mirh wrote:It's not like I want to piss jonpol (I already feel like I did in some past e-mails).
Don't worry; it takes lot to upset me, and I apologize if I gave that impression 😊
I would think that Wine serves a different purpose than IndirectSound, but I've never used it and maybe I'm mistaken. I'm definitely not opposed to talking to Mark Harmstone or anyone else, but I'm not clear on what you think I should contact him about. I'm guessing sharing knowledge and any quirks we've discovered? If so, I would freely tell him anything he wanted to know, but I would feel a bit weird contacting him (especially since my email address is easy to find and he hasn't contacted me to ask any questions).
As far as knowledge going the opposite direction, unfortunately real life has intruded on my time to spend with IndirectSound. I made lots of rapid progress with EAX and I actually have most features emulated (including EAX 3.0), but the big problem is what I have been afraid of all along: It technically works correctly, but it doesn't sound that great. (Reverb seems to be as much art as science, and as someone completely new to it there has been a pretty steep learning curve for me.) If I were still at the point I was a few months ago where I had significantly more time to spend on it I might indeed contact him asking for help or tips, but at the moment I have little if any spare time, unfortunately.
Finally, as far as IndirectSound being "mine", there is definitely truth to that in terms of the project itself, but not in terms of the knowledge I've gained about DirectSound and EAX. I eventually think that I will release the source code to it, but I haven't wanted to do so while I'm still developing it because:
- It's been a fun and rewarding project for me personally, and it's something to look forward to working on outside of my usual job expertise (graphics). Maybe this is selfish, but I do give the result away for free 😀
- Until I get all of the features in (which is basically done now except for EAX) I have been nervous about other "non-official" versions being released that might have bugs or partially-implemented features that would reflect badly on IndirectSound if someone downloaded that version and something sounded bad. (This is also why I haven't released the partial EAX support I've done even though I'm excited about it.) I don't know if this would actually be an issue at all or if I'm worrying about nothing, but it's a concern I have all the same.
With that being said, though, let me reiterate: If anyone has any interest or questions about anything related to DirectSound or EAX I would be willing and eager to share anything I've learned. I've learned a ton of stuff working on the project that I have never seen anywhere else online (in fact, I often see information that is actually wrong), and I'm always happy to answer anyone's questions or discuss things.
Thanks for your interest, and sorry again if I came across as rude or upset in any correspondence,