First post, by aureal
hey guys
I have a NF7s v2 that sadly doesnt post.. and gives a black screen. I have tried all the discharging tricks, different psus, ram sticks, video cards and different slots of the last two and narrowed it down to it possibly being a corrupted bios. It gives the correct beeps when there is no gpu or memory installed so i think it is getting pretty far into the post until its handing over to the bios. The caps look good with no bulges so I wanna try this first before getting the soldering iron out since Im reading that bios corruption is pretty common on nforce2 boards. First I have some questions if you know the answer to:
1. Has anyone fixed their abit board with a different pheonix bios chip before? Im seeing an old old post on a miscellanous forum that abit might have write protected the bios chip.
2. Are there usb dongles I can put my corupted bios chip in to write to it on a modern computer so i dont have to find another nf7s v2 board thats working
3. Can I get the phoenix bios chip from any nforce2 board, swap it to my board, boot it up and rewrite the correct firmware to it?
Attached is a pic of the bios it has.