. It is (or so I think) fully backwards compatible with Pro Audio Spectrum 16, so it is no miracle that you can install Spectrum drivers which will report that you have a Spectrum card, since they are not yet aware of Studio cards.

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Reply 8 of 10, by badmojo

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I use the Studio driver package (VogonDrivers) with both my Studio and Spectrum cards and it works fine. The only difference I’ve noticed b/w PAS16s is the mixer, which seems to have changed over time. I say this because I’ve attempted to use the wrong mixer software in the past and levels are all messed up and settings are not saved.

Life? Don't talk to me about life.

Reply 9 of 10, by Cloudschatze

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Excluding the 650-0097, the Pro AudioStudio cards have additional mixer functionality beyond that of a standard PAS16, including the ability to completely shut-off the recording bus monitor (rather than just attenuating the volume), gain boost for the CD-ROM and Line inputs, and an "A/B switch," which I don't recall being able to determine the function of, and suspect to be some vestigial component of the non-existent DSP expansion board. In addition, there is a "Pro Studio Mode" setting, which simply disables all mixer I/O except for the microphone input and the (PAS) digital audio output.

Reply 10 of 10, by Tenorman

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Good thread. I've always wondered about this myself, but was unable to find any specific information about how the Studio was better outside of the bundled software.

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