EMU Proteus/1 support for Sierra games?

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First post, by macroexp

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Hello fellow retroheads!

There is a file on sierrahelp.com and in the VOGONS file areas called "GENMIDI.Zip" or the like - it adds General MIDI support to Sierra games that didn't originally support it. In the read me, it says:

Sierra On-Line provides after-market support for General MIDI,
EMU Proteus/1, Roland D110, and Roland D10, D20 series
synthesizers through the GENMIDI.DRV driver and the appropriate
patch file (.PAT).

It appears though, that over time the file was "cleaned" of all the .PAT files except the General MIDI (e.g. SQ1_GM.PAT) files. The readme gives the names of the patch files for the Proteus/1 (e.g. SQ1_PRO1.PAT) and the Roland (e.g. SQ1_D110.PAT) devices, but I have had absolutely zero luck finding them. I have a perfectly good Proteus/1 connected to my dos machine, and it's just begging to be used to play Space Quest 1!

I would guess that if there's a mirror of the old Sierra On-Line BBS somewhere, it might have the original "full" zip. Thoughts? Pointers?

Reply 1 of 36, by cyclone3d

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Even as far back as 2001, those .PAT files were not included in the Sierra GenMIDI pack.

See here:
http://web.archive.org/web/20010830215435/htt … /Utilities.html

Maybe they were a separate download.

Yamaha modified setupds and drivers
Yamaha XG repository
YMF7x4 Guide

Reply 3 of 36, by cyclone3d

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Take a look here:

From the looks of this, it sounds to me like some of those patch files were included with some of the games:

Okay, did some research on "Sierra On-Line's after-market support for General MIDI". Thanks for the hint md5, this stuff should really make its way into next ScummVM README 😀

Anyway, not sure why the file got named SQ1GMPAT but for ScummVM it has to be either 4.PAT in the game directory or SQ1_GM.PAT in extras path. If anyone wants to use DOSBox and the GM DRV files, it has to be the first option. There's a READ.ME in the package that explains things pretty well. I'm quite happy with the result, PC-speaker and FM-synth music is how I remember my first contact with Sierra games but I have to say General MIDI is nice too.

However, this update is only for few selected games and Police Quest 2 is not on the list. But, on my CD, there are some additional files for this game as well. Those are PATCH.000 and PATCH.101. And there is a READ.ME included as well but I can't quite figure it out. This is what it says:

Old System Patches shipped on Disk:

Patch.001 MT-32 (LAPC-I, CM32-L, CM64)
Patch.002 IMF/FB01
Patch.003 Adlib/SoundBlaster
Patch.004 Casio MT540/CT460
Patch.007 Casio CSM-1
Patch.101 CMS

BBS Support:

Patch.000 D110/10/20

New System Patches Shipped on Disk:

Patch.001 MT-32 (LAPC-I, CM32-L, CM64)
Patch.003 Adlib/SoundBlaster
Patch.101 CMS

BBS Support:

Patch.002 IMF/FB01

MIDI.EXE sysex loader is used to load patches for other devices. Devices
supported in this manner:

Roland D110 (Patches named: KQ5D110, QFG2D110, etc...)
Roland D10/20 (Patches named: KQ5D20, QFG2D20, etc...)
EMU Proteus/1 (Patches named: KQ5PRO1, QFG2PRO1, etc...)
EMU Proteus/2 (Patches named: KQ5PRO2, QFG2PRO2, etc...)

These patches must be loaded into the device before playing the game by
using MIDI.EXE. D-110/10/20's must always be set to unit #18 in order to
receive the sysex massage. EMU Proteus/1 & Proteus/2 must be set to Unit
00. Run MIDI and load the appropriate patch. Run the Sierra game using the
MT-32 driver.

NOTE: Casio is not supported as of yet in the new system. However, there
are plans to support some of their devices in the future. The Music
Department will keep the BBS up to date as new drivers and patches become


GAME 000 001 002 003 004 007 101
Camelot X X X X X X X
Hoyles X
Oils X
Show last 14 lines
Silph     X
Sorc X X X X X X X

NEW SYSTEM Extra Patches/Drivers

GAME D110 D10/20 Prot1 Prot2 IMF
Jones X X
Stellar X
Thex2 X X

Yamaha modified setupds and drivers
Yamaha XG repository
YMF7x4 Guide

Reply 4 of 36, by cyclone3d

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Here is something interesting. It seems that Windows 3.1 has a Proteus/1 General MIDI setup built in:
https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/bit.l … c-l/cC3uDmGR68I

Maybe just use that and the Regular General MIDI driver for the Sierra games.

And here is a place that has some Proteus/2 Sierra game sysex patches:

Yamaha modified setupds and drivers
Yamaha XG repository
YMF7x4 Guide

Reply 5 of 36, by bristlehog

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Rank Oldbie

I don't think you can force Proteus/1 to be GM compatible simply by altering its patch map. It has an ability to renumber its patches, but this doesn't apply to drum sets. And while Proteus/1 has several drum sets, none of them are GM compatible.

Windows 3.1 drivers solve this problem by substituting drum keynotes on the fly using a remap table (or so I think). Thus, you can't make Proteus/1 GM compatible without making a dedicated driver that would perform these drum shenanigans. If Sierra somehow did it nevertheless, I applause them but I have no idea how it could be possible.

Anyway, you can take Proteus/ 1XR GM patch set from here: http://files.mpoli.fi/unpacked/hardware/sound … urt/msnd95.zip/. You need genmidi.mpp which is (I believe) a raw Proteus SYSEX patchset with some header. I think it won't help you with drums, but still you may find some use for it.

Here you can get fantastic wallpapers created by a friend of mine: patreon.com/Unpocodrillo

Reply 6 of 36, by cyclone3d

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Here is an interesting bit from the readme out of genmidi.exe

The attachment genmidi.zip is no longer available

1) The GENMIDI.DRV driver is designed to work with a Roland
MPU-401/IPC or compatible MIDI interface. If you wish
to use a Pro Audio Spectrum MIDI interface with your MediaVision
ProAudio Spectrum card, you will need to use the GENMIDMV.DRV
driver instead of the GENMIDI.DRV driver.

2) All of Sierra's newest adventure games include a General Midi
driver. If you have an EMU PROTEUS/1 or a Roland D110, D10 or D20,
you can use the included General MIDI driver on these newer games
if you re-map your synth to the General Midi standard.

General MIDI Patch Mapping:

1   Acoustic Piano	44  Contra Bass		87  5th Saw Wave
2 Bright Piano 45 Tremolo Bass 88 Bass & Lead
3 Electric Piano 46 Pizzicato strings 89 Fantasia
4 Honky Tonk Piano 47 Orchestral Harp 90 Warm Pad
5 Rhodes Piano 48 Timpani 91 Polysynth
6 Chorus Piano 49 String Ensemble 1 92 Space Voice
7 Harpsichord 50 String Ensemble 2 93 Bowed Glass
8 Clavinet 51 Synth Strings 1 94 Metal Pad
9 Celesta 52 Synth Strings 2 95 Halo Pad
10 Glockenspiel 53 Choir Aahs 96 Sweep Pad
11 Music Box 54 Voice Ooohs 97 Ice Rain
12 Vibraphone 55 Synth Voice 98 Soundtrack
13 Marimba 56 Orchestra Hit 99 Crystal
14 Xylophone 57 Trumpet 100 Atmosphere
15 Tubular bells 58 Trombone 101 Brightness
16 Dulcimer 59 Tuba 102 Goblin
17 Organ 1 60 Muted Trumpet 103 Echo Drops
18 Organ 2 61 French Horn 104 Star Theme
19 Organ 3 62 Brass 1 105 Sitar
20 Church Organ 1 63 Synth Brass 1 106 Banjo
21 Reed Organ 64 Synth Brass 2 107 Shamisen
22 Accordian Fr 65 Soprano Sax 108 Koto
23 Harmonica 66 Alto Sax 109 Kalimba
24 Bandneon 67 Tenor Sax 110 Bag Pipe
25 Nylon-str. Gt 68 Baritone Sax 111 Fiddle
26 Steel-str. Gt 69 Oboe 112 Shanai
27 Jazz Gt 70 English Horn 113 Tinkle Bell
28 Clean Gt 71 Bassoon 114 Agogo
29 Muted Gt 72 Clarinet 115 Steel Drums
30 Overdrive Gt 73 Piccolo 116 Woodblock
31 Distortion Gt 74 Flute 117 Taiko
32 Gt Harmonics 75 Recorder 118 Melo Tom 1
33 Acoustic Bs 76 Pan Flute 119 Synth Drum
34 Fingered Bs 77 Bottle Blow 120 Reverse Cym
35 Picked Bs 78 Shakuhachi 121 Gt FretNoise
36 Fretless Bs 79 Whistle 122 Breath Noise
37 Slap Bass 1 80 Ocarina 123 Seashore
38 Slap Bass 2 81 Square Wave 124 Bird
39 Synth Bass 1 82 Saw Wave 125 Telephone 1
40 Synth Bass 2 83 Syn Calliope 126 Helicopter
41 Violin 84 Chiffer Lead 127 Applause
42 Viola 85 Charang 128 Gun Shot
43 Cello 86 Solo Vox

Yamaha modified setupds and drivers
Yamaha XG repository
YMF7x4 Guide

Reply 7 of 36, by Phantom

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darry wrote on 2020-04-01, 01:20:

If the dates are to be trusted , the non-GM .pat files were not included as far back as 1993 .

cyclone3d wrote on 2020-04-01, 00:30:

Maybe they were a separate download.

That's probably correct, because in Interaction Magazine, June of 1993, Page 71, it talks about aftermarket patches on the BBS: https://archive.org/details/InterAction_Magaz … ge/n69/mode/2up

And besides GENMIDI.EXE (which is the self-extracting original archive) it also lists:

GEND110.EXE - D110 General MIDI Driver
GENPRO1.EXE - General MIDI Driver for Proteus/1 synthesizer

Unfortunately even with those filenames to search for, I still cannot find anything, so perhaps these files never made it onto the internet.

(Sorry for the thread necro, but I'm hoping this "new" info might help us find these patches some day)

Reply 8 of 36, by Schule04

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Rank Member
bristlehog wrote on 2020-04-01, 12:31:

I don't think you can force Proteus/1 to be GM compatible simply by altering its patch map. It has an ability to renumber its patches, but this doesn't apply to drum sets. And while Proteus/1 has several drum sets, none of them are GM compatible.

Windows 3.1 drivers solve this problem by substituting drum keynotes on the fly using a remap table (or so I think). Thus, you can't make Proteus/1 GM compatible without making a dedicated driver that would perform these drum shenanigans. If Sierra somehow did it nevertheless, I applause them but I have no idea how it could be possible.

Anyway, you can take Proteus/ 1XR GM patch set from here: http://files.mpoli.fi/unpacked/hardware/sound … urt/msnd95.zip/. You need genmidi.mpp which is (I believe) a raw Proteus SYSEX patchset with some header. I think it won't help you with drums, but still you may find some use for it.

It appears that the Turtle Beach MultiSound Classic sound card really has a full Proteus 1XR on board. Apart from the header, the Proteus factory sysex for the card is identical to the one for the 1XR module.
I removed the header from the GM sysex and loaded it into my Proteus FX, which is essentially a Proteus 1+Orchestral, which is essentially a Proteus 1XR with additional samples from the Proteus 2.
The sysex works and gives GM compatibility. It uses the "Rock Drums" preset for drums. The downside is that it only uses the Proteus1 samples, which don't recreate certain instruments well.

To summarize, here are the GM options for Proteus owners that I know of:

Proteus 1 "Pop/Rock"
: only has 64 user presets, not enough for a GM remap. Apparently the Win3.1 driver can be used for remapping on the fly.

Proteus 1/XR: you can use the GM sysex from Turtle Beach Multisound Classic, I attached it here without the header

Proteus 2 or 3: not compatible, they are specialized and lack many instruments

Proteus 1 plus Orchestral: E-MU sold a preset disk called "3107 – General MIDI" but it's not on the internet. You might also be able to use the 1/XR preset file with its limitations.

Proteus FX: E-MU sold a preset disk called " 3123 – General MIDI". Someone on Gearspace claims to have it but doesn't react to messages. 1/XR presets also work but don't sound great.

UltraProteus: E-MU sold a ROM card with sysex for GM compatibility. Someone on Gearspace dumped the cards, they can be found here. Not exactly GM compatible, "Applause" and "Gunshot" instead store drum maps.

Proteus 1000/2000 and other newer E-MU modules that accept SIMM ROMS: can apparently be made GM compatible by adding the "Sounds of the ZR" ROM card, which contains the sounds of the Ensoniq ZR-76, which should sound very similar to other Ensoniq synths like the MR-Rack but not like a Proteus.

Reply 9 of 36, by RetroGamer4Ever

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Rank Oldbie

Now, I'm curious to know how these exotic synths sound with Sierra titles. Maybe someone will do some recording in the future.

Reply 10 of 36, by Spikey

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RetroGamer4Ever wrote on 2024-03-10, 20:16:

Now, I'm curious to know how these exotic synths sound with Sierra titles. Maybe someone will do some recording in the future.

If the patch maps existed and could be found, it would be possible 😉 I'd like to hear them too. Although it's worth pointing out that all of these involve the original MT-32 or SC-55 (GM) sequences being used, nothing new was made for these synths. Just drivers that translate the existing MIDI files for these devices.

I plan on doing some D-110 recordings in the near(ish) future, at the very least.

Reply 11 of 36, by florian3

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I have an UltraProteus and the GM mappings ROM. Could make recordings if anyone is interested.

Reply 12 of 36, by Spikey

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Rank Oldbie

Yes please! 😀 UltraProteus is definitely on my want list.

Reply 13 of 36, by dionb

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Rank l33t++

Just thinking out loud here... the limiting factor on the Proteus 1 for GM is its ability to remap via Sysex, and the Win 3.1 driver can work around that by re-mapping on the fly. The re-mapping needed is known. In computational terms this is not complex. There are MIDI libraries for Arduino. It sounds - superficially - feasible to hook an Arduino up with MIDI input and output, read the incoming MIDI stream, remap it and then retransmit the remapped stream. Insert that between PC and Proteus 1 and things could get interesting...

I have far too many projects, but having a crack at this sort of appeals.

Reply 14 of 36, by florian3

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Spikey wrote on 2024-03-12, 06:23:

Yes please! 😀 UltraProteus is definitely on my want list.

Are you interested in any specific games?

Reply 15 of 36, by Spikey

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Rank Oldbie
florian3 wrote on 2024-03-13, 00:21:
Spikey wrote on 2024-03-12, 06:23:

Yes please! 😀 UltraProteus is definitely on my want list.

Are you interested in any specific games?

Leisure Suit Larry 6, King's Quest 6, QFG4 would all be fun! But anything you feel like doing. 😀

Reply 16 of 36, by RetroGamer4Ever

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I don't know if any of us are familiar enough with the synth and it's sounds to have a suggestion, but the QuestStudios GM MIDI files are certainly a good place to start, if you want to take a crack at recording. The "long-take" soundtrack versions are the best way to show off the gamut of instruments and the capabilities of the synth, but the individual track files are probably easier to work with and record. Another possibility is the Runescape MIDIs, which certainly use a variety of instruments and styles.

Reply 17 of 36, by florian3

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Rank Newbie

Here is a recording of Kings Quest VI Soundtrack played on UltraProteus with GM settings ROM card.
MIDI file downloaded from karlsitretro.com. According to the .txt this MIDI file is originally from Quest Studios.
https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/dqq67vs ... vya6k&dl=0

Reply 18 of 36, by RetroGamer4Ever

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I'm listening to it now, about 15-minutes deep. The quality is definitely there, given the E-MU pedigree, though it sounds a bit different to me cause the balancing of sounds is different with the SoundFont and softsynth MIDI playback that I use. That being said, I can certainly hear the E-MU DNA in this that is also in the 28MB Creative SoundFont file that I prefer to use, which is based on E-MU sounds. If you want to try some other variety-filled whole soundtrack recordings from QS, I recommend QFG3, QFG4, LSL3, LSL5, LSL6, SQ1, SQ4, SQ5, and the Codename: Iceman GM soundtrack file, which is great for modern instruments and styles.

Reply 19 of 36, by Spikey

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Out of all of those, I'll recommend specifically QFG3, QFG4, SQ5, LSL6 which are actually GM-composed games and edited fairly well.

Thanks florian. Haven't listened yet but I will check it out!