UPDATE: Finally got some stuff working with the ICD.
Half-Life: (D3D)
No major problems except for some minor texture corruption that occurs (noticeable when moving). Runs around 15-20 fps
Half-Life: Opposing Force (OpenGL ICD)
No major problems. Runs around 20-25 fps (peak)
MDK2: (OpenGL ICD)
Title screen and loading screens all appear white. Some loading screens still okay. Cutscenes seem okay. Some textures look wrong. Runs about 5-15 fps
Quake 2: (MiniGL)
No problems here. Like vQuake and GLQuake, default gamma is very dark. I don't know what's worse - the darkness or the over-exposed brightness that the Voodoo2 reference drivers give by default.
Quake 3 Arena: (ICD)
Here's where it got really fun. Locks up in fullscreen mode. Only runs in windowed mode - had to modify the config file to start up that way. Title screen appears blank, only showing menu options. Runs about 10-15 fps when no bots are around
Serious Sam: The Second Encounter (ICD)
Game does not recognize the graphics card (only the name of the card from the OpenGL driver). Locks up in fullscreen mode. Only runs in windowed mode - had to modify the Safe Mode script and start up using that. Trees and other transparent objects look funny (lack of per-pixel MIP mapping?). Changing weapons is like watching a slideshow. Runs about 1-10 fps.
Other stuff that didn't work:
Doom 64 EX: Complains about missing OpenGL extension (using ICD)
Soldier of Fortune Platinum: Freezes upon starting up (using ICD)
Unreal Tournament GOTY: D3D mode reverts to software mode, OpenGL renderer crashes game (ICD)
I'm also aware that there's a beta OpenGL renderer for the original Unreal, however, it doesn't seem to work with newer versions. I don't have a "non-Gold" copy.
Need to find some more RRedline/Speedy3D games too. The only other game that I have that seems to have an RRedline renderer is MechWarrior 2 Titanium (which itself is based off the Mercs engine), though it looks just about the same as D3D mode.
2D is also surprisingly clean and sharp at my LCD monitor's 1280×1024 native resolution. Still some noticeable "weaving" occurs, but it's not to the point of annoyance. Also successfully flashed the card's BIOS so that it effectively becomes a V2200, but it doesn't really make much of a difference.
GUIs and reviews of other random stuff
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