So I had go back to this problem again. After few minutes of using this card back in 2020 it stopped to give any sound loud enough.. same problem - corrupted sound + very very silent. At that time I had no more juke to work on it 😀
Lately I put a diagnose that amp went down... After change: NO MORE PROBLEMS... So if somebody has an Aztech card and chip TDA1517 having similar problems, change this one and You should bring it to life again.
By the way.. IMO this is the best ISA soundcard for DOS gaming. No clicking, very loud, compatibilty with SB, SB16, SB PRO, and it has Wavefront chip on it so I can enjoy and play dos games in 2022... With totally new experience. I highly recommend this card, which btw is WaveRider32+ version. I will do some YT material about this one later one as it really deserve it.
Well... I miss 80/90s ... End of story