First post, by CrisGer

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I was trying to play Syberia I on an WIN 98SE system, with a 5500 vid card, not sure what the driver is, and at game install all appeared well. When i started up the game the screen was entiredly bright lime green, the options buttons appeared but the green covered everyting else.

any ideas? my thoughts are maybe outdated drivers....or a bad version of Direct x, i updated to 8.1 for this system but still the green appears. it appeared at the start of another game until i turned on the 3D optoin..is this related to some issue around that? any ideas? not a bit deal but was curious as i had not seen this before.

This was the GOTY edition of Syberia maybe it is intended for XP only.

3D Worlds and Game Developers Group Linkedin

Reply 1 of 2, by Jorpho

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There was a GOTY edition? I know there was definitely at least one patch released for the game; you should check if your version includes it.

I would be inclined to install the latest DirectX 9.

Reply 2 of 2, by CrisGer

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Yes both I and II are in the GOTY edition. and now we will soon have Syberia III

i will try that thanks. was a surprise hadnt seen that green flash before. thought maybe it had to do with the 3d settings. Most of the older games that i use this set up for work fine so i wont worry too much just thought to ask here with all the Mages help out.

3D Worlds and Game Developers Group Linkedin