First post, by fillosaurus

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I found some ISA soundcards on the net and I ordered 4 of them; here they are:
1. Aztech 2320
2. MediaVision Jazz16
3. Ensoniq VIVO 90
4. Samsung Audio Magic X (ESS 1868F+ Wavetable)
The trouble is that MV Jazz16 works only in Win95; Have not found drivers for the Ensoniq, and the Audio Magic X does not initialize the wavetable with the generic ESS DOS drivers.
Anybody has DOS drivers for them?

Y2K box: AMD Athlon K75 (second generation slot A)@700, ASUS K7M motherboard, 256 MB SDRAM, ATI Radeon 7500+2xVoodoo2 in SLI, SB Live! 5.1, VIA USB 2.0 PCI card, 40 GB Seagate HDD.
WIP: external midi module based on NEC wavetable (Yamaha clone)

Reply 1 of 5, by Moogle!

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Have you checked Driver Guide.

Reply 2 of 5, by fillosaurus

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I have. It's been several years since I have a DriverGuide account. It was the first place I checked.

Y2K box: AMD Athlon K75 (second generation slot A)@700, ASUS K7M motherboard, 256 MB SDRAM, ATI Radeon 7500+2xVoodoo2 in SLI, SB Live! 5.1, VIA USB 2.0 PCI card, 40 GB Seagate HDD.
WIP: external midi module based on NEC wavetable (Yamaha clone)

Reply 3 of 5, by Jorpho

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Rank l33t++

Jazz16? Perhaps you should try to find drivers for the Pro Audio Spectrum or Pro Audio Studio instead? If you still can't find them, I might be able to dig mine out.

I remember the lack of compatibility with the SB16 was dreadfully inconveniencing. I did start to get somewhere when I got a full SB16 driver set with CTMM.SYS.

Reply 4 of 5, by fillosaurus

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@ Jorpho
Jazz16 is not compatible with PAS.

Y2K box: AMD Athlon K75 (second generation slot A)@700, ASUS K7M motherboard, 256 MB SDRAM, ATI Radeon 7500+2xVoodoo2 in SLI, SB Live! 5.1, VIA USB 2.0 PCI card, 40 GB Seagate HDD.
WIP: external midi module based on NEC wavetable (Yamaha clone)

Reply 5 of 5, by Jorpho

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Rank l33t++
fillosaurus wrote:

@ Jorpho
Jazz16 is not compatible with PAS.

Okay, it was the Pro Sonic 16, then. (I keep mixing those up.)