First post, by ruthan

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other forgotten Slovak games from 2005, in overall it looks like reuse of their Conan Dark Axe engine (2004):

With highres and AA x16 its still look pretty nice and its running on Windows 10 after Starforce fixing. Afaik is not available digitally anywhere, only first installment was added recently to Steam, but its not good game - its static camera hell (from other TDK Swedish team), not played for me. Second installment has normal 3rd person camera "only" weird controls.
Update: Its on Green man gaming https://www.greenmangaming.com/games/knights- … f-the-temple-2/ but for now its expensive - 20E. Graphic is nice, but 2005 game with few lines of text without voiceover sucks 🙁 Music is nice from games music perspective.

Core gameplay:
- medieval (yeah with Romans and fantasy mess: ( ) 3rd person hack and slash with leveling and use of items, some bring me XY quests and even some choices in dialogs - i dunno if they have real effects. And there are some puzzles, which cant broke game pacing 🙁

1) Widescreen support- There is some wide screen fix ( https://www.pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Knights_of_the_Temple_II) - to be honest 4:3 with 19220x1440 (which is luckily supported) its fine for me. But this fix is broken aspect ratio, so its useless, to use it replace main exe (i highly suspect that its also removing Starforce) and set game to 640x480 (game use other target resolution). Fix is made just by dirty HEX fix, so for every resolution you need other version of patched exe.

2) Cursor is leaving monitor - Most annoying, i dunno if this problem only on multiple monitor setups (i have 3, 3x 1440p, 144Hz), but mouse cursor is not locked in game window, so can be mouse all other monitor and when it is game, game lost focus and its not classic few pixels problem.. cursor could move to opposite edge on other monitor. So mouse look is really impossible.
Disable other monitors is big PITA, not real solution, i like to have videos, manuals and games notes on them.
Solved: through Cursor Lock utility. - http://www.snakebytestudios.com/projects/apps/cursor-lock/ - its working, its just create new shorcut for game start.

3) Proper Keyboard+Mouse / Gamepad controlls mapping: -There is nothing like mouse sensitivity settings (there is see bellow). And mouse is inverted horizontally! and vertically its really unplayable for me. Map primary attack on left mouse and secondary on right would be nice too (Update: Its possible through key binding).
Im aware that some people are able to make some Steam Controller setup and apply them to no Steam game added to collection - https://wiki.albany.edu/display/icehcspace/%5 … for+any+PC+game , but i have done this. Some as Pinnacle Game profiler and its sucessor (Padstarr) - i able to use it (installlation could be annoying, original Game Profiler author died, but you can still get code from Forum people, after order), but i never created any profile from the scratch. Maybe someone here is fluent in those, that would be probably solution, unless it interfere with inbuild broken gamepad support.
There are also some others keyboard / mouse remapping tools not just tools for gamepad. - I remember just GlovePie, Autokey.
Update: Sensitivity could be somehow solved through GlovePie, i dunno magic numbers or range but there is number to play with it. Gamepad and mouse could be mapped through GlovePie too.
Partly solved by invert mouse - https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comme … nvert_solution/ but inventory and menu has to be controller by keyboard (mouse is invenverted) and crossbow too.. only GlovePie solution with mouse inversion only is needed would be better, but im not able make mouse inversion working in GlovePIe.
Update 2: I dont how i missed it but invert X and Y and camera speed is Game settings...

4) Proper Gamepad support -There is some ancient gamepad support, when i use X360 controller i can map buttons in controller settings - Left and Right trigger, but when go in game gamepad is dead.
Solved: You have to set controller type to gamepad in options and buttons can be assigned through With GLovePie script.

5) Cutscenes run too fast - 1500 FPS is probably too much, maybe set max framerate through Afterburner will fix it. Its working, but saw broken cutscenes only once maybe it was some glitch and this is not needed.
// Solved. by AfterBurner.

I searched game directory for some dlls, to try to replace them with newer versions and pray, but there is nothing so they are built-in inside some files, or there is some custom low level implementation of everything (it could be because game is multiplatform).

Im aware of console versions, but i guess that PC version would have at least higher resolutions texture and maybe even higher quality models etc.

I finished game with these settings fine.

If you are not interested in details and some script evolution history etc.. just skip to last post where is embedded Glovepie script code.

Last edited by ruthan on 2022-01-03, 17:39. Edited 38 times in total.

Im old goal oriented goatman, i care about facts and freedom, not about egos+prejudices. Hoarding=sickness. If you want respect, gain it by your behavior. I hate stupid SW limits, SW=virtual world, everything should be possible if you have enough raw HW.

Reply 1 of 8, by ruthan

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Ad 2) I found some cursor lock Utility - http://www.snakebytestudios.com/projects/apps/cursor-lock/ - its working, its just create new shorcut for game start.

Im old goal oriented goatman, i care about facts and freedom, not about egos+prejudices. Hoarding=sickness. If you want respect, gain it by your behavior. I hate stupid SW limits, SW=virtual world, everything should be possible if you have enough raw HW.

Reply 2 of 8, by ruthan

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Ok, just quick proof of concept remapping through GlovePIE - not dead project, some download link are now that too.

No all keys are remapped, its just showcase that its possible and how, with this everybody can add other keyboard / keyboard to mouse / keyboard - to controller mapping, syntax is easy.

What is nice GlovePie script could be started by some bat which start game too example is here:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QA7iFJ0QRlg // Im only not sure it is stopped also at the end of game // Yet untested.

1) Im still unable to remap invert controller X axis for camera - on Controller - here i dont understood syntax enough to do it.
2) Im unable to remap invert camera both axis on mouse.. I found some syntax examples for it, but its not working, i dunno what exactly that mouse swallow function is doing and why it needs to be in that if then block,
without it it just freeze cursor in middle of screen.
Strange thing is when i draw crossbow (2) mouse is working fine, so only in 3rd person mode problem that everything is messed up, or at least for me i really like to press stick to left to look to left and vice versa.
So when we fix this crossbow would be broken, or there would be needed additional code, which would trigger different behavior when crowbar key would be pressed.

;How to map key easily without script, switch to GUI tab, press key, set output in GUI
; Start game and GLovePie script with *.bat https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QA7iFJ0QRlg
; Example of some Controller mapping https://steamcommunity.com/app/305620/discussions/0/613937306858768900/
Key.NUMPAD4 = Mouse.LeftButton // Basic attack
Key.NUMPAD6 = Mouse.RightButton // Secondary attack
Key.NUMPAD7 = Mouse.MiddleButton // Block
Key.Numpad9 = Key.Space // For Use /Open Chest
;mouse.SwallowMovement = true
;mouse.DirectInputX = mouse.DirectInputX + Delta (mouse1.DirectInputX)
;mouse.SwallowMovement = false
keyboard.esc = Xinput.start // Inventory
key.Enter = Xinput.A // Just to make menu working on controller
key.NUMPAD4 = Xinput.X // Basic attack
key.NUMPAD7 = Xinput.B // Block

//Set dead zones (Values between 0 and 1), RuThaN: Copy/Paste i dont understand these.. its working.
var.LdeadX = 0.25
var.LdeadY = 0.25
var.RdeadX = 0.25
var.RdeadY = 0.25

// WSAD mapping on Left controller stick
keyboard.W = Xinput.Joy1Y > var.LdeadY
keyboard.S = Xinput.Joy1Y < -var.LdeadY
keyboard.A = Xinput.Joy1X < -var.LdeadX
keyboard.D = Xinput.Joy1X > var.LdeadX

var.YInverted=true; // Invert Y axis on controller

// Right Stick – Mouse Pointer - Camera
// To change the lookspeed, increase or decrease the number preceding the deadzone - default is 20
// I need invert X axis and i dunno how
if Xinput.Joy2X < -var.RdeadX or Xinput.Joy2X > var.RdeadX then Mouse.DirectInputX = Mouse.DirectInputX + 20*deadzone(Xinput.Joy2X)
if var.YInverted = true then{
if Xinput.Joy2Y < -var.RdeadY or Xinput.Joy2Y > var.RdeadY then Mouse.DirectInputY = Mouse.DirectInputY + 20*deadzone(Xinput.Joy2Y)
if Xinput.Joy2Y < -var.RdeadY or Xinput.Joy2Y > var.RdeadY then Mouse.DirectInputY = Mouse.DirectInputY - 20*deadzone(Xinput.Joy2Y)

// Mouse axis invert - not working
var.intvertMouse = true
if var.invertMouse = true then
mouse.SwallowMovement = true
mouse.DirectInputY = mouse.DirectInputY - Delta (mouse1.DirectInputY)
mouse.DirectInputX = mouse.DirectInputX - Delta (mouse1.DirectInputX)
mouse.SwallowMovement = false

Im old goal oriented goatman, i care about facts and freedom, not about egos+prejudices. Hoarding=sickness. If you want respect, gain it by your behavior. I hate stupid SW limits, SW=virtual world, everything should be possible if you have enough raw HW.

Reply 3 of 8, by ruthan

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Test mouse inversion with other game - Quake 3, its not working so maybe its not working for Knights too.. or maybe than DirectX input is not working for Quake which is not using DirectX probably for anything, but Xinput button remaping is working there so.. its confusing.

Edit: Its more complicated, Steam is stealing controller input.. i have some problems with emulators, so i have to Quit steam to make controller mouse hack working and i have some problem as with Knights, cursor is constantly moving to right top corner, so something wrong with code, mouse inversion hack is still not working, maybe because its through DirectX not through Xinput functions.

I looked once more on controller inversion code, i had some -1* code there from wrong try ( that was that right top corner cursor movement problem), when i looked as Y is inverted its enough to change "+" for "-" and its now working, so controller is fine:

if Xinput.Joy2X < -var.RdeadX or Xinput.Joy2X > var.RdeadX then Mouse.DirectInputX = Mouse.DirectInputX - 20*deadzone(Xinput.Joy2X)

Only problem is invert mouse.. BTW i didnt realized before that such thing same as controller could be tested just at windows desktop, outside the game. So anyone without particular game could help or develop and test script!

Maybe old GlovePie way is no longer working in Windows 10 or its some bug in version 0.43 which im using. Its would be annoying to use 2 utilities, but i guess that some luck there would be some standalone mouse axis invertor, i used such thing for MacOS, before i find out what means Natural movement in its settings and it has some in build support for it.

Otherwise im really supprised how well its working on controller, its like native, like would be designed with my GlovePie script in mind, it feels like any other 3rd person game.. Now i only, need to find out best controller buttons mapping scheme and map other keyboard keys on controller.

I would still make to have keyboard + mouse controller scheme option too. Otherwise additional mouse buttons could mapped too like this and i had problem with inbuild GUI recording.. because 1 key was wrong recorder as Numpad1, right code is this (Key.One):

Key.One=Mouse.Button5 // Test if additional mouse buttons working, they do, draw / switch weapon on 5 or more  button mouse - only Steve though that 1 button is good enough for everyone. 

Im old goal oriented goatman, i care about facts and freedom, not about egos+prejudices. Hoarding=sickness. If you want respect, gain it by your behavior. I hate stupid SW limits, SW=virtual world, everything should be possible if you have enough raw HW.

Reply 4 of 8, by ruthan

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Here is first try of GlovePie execution batch file:

REM Start GlovePie and and game.. Change Path for your system, any installs could be portable.
REM -GlovePie is name of GlovePie script
C:\Programy\GlovePIEWithoutEmotiv\GlovePIE.exe -GlovePie /r:"D:\Games\Knights of the Temple 2\KOTT2.exe"

REM kill glovepie
TASKKILL /F /IM glovepie.exe /T

I have problem to combine it with Curlock lock, cursor lock is executed by this command:
"C:\Programy\Cursor Lock\CursorLock.exe" /O:"D:\Games\Knights of the Temple 2\KOTT2.exe"

I tried to combine it through one lines with GlovePie:

C:\Programy\GlovePIEWithoutEmotiv\GlovePIE.exe -GlovePie /r:"C:\Programy\Cursor Lock\CursorLock.exe"  /O:"D:\Games\Knights of the Temple 2\KOTT2.exe"

But GlovePie is unable to parse it, as these parsers usually exe. I sure than some developer some simple Exe started, which start Cursor Lock and Game by one exe, to be able to pass it through GlovePie parser.

Edit: solved by 2 bat ugliness and lots of command line windows are left open after start, but its working:

C:\Programy\GlovePIEWithoutEmotiv\GlovePIE.exe -GlovePie /r:"D:\Games\Knights of the Temple 2\KOTT2-WithCursorLock.bat"

Supporting bat- KOTT2-WithCursorLock.bat:

"C:\Programy\Cursor Lock\CursorLock.exe"  /O:"D:\Games\Knights of the Temple 2\KOTT2.exe"

I also found working mouse InvertX, InterY utility for windows is named SakasaMouse:
Edit: But its working only on Desktop once game is run with GLovePie, functionality is lost..

Last edited by ruthan on 2021-12-31, 20:40. Edited 2 times in total.

Im old goal oriented goatman, i care about facts and freedom, not about egos+prejudices. Hoarding=sickness. If you want respect, gain it by your behavior. I hate stupid SW limits, SW=virtual world, everything should be possible if you have enough raw HW.

Reply 5 of 8, by ruthan

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New version of script with gamepad buttons mapped and some info how to use special abilities and holy spells with new mapping + 5 mouse button mapped too.

With gamepad its only annoying thing that in menu and inventory is its not working as standard mouse, but cursor is still moving, unless of set some small contra movement to stop.. In code are used some dead zones and i dont never understood it, never wanted to. I remember that of my developers in the pass said something that analogs cant simply work as mouse and that there are some calculation, because of there deadzone and values which are reported by stick, but its
over my head, that is way this thing should do some developers. I did enough to someone else to polish it.

+ crossbow axis are not reversed, maybe it could be fixed by some if block, that crossbow is activated, turn off axis inversion, im too lazy to mess with it, but i saw similar code examples, only problem could be that i crossboard mode i thing you can get through 2 ways - because its seems that key 1 is not always for sword, but its cycling 2 weapons, but close combat weapon is always the first. Solution would be also simple global key to enable / disable inversion.. which you have activate manually.

Game apparently have poor code at in the start menu , when you smashing buttons, through cutscene and in menu, its able just screen, so dont do that.. You can still can skip intro, cutscene by Start button fine.

;How to map key easily without script, switch to GUI tab, press key, set output in GUI
; Start game and GLovePie script with *.bat https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QA7iFJ0QRlg
; Example of some Controller mapping https://steamcommunity.com/app/305620/discussions/0/613937306858768900/
;Syntax old-game original key = new key. Original mappping is still working too.
; Controller settings bellow except of use Triggers is needed only when you want to use mouse+keyboard and gamepad together without messing with options, otherwise is enough in Option change device to controller and map triggers.

// Mouse button maping
Key.NUMPAD4 = Mouse.LeftButton // Basic attack
Key.NUMPAD6 = Mouse.RightButton // Secondary attack
Key.NUMPAD7 = Mouse.MiddleButton // Block
Key.NUMPAD5=Mouse.Button4 // Unlock enemy
Key.One=Mouse.Button5 // Test if additional mouse buttons working, they do, draw weapon

//Keyboard keys remapping
Key.Numpad9 = Key.Space // For Jump /Use /Open Chest / Start Conversation

// Controller buttons mapping
keyboard.esc = Xinput.start // Inventory
key.Enter = Xinput.A // Make menu working normally on controller A asi confirm button
key.NUMPAD4 = Xinput.X // Basic attack, also shoot in crossbow mode
key.NUMPAD6 = Xinput.A // Secondary attack
key.NUMPAD7 = Xinput.B // Block
key.NUMPAD9 = Xinput.Y // Jump / Open / Chest / Start conversation
key.NUMPAD5 = Xinput.RightTrigger // Unlock Enemy
key.NUMPAD8 = Xinput.LeftTrigger // Stop ability
key.Q = Xinput.LeftShoulder // Divine Power mode
key.E = Xinput.RightShoulder // Special Attack mode
Key.One= Xinput.Up // DpadUP draw weapon
Key.Y = Xinput.Back //Back=Select, Quick Map
Key.NUMPAD0 = Xinput.RightThumb // Right Stick click, Camera reset
Key.Space = Xinput.Start // For Skipping cutscenes
Key.R = Xinput.Left // Dpad Left, Quick Stamina
Key.T = Xinput.Right // Dpad Right, Quick Stamina

//Special abilities "translation" to new scheme, just for info, how they are mapped
; Ability / Original controls(Keyboard) / Controller - Description (optimal)
; Stun - E+Num4, X+RightBumper
; Charge - E + Num6, A+RightBumper// Broken defense
; Bonebreaker - E+ Num7, B+RightBumper - devasting attack // Devasteting attack
; Grinder - E+ Num9, Y+RightBumper // Second hand to hand attack // Second hand attack

// Holy abilities "translation" to new scheme, just for info, who they are mapped, these are not all unlocked at game start
; Ability / Original controls(Keyboard) / Controller - Description (optimal), there are not all unlocked at game start
; Interitus (Q+Num4), X+LeftShoulder - Almost invulnerability
; Curation (Q+Num6), A+LeftShoulder - Healing
; Sanctus (Q+Num7), B+LeftShoulder - Protection, damage to enemies when they hit you.
; Punitor (Q+NUM9), Y+LeftShoulder - Some attack spell

// Unused buttons on X360 controller
// DPAD Down..

//Set dead zones (Values between 0 and 1), RuThaN: Copy/Paste i dont understand these.. its working.
var.LdeadX = 0.25
var.LdeadY = 0.25
var.RdeadX = 0.25
var.RdeadY = 0.25

// WSAD mapping on Left controller stick
keyboard.W = Xinput.Joy1Y > var.LdeadY
Show last 22 lines
keyboard.S = Xinput.Joy1Y < -var.LdeadY
keyboard.A = Xinput.Joy1X < -var.LdeadX
keyboard.D = Xinput.Joy1X > var.LdeadX

var.YInverted=true; // Invert Y axis on controller
var.XInverted=true; // Invert X axis on controller

// Controller Right Stick – Mouse Pointer - Camera
// To change the lookspeed, increase or decrease the number preceding the deadzone - default is 20; Less means slower

//Controler X Axis
if var.XInverted = true then{
if Xinput.Joy2X < -var.RdeadX or Xinput.Joy2X > var.RdeadX then Mouse.DirectInputX = Mouse.DirectInputX - 40*deadzone(Xinput.Joy2X)
if Xinput.Joy2X < -var.RdeadX or Xinput.Joy2X > var.RdeadX then Mouse.DirectInputX = Mouse.DirectInputX + 40*deadzone(Xinput.Joy2X)

// Controller Y Axis
if var.YInverted = true then{
if Xinput.Joy2Y < -var.RdeadY or Xinput.Joy2Y > var.RdeadY then Mouse.DirectInputY = Mouse.DirectInputY + 40*deadzone(Xinput.Joy2Y)
if Xinput.Joy2Y < -var.RdeadY or Xinput.Joy2Y > var.RdeadY then Mouse.DirectInputY = Mouse.DirectInputY - 40*deadzone(Xinput.Joy2Y)
Last edited by ruthan on 2022-01-01, 02:30. Edited 2 times in total.

Im old goal oriented goatman, i care about facts and freedom, not about egos+prejudices. Hoarding=sickness. If you want respect, gain it by your behavior. I hate stupid SW limits, SW=virtual world, everything should be possible if you have enough raw HW.

Reply 6 of 8, by ruthan

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I finally find working mouse Y+X inverter, its working well for normal gameplay but problem is that is not integrated with GlovePie, so is also inverted in Inventory / Dialog / Crossbow mode too. Inventory could be handled by keyboard only as fail over. And there is still missing some mouse sensitivity settings, but some more expensive mice have hardware button for it.

Good is that start to be active, only after game is started, not before on desktop.

https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comme … nvert_solution/

Im old goal oriented goatman, i care about facts and freedom, not about egos+prejudices. Hoarding=sickness. If you want respect, gain it by your behavior. I hate stupid SW limits, SW=virtual world, everything should be possible if you have enough raw HW.

Reply 7 of 8, by ruthan

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Hmm, i somehow overlooked that in game settings are options for inversion of mouse X, Y and camera and aim sensitivity under game option, i looked for it in controls.. I gamepad mode they worked right, until they are inverted (opposite to mouse). and what is best with that settings its are crossbow and menu fine, so all seems to be solved.
I at least learned how to fix it for other games.

Also that not working gamepad mapping ingame, is actually working when you go to option and switch controlling device to gamepad, my setup above have only advantage that both devices working together.. and scripts are still needed for make additional mouse buttons working.

Im old goal oriented goatman, i care about facts and freedom, not about egos+prejudices. Hoarding=sickness. If you want respect, gain it by your behavior. I hate stupid SW limits, SW=virtual world, everything should be possible if you have enough raw HW.

Reply 8 of 8, by ruthan

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I yesterday finished game, its not long.. Controls where fine, game is stable - i didnt get any crash of problem with inputs, besides some flaws listed above.

Here my final GLovePie script and it also a bit how to control this have guide, maybe in future someone could improve it.

; How to map keys easily without writing scripts manualy, switch to GUI tab, press key, set output in GUI, switch back to scripting for check
; How to start game and GLovePie script with *.bat https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QA7iFJ0QRlg
; Example of some Controller mapping https://steamcommunity.com/app/305620/discussions/0/613937306858768900/
; Syntax explanation: "Native old-game original key" = "new key" Original mappping is still kepp working too.
; Test after ";" "//" and between (multi-line) "/*" and "*/" are just comments, its going nothing from code persepective

// Mouse button maping, first 3 you can map through keyboarding bidding menu too
// Sense of this mapping is that you can execute all Abilities and Special with Mouse plus Q/E keys without anything keys
Key.NUMPAD4 = Mouse.LeftButton // Basic attack (faster), there is negative visual effect weapon slash at the end of every dialog
Key.NUMPAD6 = Mouse.RightButton // Secondary attack (stronger)
Key.NUMPAD7 = Mouse.MiddleButton // Block
// Test if additional mouse buttons working, they do
Key.NUMPAD5 = Mouse.Button4 // Unlock enemy - there auto enemy lock
Key.NUMPAD9 = Mouse.Button5 // For Jump, Use /Open Chest / Start Conversation

//Keyboard keys remapping to make game more seamless
Key.Numpad9 = Key.Space // For Jump, Use /Open Chest / Start Conversation and skip Cutscenes
Key.1 = Key.F // Draw /change weapon through key more near of WASD.. ok its same as 1, but for me its better.
Key.F6 = Key.F5 // Better Quicksave im used to F5/F9 for Quicksave and Quickload, in manual is F4 for Load its mistake

// Controller buttons mapping on keyboard keys, regardless of ingame controller mapping
// Dont try button smashing in menu, or you get game freeze, its buggy.
keyboard.esc = Xinput.start // Inventory / Questlog / Statics / Settings ingame screen
Key.Space = Xinput.Start // For Skipping cutscenes
key.Enter = Xinput.A // Make Title menu working normally on controller A asi confirm button
key.NUMPAD4 = Xinput.X // Basic attack, also shoot in crossbow mode
key.NUMPAD6 = Xinput.A // Secondary attack
key.NUMPAD7 = Xinput.B // Block stance
key.NUMPAD9 = Xinput.Y // Jump / Open / Chest / Start conversation
key.Q = Xinput.LeftShoulder // Divine Power mode, holt and press mouse buttons - see details bellow
key.E = Xinput.RightShoulder // Special Attack mode
Key.One = Xinput.Up // DpadUP draw weapon
Key.Y = Xinput.Back //Back=Select, Quick Map
Key.R = Xinput.Left // Dpad Left, Quick Stamina
Key.T = Xinput.Right // Dpad Right, Quick Stamina
// These cant be mapped ingame, buttons arent detected
Key.NUMPAD0 = Xinput.RightThumb // Right Stick click, Camera reset
key.NUMPAD8 = Xinput.LeftTrigger // Stop ability
key.NUMPAD5 = Xinput.RightTrigger // Unlock Enemy

//Change mouse sensitivity
//Pie.MouseDPI = 1000

//Special abilities "translation" to new scheme, just for info, how they are mapped
; Ability : / Original controls(Keyboard) / Controller / Mouse - Description (optimal), there are not all unlocked at game start
; Stun - E+Num4, X+RightBumper, E + Left mous
; Charge - E + Num6, A+RightBumper, E+ Right mouse // Broken defense
; Bonebreaker - E+ Num7, B+RightBumper , E+ Middle mouse - devasting attack // Devasteting attack
; Grinder - E+ Num9, Y+RightBumper , E + Mouse 5 // Second hand to hand attack // Second hand attack

// Holy abilities "translation" to new scheme, just for info, who they are mapped
; Ability : / Original controls(Keyboard) / Controller / Mouse - Description (optimal), there are not all unlocked at game start
; Interitus (Q+Num4), X+LeftShoulder , Q + Left mouse - Almost invulnerability
; Curation (Q+Num6), A+LeftShoulder , Q+ Right mouse - Healing
; Sanctus (Q+Num7), B+LeftShoulder, Q + Middle mouse - Protection, damage to enemies when they hit you.
; Punitor (Q+NUM9), Y+LeftShoulder , Q + Mouse 5 (no mouse i know) - Some attack spell

// Keyboarding mapping additional info, to quick play without checking of manual
// Key 1 above WSAD - change weapons, in crossbow mode are axis now inverted, sorry..
Show last 65 lines
// Y - MAP

// Unused buttons on X360 controller, is some feature is missing for you can use these
// DPAD Down..
// Left stick click (L3)

// Start of Custom controller section, to enable it remove /* and */ characters at start and end of section

//Set dead zones (Values between 0 and 1), RuThaN: Copy/Paste i dont understand these.. its just working.
// Controller axis mapping make sense only if you need to use both keyboard+mouse and mouse at one time, without using in game keyboard/mouse switch
// + axis X,Y ingame switch

var.LdeadX = 0.25
var.LdeadY = 0.25
var.RdeadX = 0.25
var.RdeadY = 0.25

// WSAD mapping on Left controller stick,
keyboard.W = Xinput.Joy1Y > var.LdeadY
keyboard.S = Xinput.Joy1Y < -var.LdeadY
keyboard.A = Xinput.Joy1X < -var.LdeadX
keyboard.D = Xinput.Joy1X > var.LdeadX

var.YInverted= false; // Invert Y axis on controller (not needed when in game is enabled Y axi invertion)
var.XInverted= false; // Invert X axis on controller (not needed when in game is enabled X axi invertion)

// Controller Right Stick – Mouse Pointer - Camera
// To change the lookspeed, increase or decrease the number preceding the deadzone - default is 20; Less means slower

//Controler X Axis
/*if var.XInverted = true then{
if Xinput.Joy2X < -var.RdeadX or Xinput.Joy2X > var.RdeadX then Mouse.DirectInputX = Mouse.DirectInputX - 40*deadzone(Xinput.Joy2X)
if Xinput.Joy2X < -var.RdeadX or Xinput.Joy2X > var.RdeadX then Mouse.DirectInputX = Mouse.DirectInputX + 40*deadzone(Xinput.Joy2X)

// Controller Y Axis
if var.YInverted = true then{
if Xinput.Joy2Y < -var.RdeadY or Xinput.Joy2Y > var.RdeadY then Mouse.DirectInputY = Mouse.DirectInputY + 40*deadzone(Xinput.Joy2Y)
if Xinput.Joy2Y < -var.RdeadY or Xinput.Joy2Y > var.RdeadY then Mouse.DirectInputY = Mouse.DirectInputY - 40*deadzone(Xinput.Joy2Y)
// End of Controller section

// Invert mouse axis independently of game settings when some activation key is pressed.
// This worked for someone in the past invert mouse, only when some additional key is pressed (now its not working maybe GlovePie bug, maybe some Windows 10 API change, its here for preservation issues)

if Mouse.Button4 then // it could be assigment to any key..
var.invert = not var.invert
Pie.MouseDPI = 1000
wait 250ms
end if

if var.invert = true then
mouse.SwallowMovement = true
mouse.DirectInputY = mouse.DirectInputY - 2* Delta (mouse1.DirectInputY)
mouse.DirectInputX = mouse.DirectInputX + Delta (mouse1.DirectInputX)
mouse.SwallowMovement = false

Im old goal oriented goatman, i care about facts and freedom, not about egos+prejudices. Hoarding=sickness. If you want respect, gain it by your behavior. I hate stupid SW limits, SW=virtual world, everything should be possible if you have enough raw HW.