Looks fine so far, good work! 😀
Here's my little report:
My PC w/ Win7 (and XP) was missing msvcr120.dll.
I also got two error messages about Mono and Gecko beeing missing,
and the status window complained: "wine: cannot find L"C:\\windows\\system32\\winemenubuilder.exe""
Winfile.exe from Win 3.1 did not start, but the MS-DOS Executive from Win 3.0 did.
It showed files, if the display was set to "long".
The only critique of mine is the typical case-sensitivesness of *nix systems.
In the Windows world, programs mixed lower/upper-case quite often (be it for aesthetics even).
Win16 compatibility was better than expected.
This version of Wine still recognizes early NE executables at least.
The Mark30 program runs, but can't find the directory path of c:\users\username\ .
As far as sound support goes, it would be cool if OPL2 and PC-Speaker would be supported somewhen in the future.
- Because a few of the Win16 free-/shareware games did use them directly. That's no issue, though. Most Win32 games didn't do that.
Games tested:
Solar Vengeance v2 [win16, vb3 runtime] = game crash
Jiji [Win16] = program crash/freeze
Klotz! [Win16, Win 2/3 binary) = works, but no menu
Lander3 [Win16] = works, but GDI glichtes
Adventures of MircoMan [Win16] = program crash (page fault)
Puyo Puyo tsu (2) for Win95 [Win32] = directdraw init. failed
EmPipe [Win16] = ok, no music/sfx
EmPipe [Win32] = ok, no music/sfx
WormWorld [Win16] = ok, no sfx
Wintrek [Win16] = ok, w/ sound, minor GDI glitches
Lemmings for Windows [Win32s] = ok. no sound (?)
Staccato [Win16, TPW/Pascal7Win] = ok, warning message, but no sound (?)
Taipei [Win16, Win3 version] = ok
Mod4WIN [Win16, TPW/Pascal7Win]= ok, no sound (?)
Sorry, I really wanted to give you a proper feedback,
but I'm not so familiar with commercial Windows titles. 🙁
Anyway, thanks for the program! I'm glad you're working on that project. 😀
Edit: A few youtube links with footage of the gameplay added.
"Time, it seems, doesn't flow. For some it's fast, for some it's slow.
In what to one race is no time at all, another race can rise and fall..." - The Minstrel
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