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First post, by Splinter

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I have the original CD from years ago and I thought I'd managed to get it running, but always get the 'failed to load z-buffer' message.
Trying on Win 7 x64 HD5770 in compat Win98 on the forsakenHW.exe.
Has anyone managed to actually get this game to run on Win7?
Would it be that it's a 16 colour game that is the clue?

Reply 1 of 16, by leileilol

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Rank l33t++

16-bit color games should initialize in Windows 7. It's more of the fact that the RadeonHD deprecates even more legacy Direct3D caps from the dx2-6 days.
Also the software renderer in Forsaken doesn't even work for me either.

long live PCem

Reply 2 of 16, by Splinter

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This is weird.................
It's been quite a while since I gave up on this game, for x64 Win7 anyway.
In the end I uninstalled it, rebooted and reinstalled but set the setup.exe as Win95 compat. Then did the same for the patch and then all the exe's.
This got me as far as the AVI and a few seconds of the main options screen.
Went back and reset the Foraken exes to XP Sp2.
Set the card to generic3d.
Anyway it's running now 😀

Main rig Ryzen 2600X Strix RX580 32GB RAM
Secondary rig FX8350 GTX960 16GB RAM

Reply 4 of 16, by Davros

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forsaken works fine for me

Guardian of the Sacred Five Terabyte's of Gaming Goodness

Reply 5 of 16, by Splinter

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Great to hear it.
Odd really as it runs great on my Win 7 x64 PC at home but not at the one in the shop which is identical except for the amount of ram.

Oh and yes I downloaded the Project X at work for fun and that goes great.
But you know what they say about a challenge?

Reply 6 of 16, by Splinter

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sirlemonhead wrote:

Have a look at https://github.com/ForsakenX/forsaken/wiki/Quickstart for a modern port of the game 😀

Runs great on VMware with an XP guest.

Main rig Ryzen 2600X Strix RX580 32GB RAM
Secondary rig FX8350 GTX960 16GB RAM

Reply 7 of 16, by Davros

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Rank l33t

You shouldnt need a vm it runs fine for me in win 10 and 7
ps: forsaken is 32bit
just re- tried it and in the menu's i'm getting no text (set to 9800pro in the launcher)
setting it to riva tnt fixes the text
ps: look at files in opt folder

Guardian of the Sacred Five Terabyte's of Gaming Goodness

Reply 8 of 16, by PerryRhodan

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Rank Newbie

I've got the original CD and it works perfectly under Windows 7 X64, using a Nvidia graphics card and in 32bit colour. Make sure you install the 1.01 patch. Also install the texture fixes and option files and it should work perfectly.

Download patch and files from this link. http://forsakenx.github.io/fsplanet/files.htm
Also checkout the Forsaken X remake. http://forsakenx.github.io/

Reply 9 of 16, by Tytinflower

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PerryRhodan wrote:

I've got the original CD and it works perfectly under Windows 7 X64, using a Nvidia graphics card and in 32bit colour. Make sure you install the 1.01 patch. Also install the texture fixes and option files and it should work perfectly.

Download patch and files from this link. http://forsakenx.github.io/fsplanet/files.htm
Also checkout the Forsaken X remake. http://forsakenx.github.io/

Running almost the exact same specs and it's working for me as well.


Reply 10 of 16, by Presbytier

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If it is a DirectX game under version 9 try DGVoodoo

"Never pay more than 20 dollars for a computer game" - Guybrush Threepwood

Reply 11 of 16, by PerryRhodan

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Rank Newbie

I see Forsaken Remastered is out now for £15. It doesn't even look any different, apart from the new HUD which looks really annoying and there's currently no way to remove or change it. I think I'll stick to the original.


Reply 12 of 16, by Kerr Avon

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Rank Oldbie

I have Forsaken on the N64, and it's a good game (and the only Descent style game for the N64), plus it has bots (computer controlled enemies) in multiplayer, which is always a bonus.

But the game has some bad design decisions, too. First of all, you don't choose the skill level directly, the skill level you play at is determined by how quickly you complete the first level. Much worse, you can only save the game every few levels. And the number of bots you can play against decreases according to the number of joypads that are plugged into the N64 (i.e. if you have one joypad then you can play against three bots, if you have two joypads (even though no one is using joypad two) then you can only play against two bots, etc). And even though every rider/craft you can choose at the beginning of the game has different attributes to slightly alter the gameplay, the N64 version doesn't tell you the values for the attributes, though the PC version of the game does. Why they chose to hide this information from the N64 players baffles me.

And this is a very minor criticism I know, but considering how great the game looks (by N64 standards), then it's surprising that there is a noticable clipping error in the opening cutscene. Much more annoying is that the cutscene is unskippable, but it's sill not nearly as annoying as the problems I've listed in the above paragraph, plus it's been years since I play the game, so there might well be more flaws that I've forgotten about.

Reply 13 of 16, by Davros

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Rank l33t

you choose the skill level on the pc and you can save when you want

Guardian of the Sacred Five Terabyte's of Gaming Goodness

Reply 14 of 16, by SpeedySPCFan

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PerryRhodan wrote:

I see Forsaken Remastered is out now for £15. It doesn't even look any different, apart from the new HUD which looks really annoying and there's currently no way to remove or change it. I think I'll stick to the original.


The next update adds the ability to change huds (PS1, N64, PC, PC arranged) and it's already in beta. Besides that it has all of the content of the N64 game which is neat.

Musician & music gear/game reviewer.

MIDI hardware: JD-990, SC-55, SC-880, SD-90, VL70-m, Motif ES, Trinity, TS-10, Proteus 2000, XK-6, E6400U

Reply 15 of 16, by Kerr Avon

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Rank Oldbie
Davros wrote:

you choose the skill level on the pc and you can save when you want

Yes but then you miss out on all the confusion and irritation, sorry, the fun, of all the stupid changes in the N64 version. Interesting. I mean the interesting changes in the N64 version.

For example, who wants to be able to save at any point in the game? No one. Except for people with a social life. Or those with limited gaming time. Or people who just put the game on to kill time for a short while. Or anyone really. Blimey, it's a good thing I didn't work in the P.R. department of the company that made Forsaken 64 😢

SpeedySPCFan wrote:
PerryRhodan wrote:

I see Forsaken Remastered is out now for £15. It doesn't even look any different, apart from the new HUD which looks really annoying and there's currently no way to remove or change it. I think I'll stick to the original.


The next update adds the ability to change huds (PS1, N64, PC, PC arranged) and it's already in beta. Besides that it has all of the content of the N64 game which is neat.

I have played both the PC and N64 versions, but I can't remember any differences in levels, or gameplay, etc (other than the (mostly stupid) changes to the N64 version that I mentioned in my earlier post). What are they?

Reply 16 of 16, by SpeedySPCFan

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Kerr Avon wrote:

I have played both the PC and N64 versions, but I can't remember any differences in levels, or gameplay, etc (other than the (mostly stupid) changes to the N64 version that I mentioned in my earlier post). What are they?

The N64 has a new set of levels and some new enemies. Night Dive sorta 'remixed' the N64 levels - they're all there, but some of the ones that were clearly limited by the platform were merged with others or changed slightly to make their design more in-line with the PC levels, but you can unlock a lot of the original versions as extra levels. I couldn't tell apart the PC and the remixed N64 levels most of the time so I'd say they did a good job.

Musician & music gear/game reviewer.

MIDI hardware: JD-990, SC-55, SC-880, SD-90, VL70-m, Motif ES, Trinity, TS-10, Proteus 2000, XK-6, E6400U