First post, by NTxC

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Rank Newbie

I'm trying to play Mortyr on Windows 7 x64. I managed to sort out the graphical glitches with dgVoodoo and with my custom Mortyr.exe disabling the Z-buffer.

The problem is that in certain places in the levels the game plays horrendous white noise instead of a background sound effect.
I decided to dig in the game a bit. I extracted the MAIN.HAL archive and began studying the audio files, which are NOT corrupted.

I found a script file in the archive which describes the level background sound effects and investigated a bit. I found that by preventing certain .wav files from loading, the white noise disappears on some levels, but on other levels the white noise is generated due to a different audio file and not the one that was causing the noise before. The audio files are definitely not corrupted as I checked all of them. Kinda sounds like an issue with the handling of DirectSound?

For example:
In level #41 (First Steps) the file war_tlo3.wav seems to generate white noise. Disabling it fixes white noise on the level (but of course that's not the perfect solution... I'd like to have these background sound effects intact!) BUT in the next level, a totally different file, wiatr.wav seems to cause the noise EVEN THOUGH it was played properly in the level before.

Maybe Dege could help? Anyone?


Reply 1 of 6, by ZellSF

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Rank l33t

1: Post save files when asking for help about issues that only occur in certain places. You'll get much more help that way.

2: Games have readme files for a reason:

5) If you are hearing static or are having other sound related problems while playing Mortyr, try running the "settings" shortc […]
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5) If you are hearing static or are having other sound related problems
while playing Mortyr, try running the "settings" shortcut in your Mortyr
start menu programs folder. Experimenting with different "sound engines" or
turning off "Flush 3D sound buffers" corrected most sound problems we

What sound settings have you tried?

Reply 2 of 6, by NTxC

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Rank Newbie
ZellSF wrote:

2: Games have readme files for a reason:

The version of Mortyr I have has no readme file at all and the game isn't even installed in the system, so I had no shortcuts to any config utilities.

Well, I just used a disassembler to find out launching Mortyr.exe with a "setup" parameter launches a setup window instead of the game, so I just did that.
The problem was fixed by setting the sound quality to 44kHz in the setup window.

Problem was solved. Thanks for the reply.

Reply 3 of 6, by Davros

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Rank l33t

At least the game still has very shiny floors 😉

Guardian of the Sacred Five Terabyte's of Gaming Goodness

Reply 4 of 6, by ProviewPt

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Rank Newbie
NTxC wrote:
The version of Mortyr I have has no readme file at all and the game isn't even installed in the system, so I had no shortcuts to […]
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ZellSF wrote:

2: Games have readme files for a reason:

The version of Mortyr I have has no readme file at all and the game isn't even installed in the system, so I had no shortcuts to any config utilities.

Well, I just used a disassembler to find out launching Mortyr.exe with a "setup" parameter launches a setup window instead of the game, so I just did that.
The problem was fixed by setting the sound quality to 44kHz in the setup window.

Problem was solved. Thanks for the reply.

uh hi first of all sorry for necroposting but i have the same problem as you and i dont know how to fix it.
you said that you fixed by launching mortyr with a "setup" parameter but how did you do this?

for example my .exe is like this:
"C:\Program Files\Games4You\Mortyr\MORTYR.EXE"

then i added setup to it so it became like this:
"C:\Program Files\Games4You\Mortyr\MORTYR.EXE" -setup

but when i opened it it was just the same, no new setup windows, i also tried with -settings and it didnt work either i seriously dont know what to do could you explain to me please?

Reply 5 of 6, by Davros

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Rank l33t

C:\Program Files\Games4You\Mortyr\MORTYR.EXE" setup

Guardian of the Sacred Five Terabyte's of Gaming Goodness

Reply 6 of 6, by ZellSF

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Rank l33t

Please stop asking for help for ripped copies. If you're going to ask people to help you get a game running, just spend the minimal effort required to get a proper copy first. It's only 400 MB to download.

If you have a proper copy the solution is very simple: just reinstall the game and run the settings shortcut it creates.