Adventure remakes poll

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Reply 20 of 25, by robertmo3

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Rank Oldbie

this is how it looks now

Space Quest 1       - point and click  &  complete gfx remake
Space Quest 2 - point and click & complete gfx remake
Space Quest 3 - point and click & complete gfx remake

Quest for Glory 1 - point and click & complete gfx remake
Quest for Glory 2 - point and click & complete gfx remake

King's Quest 1 - point and click & complete gfx remake
King's Quest 2 - point and click & complete gfx remake
King's Quest 3 - point and click & complete gfx remake
King's Quest 4 - point and click or 256 colours

Police Quest 1 - point and click & complete gfx remake
Police Quest 2 - point and click & 256 colours

Larry 1 - point and click & complete gfx remake
Larry 2 - point and click or 256 colours
Larry 3 - point and click & 256 colours

Gold Rush - point and click & complete gfx remake
Colonel's Bequest - point and click & 256 colours
Black Cauldron - point and click & 16 colours
Code name: Iceman - mouse looking & 256 colours
Conquest Of Camelot - mouse looking & 256 colours
Les Manley 1 - text parser & complete gfx remake
Altered Destiny - text parser & complete gfx remake
Last edited by robertmo3 on 2024-04-21, 15:02. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 21 of 25, by kolderman

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Rank l33t

Just build a retro PC and play the real thing.

Reply 22 of 25, by robertmo3

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Rank Oldbie

some people say dithered gfx simulate tree leaves and grass
well.. it does in some way...
https://www.mobygames.com/game/97/wonderland/ … ots/dos/612246/

but than you see not dithered version
https://www.mobygames.com/game/97/wonderland/ … tari-st/620075/

i think this is a nice example of dithered vs not dithered graphics comparison

Reply 23 of 25, by kolderman

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Rank l33t

Both beautiful in their own ways...

Reply 24 of 25, by robertmo3

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Rank Oldbie

this is how it looks now:

Space Quest 1       - point and click  &  complete gfx remake
Space Quest 2 - point and click & complete gfx remake
Space Quest 3 - point and click & complete gfx remake

Quest for Glory 1 - point and click & complete gfx remake
Quest for Glory 2 - point and click & complete gfx remake

King's Quest 1 - point and click & complete gfx remake
King's Quest 2 - point and click & complete gfx remake
King's Quest 3 - point and click & complete gfx remake
King's Quest 4 - point and click or 256 colours

Police Quest 1 - point and click & complete gfx remake
Police Quest 2 - point and click & 256 colours

Larry 1 - point and click & complete gfx remake
Larry 2 - point and click or 256 colours
Larry 3 - point and click & 256 colours

Gold Rush - point and click & complete gfx remake
Colonel's Bequest - point and click & 256 colours
Black Cauldron - point and click & 16 colours
Code name: Iceman - mouse looking & 256 colours
Conquest Of Camelot - mouse looking & 256 colours
Les Manley 1 - text parser & complete gfx remake
Altered Destiny - text parser & complete gfx remake

and this is how it looked originally (all in 16 colours):

Space Quest 1       -  mac mouse looking & menu with verbs/modifiers/nouns
Space Quest 2 - mac mouse looking & menu with verbs/modifiers/nouns
Space Quest 3 - text parser

Quest For Glory 1 - mouse looking
Quest For Glory 2 - mouse looking

King's Quest 1 - mac mouse looking & menu with verbs/modifiers/nouns or mouse looking
King's Quest 2 - mac mouse looking & menu with verbs/modifiers/nouns
King's Quest 3 - mac mouse looking & menu with verbs/modifiers/nouns
King's Quest 4 - text parser

Police Quest 1 - mac mouse looking & menu with verbs/modifiers/nouns
Police Quest 2 - text parser

Larry 1 - mac mouse looking & menu with verbs/modifiers/nouns
Larry 2 - text parser
Larry 3 - text parser

Gold Rush! - mac mouse looking & menu with verbs/modifiers/nouns
Colonel's Bequest - mouse looking
Black Cauldron - text parser
Code name: Iceman - mouse looking
Conquest of Camelot - mouse looking

Reply 25 of 25, by hilram

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Rank Newbie

Loom would be a nice game to have a remaster, since LucasArts completely botched their CD-rom / VGA remake. I boutht it on Steam to play with my children, and could not believe what i saw. It is inferior to the EGA original in complexity, art and dialouge. It deserves a proper remake.