Caluser2000 wrote on 2021-09-18, 07:10:
ragefury32 wrote on 2021-09-18, 07:08:
Caluser2000 wrote on 2021-09-18, 06:59:
So it is official. You have no idea what you are talking about Linux.
Yeah, Obviously I need to question you knowledge of lInux when a question about a web browser used for a specific IBM Pentium-M laptop require a screenshot off a web browser displaying off what looks like a desktop monitor connected to who-knows-what…which shows no browser version, linux distribution version nor hardware info. Call me an old schooler, but answers for questions on vogons spunds better when it’s no rendered in a trolling fashion as a non-sequitur. Because that’s just sad and unfunny. If you want to be unhelpful, fine.
Show me where in this thread I have been unhelpful. Without any replies to you of course.
You see I'm a person who calls out bull shit when I see it.
Really? You really need someone to call you out when you are being a dick on this very topic itself, and you are also wrong to boot? You call out bullshit? So do I, and here’s some of your bullshit right here. Why, here’s the earlier thread about firefox ESR…
Re: How low can you go with modern, user-friendly Linux?
First of all, the original poster was running slackware, not Linux mint. The slack release cycle is much different from what the debian/ubuntu/mint folks are doing - in fact, slack hadn’t had an official release update from 14.2 in the past 5 years - 15RC1 is still a beta release. They also switched from firefox to firefox-esr for 14+, so they only ship ESR. So that entire “is it ESR, I don’t think so” comment you made was hogwash. The default firefox package for 14.2 is 45esr, and the last patched one available from their repo is 68esr. Oh look, why there’s the actual slackware repo. … /slackware/xap/ … tches/packages/
Unless someone within the slackware community compiles 78esr and distributes it, you pretty much have to manually compile it and fix whatever issues you run across while doing so - it’s not in their desktop repo because it doesn’t exist. So no, the original poster was right. The slackware firefox-esr maintainer mentioned on the 14.2 changelog that by the time they got around to 78, it’s almost EOL, and it requires a whole bunch of sharlibs and a new compiler needs to be used…that’s why they didn’t. … 2-a-4175682177/
Also, if you read that thread someone pointed to a salix (slackware binary compatible) 78esr build. It’s not official but it’ll work. That being said, if the original poster feels that firefox quantum makes the machine slow, he’s not going to like running 68, 78 or 91. AFAIK firefox versions after 52 are quantim releases.
Oh, and in case you are wondering, I was asking which browser was installed on that X31..because I have an X31 and I want to know if:
a) Debian started requiring NX/XD in their later releases (definitely a problem with Banias P-Ms)
b) Does the web browser shipped with Debian 11 require SSE3/ESSE3 support (something that was mentioned with Chromium for a while)
c) OpenGL acceleration was running and was it accelerating the video playback? (the ATi Radeon M6 onboard has no modern video decoding ASICs)
And you have to jump in there and give that sarcastic “thanks for playing” response after giving an answer like that, or those douchey-ass screenshots. Yeah, bravo. REEEEEAAL Helpful there.