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First post, by Pingaloka

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HI guys, I'm running a Pentium 233MMX with Ms-Dos. Sound setup is a SB16 + NEC xr385.
I can't seem getting Blood to sound correctly.
FX are ok, and MIDI is recognized. Music sound, but it is awful, it sounds like is using the wrong instruments. There is a video on Youtube where you can listen to the game with a SB16 + xr385 setup and it sounds just fine!


Well, It doesn't in my computer, the base is done by a different instrument, a Piano overlapping the main Piano!! No idea what's going on.
BTW the NEX XR385 sounds fine and correct with any other games.
Any thoughts?

Reply 3 of 6, by Pingaloka

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Hi guys, I know this is a very old thread. But I haven't been able to get the sound right with General Midi in Blood.
I have downloaded the patch, I run the patch, but I don't know how to apply "MIDI_fix.ips" to "sounds.rff"
Will the CD version solve this problem getting the sound out of the CD?