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First post, by marianoryu

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I managed, back some years ago, to install Heavy Gear in Windows 10 64-bit thanks to this forum's help.

I had my machine upgraded, but in the process, my hard drive was wiped clean, so I have to install everything again.

Upon installing Heavy Gear (legal copy, patched successfully to 1.1. and 1.2., gameplay works well with dgVoodoo in Direct 3D display mode), I'm getting the cutscene videos (including the Activision intro movie) as blue squares, even though sound is working normally.

Any help will be most welcome!

Reply 4 of 25, by Dee-Dee

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Rank Newbie

The game uses Indeo Video 5 for the movies and this codec is disabled by default on modern Windows systems.

Did you try enabling the codec from the command prompt with the command:
"regsvr32 ir50_32.dll"

Last edited by Dee-Dee on 2020-08-30, 09:59. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 5 of 25, by Dee-Dee

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Rank Newbie
Discrete_BOB_058 wrote on 2020-08-30, 05:39:

The game crashes upon startup, did you use other fixes for it

Heavy Gear patched to v1.2 works fine here using DxWnd 2.05.54:
- Imported settings from "exports\Heavy Gear.dxw".
- Corrected path field to point where I have the game installed.
- Enabled Dxwnd options "Keep aspect ratio" and "Desktop work area".

Reply 6 of 25, by BEEN_Nath_58

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Rank l33t
Dee-Dee wrote on 2020-08-30, 09:58:
Heavy Gear patched to v1.2 works fine here using DxWnd 2.05.54: - Imported settings from "exports\Heavy Gear.dxw". - Corrected p […]
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Discrete_BOB_058 wrote on 2020-08-30, 05:39:

The game crashes upon startup, did you use other fixes for it

Heavy Gear patched to v1.2 works fine here using DxWnd 2.05.54:
- Imported settings from "exports\Heavy Gear.dxw".
- Corrected path field to point where I have the game installed.
- Enabled Dxwnd options "Keep aspect ratio" and "Desktop work area".

I used this and the game still crashed. I checked eventi viewer and the crashes had different fault modules, ntdll.dll msvcrt.dll.
Before this hgshell.dll of the game was the fault module. I dont have the Indeo files in my pc, so I am looking for a setup for it
I am installing all C++ Redist now

previously known as Discrete_BOB_058

Reply 7 of 25, by BEEN_Nath_58

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https://sourceforge.net/p/dxwnd/discussion/ge … hread/4fe82c35/
Check here, my country s sourceforge page is down
Btw I need a few files, msvcrt.dll and hgshell.dll of your game. Mine crashes

previously known as Discrete_BOB_058

Reply 8 of 25, by marianoryu

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Rank Newbie

My game started up just fine right out of the bat (Windows 10 Pro 64-bit, build 19041.450), patched up just fine to 1.1 and then 1.2, and works fine using dgVoodoo, without the need for DxWnd (I never could get the hang of that program). When in 3DFX display mode there are some black squares in dirt textures and explosions, but they work just fine under Direct3D mode.

My only problem are the blue cutscenes so far.

Here are the files of my game if you need them.


  • Filename
    Heavy Gear.zip
    File size
    915.12 KiB
    File license
    Fair use/fair dealing exception

Reply 9 of 25, by marianoryu

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Rank Newbie
Dee-Dee wrote on 2020-08-30, 09:55:

The game uses Indeo Video 5 for the movies and this codec is disabled by default on modern Windows systems.

Did you try enabling the codec from the command prompt with the command:
"regsvr32 ir50_32.dll"

I did that from the K-Lite Codec Pack Tweak Tool, but the cutscene videos still show up as blue squares.

Reply 10 of 25, by BEEN_Nath_58

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marianoryu wrote on 2020-08-30, 13:30:

My game started up just fine right out of the bat (Windows 10 Pro 64-bit, build 19041.450), patched up just fine to 1.1 and then 1.2, and works fine using dgVoodoo, without the need for DxWnd (I never could get the hang of that program). When in 3DFX display mode there are some black squares in dirt textures and explosions, but they work just fine under Direct3D mode.

My only problem are the blue cutscenes so far.

Here are the files of my game if you need them.

I see differences in file sizes with one you provided even after I updated the game. Is my executable the problem?
ANyway DxWnd will work if you dont set the file as admin. DxWnd will run in dx mode not glide, it wont even use the dgvoodoo files.

previously known as Discrete_BOB_058

Reply 12 of 25, by BEEN_Nath_58

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marianoryu wrote on 2020-08-30, 15:59:

I'm not using DxWnd. Only dgVoodoo.

I was LoL the whole moment. I downloaed another mdf/mds and it worked. It works without dgVoodoo too. Did you check your CD video folder? I didnt have problem without dgVoodoo

previously known as Discrete_BOB_058

Reply 15 of 25, by BEEN_Nath_58

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marianoryu wrote on 2020-08-30, 17:33:

I don't think it has to do with dgVoodoo. I had it before in this same system, and it worked just fine.

Well I get the blue square box when using dgVoodoo. As soon as I remove the dgvoodoo dlls the video works fine. Doesn't the game work for you without dgVoodoo?

previously known as Discrete_BOB_058

Reply 16 of 25, by marianoryu

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Rank Newbie
Discrete_BOB_058 wrote on 2020-08-30, 18:19:
marianoryu wrote on 2020-08-30, 17:33:

I don't think it has to do with dgVoodoo. I had it before in this same system, and it worked just fine.

Well I get the blue square box when using dgVoodoo. As soon as I remove the dgvoodoo dlls the video works fine. Doesn't the game work for you without dgVoodoo?

Now it's me who has the 🤣 expression - you're right! Direct3D seems to still be working fine though.

Reply 17 of 25, by ZellSF

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Machine upgraded... how? Because if you were going from Nvidia to AMD, dgVoodoo doesn't like AMD in its current stable version and it could be that.

Discrete_BOB_058 has a Nvidia card so it's not that that. Still though, Heavy Gear 2 FMVs should work fine with dgVoodoo (they do here). So something changed.

marianoryu wrote on 2020-08-30, 13:47:

I did that from the K-Lite Codec Pack Tweak Tool, but the cutscene videos still show up as blue squares.

At the risk of going very off topic, you shouldn't install codec packs. They're unnecessary for 99% of people.

It will cause problems for other games. Though it isn't the problem here.

Reply 18 of 25, by marianoryu

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Rank Newbie
ZellSF wrote on 2020-08-30, 20:17:
Machine upgraded... how? Because if you were going from Nvidia to AMD, dgVoodoo doesn't like AMD in its current stable version a […]
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Machine upgraded... how? Because if you were going from Nvidia to AMD, dgVoodoo doesn't like AMD in its current stable version and it could be that.

Discrete_BOB_058 has a Nvidia card so it's not that that. Still though, Heavy Gear 2 FMVs should work fine with dgVoodoo (they do here). So something changed.

marianoryu wrote on 2020-08-30, 13:47:

I did that from the K-Lite Codec Pack Tweak Tool, but the cutscene videos still show up as blue squares.

At the risk of going very off topic, you shouldn't install codec packs. They're unnecessary for 99% of people.

It will cause problems for other games. Though it isn't the problem here.

The biggest change would be the GPU. Previously it was a 750 Ti, now it's a 1660 Ti.

Reply 19 of 25, by BEEN_Nath_58

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Rank l33t
marianoryu wrote on 2020-08-30, 20:41:
ZellSF wrote on 2020-08-30, 20:17:
Machine upgraded... how? Because if you were going from Nvidia to AMD, dgVoodoo doesn't like AMD in its current stable version a […]
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Machine upgraded... how? Because if you were going from Nvidia to AMD, dgVoodoo doesn't like AMD in its current stable version and it could be that.

Discrete_BOB_058 has a Nvidia card so it's not that that. Still though, Heavy Gear 2 FMVs should work fine with dgVoodoo (they do here). So something changed.

marianoryu wrote on 2020-08-30, 13:47:

I did that from the K-Lite Codec Pack Tweak Tool, but the cutscene videos still show up as blue squares.

At the risk of going very off topic, you shouldn't install codec packs. They're unnecessary for 99% of people.

It will cause problems for other games. Though it isn't the problem here.

The biggest change would be the GPU. Previously it was a 750 Ti, now it's a 1660 Ti.

did you try the game without dgvoodoo

previously known as Discrete_BOB_058