First post, by lucascoelhofc
Hello everyone, I have been trying to find a solution for this without success.
Basically, I have an old laptop that I wanted to use for gaming, so I thought I would install Steam and my games on it. Tried Left 4 Dead 1 & 2, Civ 5 and Orange Box, all retail discs, but to no avail. Once I get to the installation progress bar, the disc stop spinning, the bar it self shows up almost full but no other info on the box, and nothing happens. I waited hours and no file was created on the pc. I tried other laptops, other Windows OS - even the Steam version for XP - but the same thing happened.
Steam support simply told me to install from the download, but I have a slow connection and data cap. Orange Box alone is 50gb! More than that, I am baffled that they would just cut off all of their retail discs like that. Just goes to show what DRM can do retroactively.
Has anyone else experienced this?