Good morning! 😀
Tenfourfox is no more, unfortunately, but InterWebPPC is an alternative.
Personally, I prefer Tiger over Leopard, also.
Tiger still has Blue Box aka Classic Environment and can virtualize Mac OS 9.1+.
In addition, it already also has Quartz Extreme, Core Image and Quartz 2D Extreme (Q2DE).
Quartz Extreme is handy, because it can draw the GUI via the GPU. A Geforce 2MX+ or Radeon 7000+ can be used for this, if memory serves.
Something Iike a Geforce 5200+ etc can be used to enable Core Image, which provides even more GPU related magic.
Unfortunately, newer GPUs capable of Core Image lost Mac OS 9.x acceleration due to being made after OS 9 'died'.
So I suppose an optional Voodoo2 (Glide API) or Quick Draw 3D Accelerator must be used if any kind if acceleration is still required.
QE2D can be enabled system wide by using terminal in Tiger:
sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/ Quartz2DExtremeEnabled -boolean YES
The downside of Tiger 10.4 is the reduced Aqua interface.
Jaguar 10.2 was the last release with pinstripes and real aqua 'tabs'.
Panther 10.3, by comparison, had the fastest Classic Environment and was the only one being compatible with Mac-On-Mac (Edit: Or was it Jaguar 10.2 that had the fastest?) .
It also knew real AppleTalk and shipped with the complete Apple Filing Protocol aka AFP, still:
The Datagram Delivery Protocol (DDP) was used before things switched to TCP.
For maximum compatibility, Jaguar might be better, though.
That being said, you could try Snow Leopard for PPC - there's a preview that can be found online.
Snow Leopard was much better than Leopard, IMHO.
On x86, it still supported PPC applications written with the Carbon (Mac OS 8/9, 10.0+) and Cocoa (10.0+) APIs.
Through Rosetta, Carbon applications originally written with Mac OS 8/9 in mind, might still run on Snowy, even, despite the lack of Classic Environment.
Last, but not least, there's the Leopard Sorbet release made by the community.
Not sure whether or not it does include older Kexts, though.
Some extensions from Tiger (Rage 128 kext etc) used to work on Leopard..
Anyway, I hope that was a bit helpful.
Merry CrossMas (Xmas).
Edit: Edited a few times (typos).
Edit: There's a (slightly dated) Glide software-renderer for Mac OS 9.x.: MacGLide
It also works in Classic Environment, which otherwise has zero graphics acceleration.
Edit: There's an interesting read at Macintosh Garden ("Tiger/Panther classicmode smooth emulation") that explains :
"Jaguar plays classicmode games smoothly, Panther and Tiger can't play a lot of games due to what's been called the implementation of "double buffered" screen memory."
Edit: The slower-than-Jaguar but still-quicker- than-Tiger Classic from Panther (60%+ vs Tiger) apparently can be transplanted into Tiger, also btw. … a03729#msg42306
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In what to one race is no time at all, another race can rise and fall..." - The Minstrel
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