First post, by Schoenfeld Chris

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For my win10 Laptop i use the Patch 1.2, the D3D Patch and the CPU Patch.

On Race Beginning i have only a small Picture.

How can i fix this ?

For me only standard, never use Mods.

Thank you

In the GPL Forum Found this:

GPL runs as only a small square in the top corner of the screen
1- The line in the core.ini:
[ Direct3D7 ]
DirectMirrorRendering = 1
Change it to
DirectMirrorRendering = 0

This i have not in My Core ini.

Normal i Play GPL on My XP, all OK.

Bud with win10 this with the Small Picture on Top left the Screen.

When you Play GPL with Community Patch 1.3 this is not more standard.

I know the difference with standard is all OK, and with Community Patch 1.3 on win10 i like the Game not more.

The Driving Controls are other with the Community Patch 1.3.

With the Community Patch 1.3 the KI is mutch harder. You will never catch a Car.

I found a solution.

Patch 1.2, D3D Patch, CPU Patch.

And Nigel Pattersons OpenGLV2


All Standard, and work Perfekt on my win10 Laptop.

AMD Dual Core and Radeon R3, 1366x768.

Thank You