Reply 100 of 110, by Necrodude
A little small update.
I have uploaded a reworked patch.
Here is the latest patch!AnRnGWN7nMe4iWqynzngjLC6Is6Y?e=owg8gP
Just drag and drop the files in your quake3 folder. You will by default have the "Ultra fast version" aka Fast and ugly.
If the game for some reason decides not to start. Try another config file. Remember, if you try this, also delete the q3config.cfg file in your baseq3 folder.
The autoexec file writes to the q3config file.
The default autoexec config file is the fastest.
This patch is also modular. You can amongst other choose if you want compressed faster textures or Fast ultra low quality sounds.
In the Baseq3 folder and you will find different pak files. You will find the following files:
pak9 - map animations This file turns of all the moving stuff on the maps.
pak9 - sounds This file includes low quality faster sounds.
pak9 - texures This file includes compressed faster textures.
pak9 - GFX This file includes compressed explosion effects etc.
If you dont want compressed textures or sounds, or any of the stuff, just remove the pak files you want.
This Patch also includes @G3Virus (Patrik A) exe with SMP support , (this SMP support comes from a plugin dll file. Its not the same as R_smp "1").
"Low Quality Audio" support is also added into the game menu.
Different speed configs are also included
You can choose from "Super fast and super ugly" to fast and good looking.
This patch will most of the time Quadruple Quake3:s FPS count.