Here is how I did it...
Full disclosure, I am assuming a certain level of tech abilities, so if anything is unclear or if anyone needs any particular step broken down, please don't hesitate to ask.
I did this with the following software at hand:
1: MS DOS 6.22 Installation floppy disks.
2: Windows 3.11 Installation floppy disks.
3: MS Dos 6.22 Boot floppy disk.
4: Windows 95 "B" (4.00.950B) Installation CD.
5: Windows 95 "A" Boot floppy disk (REQUIRED)
6: Windows 95 "B" Boot floppy disk (Not needed, but good to have).
The process:
• I made a clean fresh 2GB FAT partition (I believe 2GB is max for FAT). You can achieve this with your DOS 6.22 boot disks and FDisk/Format commands.
• I then installed DOS 6.22 on that partition. (When I did it, it was the only partition created on the HDD, which was a 20GB IDE HDD)
• I removed any floppy disk, the rebooted into the new MS-DOS, and installed WFW 3.11 into "C:\WIN311" to not confuse the later Win95 install (you can use 3.1 or whatever DOS based Windows version you like).
• I renamed the "win" executable in my Win311 folder to WIN.OLD by typing the following: (Sometimes Win95 installs will find the executable and think you have Windows installed already, then cancel installation)
cd\win311 (replace win311 with whatever folder you installed windows 3.xx in)
ren win.old
• I then edited Config.sys & Autoexec.bat to have CD Rom drivers loaded into memory. (if you do not know how to do this, please research a good write-up. (I use vide-cdd.sys and since they have small memory footprints)
• Rebooted back into DOS and popped in a Windows 95 "B" CD.
• Went to the CD drive letter and ran setup to install Windows 95 by typing the following: (I installed it into the "C:\Windows" folder)
d: (replace "d" with whatever driveletter your CD-ROM occupied)
If Win95 setup still detects your windows 3.xx installation, see if there is a PATH value of the Win3xx folder set in your Autoexec.bat file. If so, remove it, restart, and rerun Win95 setup from CD.
Additionally, win3xx may have added "ifshlp.sys" in your config.sys file. Remove that as well. (You can add it back later if you need it).
• Once Win95 was installed and booted into, I clicked start/run and typed in "Command" to bring up a command prompt (do not "reboot into dos prompt")
• In command prompt, I copied/backed up the root of the c:\ contents to a temp folder by typing the following
attrib *.* -h -s -r +a
md temp
copy *.* temp
• I removed the Win95 CD, popped in the Win95 "A" boot disk, exited the Command Prompt. Clicked "Start" then "Shut down" then "Reboot".
• Once I got to the command prompt and booted off of the Win95 "A" disk, I typed the following:
sys c:
• I then copied the backed up contents from earlier that we put into the "C:\Temp" folder, over to the C:\ root by typing the following:
attrib c:\*.* -h -s -r +a
copy c:\temp\*.* c:\
• When asked if you want to over-write anything, select yes to all.
• I then renamed the Win311 executable back to what it originally was by typing the following:
cd\win311 (replace win311 with wherever you installed your win3.xx)
ren win.old
• Finally done, have a beer.
Some explanation of why this works:
Win95B ruins something in the MBR which only makes you able to "Boot into previous version of MS-DOS" only once, then it is gone forever.
This process you read above installs the Win95A MBR signatures that do not get corrupt when selecting "Boot into previous version of MS-DOS".
It also re-copies the Win95B root system files back to the C:\ so that the only thing left that was really modified was installing the Win95A MBR signature. (which is why the Win95A boot disk is needed).
Now, when you reboot your PC... you can press "F8" when it says "Starting Windows 95" and you will have a prompt.
From there, you can pick "Boot into previous version of MS-DOS" to get into your MS-DOS 6.22 where your Windows 3.11 also lives (as well as your Win95 install).
From DOS 6.22 you can launch Win3.11.
To get to Win95, reboot and just let Windows 95 load naturally without pressing F8 or any F-keys.
Do NOT run any DOS based Defrag or Scandisk or disk tools. Windows 95 operates with Long File Names and this will ALL be corrupt if you do so.
If Win95 did a good job during the install, it would have re-named all of these tools in your DOS folder and created a .BAT file telling you to not run them, but rather to boot into Win95 and run the Win95 versions off them.
Cheers and have fun!
Here's a pic of my Super Socket 7 PC booted into System Commander (My MS-DOS & Win3.11 & Win95 are all on the same 2GB partition which was done before System Commander was even installed).