First post, by vogon player

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Rank Newbie

I have been unable to get Shadow Warrior 1.0 or 1.1 (Shareware versions) to run under any version of DOSBox. Version 1.2 (shareware and retail) works fine, but the earlier shareware versions mentioned above display the text "loading sounds and graphics", but then a blank screen appears with the following errors in the console window over and over:

Illegal read from f1000060, CS:IP 180: 1f0869
Illegal read from f1000061, CS:IP 180: 1f0869
Illegal read from f1000062, CS:IP 180: 1f0869
Illegal read from f1000063, CS:IP 180: 1f0869
Illegal read from f1000130, CS:IP 180: 1f0830
Illegal read from f1000131, CS:IP 180: 1f0830
Illegal read from f1000132, CS:IP 180: 1f0830
Illegal read from f1000133, CS:IP 180: 1f0830
Illegal read from f1000110, CS:IP 180: 1f083f
Illegal read from f1000111, CS:IP 180: 1f083f

I have tried every video option available and have tried several sound settings but have not been able to resolve this difficulty. I'm hoping that someone might be able to provide some assistance regarding this issue.

Here is a sample of the dosbox.conf file, the sw.cfg file, and a DOSBox log file:


# This is the configurationfile for DOSBox 0.72.
# Lines starting with a # are commentlines.
# They are used to (briefly) document the effect of each option.

# fullscreen -- Start dosbox directly in fullscreen.
# fulldouble -- Use double buffering in fullscreen.
# fullresolution -- What resolution to use for fullscreen: original or fixed size (e.g. 1024x768).
# windowresolution -- Scale the window to this size IF the output device supports hardware scaling.
# output -- What to use for output: surface,overlay,opengl,openglnb,ddraw.
# autolock -- Mouse will automatically lock, if you click on the screen.
# sensitiviy -- Mouse sensitivity.
# waitonerror -- Wait before closing the console if dosbox has an error.
# priority -- Priority levels for dosbox: lowest,lower,normal,higher,highest,pause (when not focussed).
# Second entry behind the comma is for when dosbox is not focused/minimized.
# mapperfile -- File used to load/save the key/event mappings from.
# usescancodes -- Avoid usage of symkeys, might not work on all operating systems.


# language -- Select another language file.
# memsize -- Amount of memory DOSBox has in megabytes.
# machine -- The type of machine tries to emulate:hercules,cga,tandy,pcjr,vga.
# captures -- Directory where things like wave,midi,screenshot get captured.


# frameskip -- How many frames DOSBox skips before drawing one.
# aspect -- Do aspect correction, if your output method doesn't support scaling this can slow things down!.
# scaler -- Scaler used to enlarge/enhance low resolution modes.
# Supported are none,normal2x,normal3x,advmame2x,advmame3x,hq2x,hq3x,
# 2xsai,super2xsai,supereagle,advinterp2x,advinterp3x,
# tv2x,tv3x,rgb2x,rgb3x,scan2x,scan3x.
# If forced is appended (like scaler=hq2x forced), the scaler will be used
# even if the result might not be desired.


# core -- CPU Core used in emulation: normal,simple,dynamic,auto.
# auto switches from normal to dynamic if appropriate.
# cycles -- Amount of instructions DOSBox tries to emulate each millisecond.
# Setting this value too high results in sound dropouts and lags.
# You can also let DOSBox guess the correct value by setting it to max.
# The default setting (auto) switches to max if appropriate.
# cycleup -- Amount of cycles to increase/decrease with keycombo.
# cycledown Setting it lower than 100 will be a percentage.


# nosound -- Enable silent mode, sound is still emulated though.
# rate -- Mixer sample rate, setting any devices higher than this will
# probably lower their sound quality.
# blocksize -- Mixer block size, larger blocks might help sound stuttering
# but sound will also be more lagged.
# prebuffer -- How many milliseconds of data to keep on top of the blocksize.


# mpu401 -- Type of MPU-401 to emulate: none, uart or intelligent.
# device -- Device that will receive the MIDI data from MPU-401.
# This can be default,alsa,oss,win32,coreaudio,none.
# config -- Special configuration options for the device. In Windows put
# the id of the device you want to use. See README for details.


# sbtype -- Type of sblaster to emulate:none,sb1,sb2,sbpro1,sbpro2,sb16.
# sbbase,irq,dma,hdma -- The IO/IRQ/DMA/High DMA address of the soundblaster.
# mixer -- Allow the soundblaster mixer to modify the DOSBox mixer.
# oplmode -- Type of OPL emulation: auto,cms,opl2,dualopl2,opl3.
# On auto the mode is determined by sblaster type.
# All OPL modes are 'Adlib', except for CMS.
# oplrate -- Sample rate of OPL music emulation.


# gus -- Enable the Gravis Ultrasound emulation.
# gusbase,irq1,irq2,dma1,dma2 -- The IO/IRQ/DMA addresses of the
# Gravis Ultrasound. (Same IRQ's and DMA's are OK.)
# gusrate -- Sample rate of Ultrasound emulation.
# ultradir -- Path to Ultrasound directory. In this directory
# there should be a MIDI directory that contains
# the patch files for GUS playback. Patch sets used
# with Timidity should work fine.


# pcspeaker -- Enable PC-Speaker emulation.
# pcrate -- Sample rate of the PC-Speaker sound generation.
# tandy -- Enable Tandy Sound System emulation (off,on,auto).
# For auto Tandysound emulation is present only if machine is set to tandy.
# tandyrate -- Sample rate of the Tandy 3-Voice generation.
# disney -- Enable Disney Sound Source emulation. Covox Voice Master and Speech Thing compatible.


# joysticktype -- Type of joystick to emulate: auto (default), none,
# 2axis (supports two joysticks,
# 4axis (supports one joystick, first joystick used),
# 4axis_2 (supports one joystick, second joystick used),
# fcs (Thrustmaster), ch (CH Flightstick).
# none disables joystick emulation.
# auto chooses emulation depending on real joystick(s).
# timed -- enable timed intervals for axis. (false is old style behaviour).
# autofire -- continuously fires as long as you keep the button pressed.
# swap34 -- swap the 3rd and the 4th axis. can be useful for certain joysticks.
# buttonwrap -- enable button wrapping at the number of emulated buttons.


# serial1-4 -- set type of device connected to com port.
# Can be disabled, dummy, modem, nullmodem, directserial.
# Additional parameters must be in the same line in the form of
# parameter:value. Parameter for all types is irq.
# for directserial: realport (required), rxdelay (optional).
# for modem: listenport (optional).
# for nullmodem: server, rxdelay, txdelay, telnet, usedtr,
# transparent, port, inhsocket (all optional).
# Example: serial1=modem listenport:5000


# xms -- Enable XMS support.
# ems -- Enable EMS support.
# umb -- Enable UMB support.
# keyboardlayout -- Language code of the keyboard layout (or none).


# ipx -- Enable ipx over UDP/IP emulation.


# Lines in this section will be run at startup.


;Setup File for Shadow Warrior
SetupVersion = "1.1"
[Screen Setup]
; - Chained - 0
; - Vesa 2.0 - 1
; - Screen Buffered - 2
; - Tseng optimized - 3
; - Paradise optimized - 4
; - S3 optimized - 5
; - RedBlue Stereo - 7
; - Crystal Eyes - 6
;ScreenWidth passed to engine
;ScreenHeight passed to engine
ScreenMode = 1
ScreenWidth = 800
ScreenHeight = 600
[Sound Setup]
FXDevice = 0
MusicDevice = 13
FXVolume = 0
MusicVolume = 255
NumVoices = 4
NumChannels = 2
NumBits = 8
MixRate = 11000
MidiPort = 0x330
BlasterAddress = 0x220
BlasterType = 6
BlasterInterrupt = 7
BlasterDma8 = 1
BlasterDma16 = 5
BlasterEmu = 0x620
ReverseStereo = 0
Move_Forward = "Up" "Kpad8"
Move_Backward = "Down" "Kpad2"
Turn_Left = "Left" "Kpad4"
Turn_Right = "Right" "KPad6"
Strafe = "LAlt" "RAlt"
Fire = "LCtrl" "RCtrl"
Open = "Space" ""
Run = "LShift" "RShift"
AutoRun = "CapLck" ""
Jump = "A" "/"
Crouch = "Z" ""
Look_Up = "PgUp" "Kpad9"
Look_Down = "PgDn" "Kpad3"
Strafe_Left = "," ""
Strafe_Right = "." ""
Aim_Up = "Home" "KPad7"
Aim_Down = "End" "Kpad1"
Weapon_1 = "1" ""
Weapon_2 = "2" ""
Weapon_3 = "3" ""
Weapon_4 = "4" ""
Weapon_5 = "5" ""
Weapon_6 = "6" ""
Weapon_7 = "7" ""
Weapon_8 = "8" ""
Weapon_9 = "9" ""
Weapon_10 = "0" ""
Inventory = "Enter" "KpdEnt"
Inventory_Left = "[" ""
Inventory_Right = "]" ""
Med_Kit = "M" ""
Smoke_Bomb = "S" ""
Night_Vision = "N" ""
Gas_Bomb = "G" ""
Flash_Bomb = "F" ""
Caltrops = "C" ""
TurnAround = "BakSpc" ""
SendMessage = "T" ""
Map = "Tab" ""
Shrink_Screen = "-" "Kpad-"
Enlarge_Screen = "=" "Kpad+"
Center_View = "KPad5" ""
Holster_Weapon = "ScrLck" ""
Map_Follow_Mode = "F" ""
See_Co_Op_View = "K" ""
Mouse_Aiming = "U" ""
Toggle_Crosshair = "I" ""
Next_Weapon = "'" ""
Previous_Weapon = ";" ""
; - Keyboard - 0
; - Keyboard and Mouse - 1
; - Keyboard and Joystick - 2
; - Keyboard and Gamepad - 4
; - Keyboard and External - 3
; - Keyboard and FlightStick - 5
; - Keyboard and ThrustMaster - 6
ControllerType = 0
JoystickPort = 0
MouseSensitivity = 32768
ExternalFilename = "EXTERNAL.EXE"
EnableRudder = 0
MouseAiming = 0
MouseAimingFlipped = 0
MouseButton0 = "Fire"
MouseButtonClicked0 = ""
MouseButton1 = "Strafe"
MouseButtonClicked1 = "Open"
MouseButton2 = "Move_Forward"
MouseButtonClicked2 = ""
JoystickButton0 = "Fire"
JoystickButtonClicked0 = ""
JoystickButton1 = "Strafe"
JoystickButtonClicked1 = "Inventory"
JoystickButton2 = "Run"
JoystickButtonClicked2 = "Jump"
JoystickButton3 = "Open"
JoystickButtonClicked3 = "Crouch"
JoystickButton4 = "Aim_Down"
JoystickButtonClicked4 = ""
JoystickButton5 = "Look_Right"
JoystickButtonClicked5 = ""
JoystickButton6 = "Aim_Up"
JoystickButtonClicked6 = ""
JoystickButton7 = "Look_Left"
JoystickButtonClicked7 = ""
MouseAnalogAxes0 = "analog_turning"
MouseDigitalAxes0_0 = ""
MouseDigitalAxes0_1 = ""
MouseAnalogScale0 = 65536
MouseAnalogAxes1 = "analog_moving"
MouseDigitalAxes1_0 = ""
MouseDigitalAxes1_1 = ""
MouseAnalogScale1 = 65536
JoystickAnalogAxes0 = "analog_turning"
JoystickDigitalAxes0_0 = ""
JoystickDigitalAxes0_1 = ""
JoystickAnalogScale0 = 65536
JoystickAnalogAxes1 = "analog_moving"
JoystickDigitalAxes1_0 = ""
JoystickDigitalAxes1_1 = ""
JoystickAnalogScale1 = 65536
JoystickAnalogAxes2 = "analog_strafing"
JoystickDigitalAxes2_0 = ""
JoystickDigitalAxes2_1 = ""
JoystickAnalogScale2 = 65536
JoystickAnalogAxes3 = ""
JoystickDigitalAxes3_0 = "Run"
JoystickDigitalAxes3_1 = ""
JoystickAnalogScale3 = 65536
GamePadDigitalAxes0_0 = "Turn_Left"
GamePadDigitalAxes0_1 = "Turn_Right"
GamePadDigitalAxes1_0 = "Move_Forward"
GamePadDigitalAxes1_1 = "Move_Backward"
[Comm Setup]
ComPort = 2
IrqNumber = ~
UartAddress = ~
PortSpeed = 19200
ToneDial = 1
SocketNumber = ~
NumberPlayers = 2
ModemName = ""
InitString = "ATZ"
HangupString = "ATH0=0"
DialoutString = ""
PlayerName = "KATO"
RTSName = "SW.RTS"
RTSPath = ".\"
UserPath = ".\"
PhoneNumber = ""
ConnectType = 0
CommbatMacro#0 = "Burn baby burn..."
CommbatMacro#1 = "You make another stupid move."
CommbatMacro#2 = "Blocking with your head again?"
CommbatMacro#3 = "You not fight well with hands!"
CommbatMacro#4 = "You so stupid!"
CommbatMacro#5 = "Quit jerking off. Come fight me!"
CommbatMacro#6 = "What the matter you scaredy cat?"
CommbatMacro#7 = "Did I break your concentration?"
CommbatMacro#8 = "Hope you were paying attention."
CommbatMacro#9 = "ITTAIIIUUU!!!"
PhoneName#0 = ""
PhoneNumber#0 = ""
PhoneName#1 = ""
PhoneNumber#1 = ""
PhoneName#2 = ""
PhoneNumber#2 = ""
PhoneName#3 = ""
PhoneNumber#3 = ""
PhoneName#4 = ""
PhoneNumber#4 = ""
PhoneName#5 = ""
PhoneNumber#5 = ""
PhoneName#6 = ""
PhoneNumber#6 = ""
PhoneName#7 = ""
PhoneNumber#7 = ""
PhoneName#8 = ""
PhoneNumber#8 = ""
PhoneName#9 = ""
PhoneNumber#9 = ""
PhoneName#10 = ""
PhoneNumber#10 = ""
PhoneName#11 = ""
PhoneNumber#11 = ""
PhoneName#12 = ""
PhoneNumber#12 = ""
PhoneName#13 = ""
PhoneNumber#13 = ""
PhoneName#14 = ""
PhoneNumber#14 = ""
PhoneName#15 = ""
PhoneNumber#15 = ""
BorderNum = 2
Brightness = 0
BorderTile = 0
Bobbing = 1
Tilting = 0
Shadows = 1
AutoRun = 1
Crosshair = 1
AutoAim = 1
Messages = 1
Talking = 1
Ambient = 1
FxOn = 0
MusicOn = 0
NetGameType = 0
NetLevel = 0
NetMonsters = 0
NetHurtTeammate = 0
NetSpawnMarkers = 1
NetTeamPlay = 0
NetKillLimit = 0
NetTimeLimit = 0
NetColor = 0
Voxels = 0
MouseAimingOn = 0
MouseInvert = 0
Stats = 0
Rooster = ""
Kiwi = 0
PlayCD = 0
Chickens = 5


MIDI:Opened device:win32
0: IO:Read from port 0278
0: IO:Read from port 0279
0: IO:Read from port 03BC
0: IO:Read from port 03BE
0: INT10:Set Video Mode 3
0: VGA:Blinking 8
0: FILES:file open command 2 file CON
0: FILES:file open command 2 file CON
0: FILES:file open command 2 file CON
0: FILES:file open command 2 file CON
0: EXEC:Parsing command line: AUTOEXEC.BAT
0: FILES:Special file open command 80 file AUTOEXEC.BAT
0: EXEC:Parsing command line: SET BLASTER=A220 I7 D1 H5 T6
0: EXEC:Parsing command line: SET ULTRASND=240,3,3,5,5
0: EXEC:Parsing command line: SET ULTRADIR=C:\ULTRASND
0: EXEC:Parsing command line: MOUNT C "C:\DosBoxRoot\notwor~1\sw_1"
3: EXEC:Execute MOUNT.COM 0
3: FILES:file open command 0 file MOUNT.COM
12: DOSMISC:DIRCACHE: Set volume label to WIN98SE
12: DOSMISC:DIRCACHE: Set volume label to C_DRIVE
18: EXEC:Parsing command line: C:
149328: VGA:h total 100 end 80 blank (80/98) retrace (85/97)
149328: VGA:v total 449 end 400 blank (406/441) retrace (412/414)
149328: VGA:Width 640, Height 400, fps 70.086594
149328: VGA:normal width, normal height aspect 1.000000
2966773: EXEC:Parsing command line: sw
2966776: EXEC:Execute sw.EXE 0
2966776: FILES:file open command 0 file sw.EXE
2968064: FILES:file open command 0 file C:\SW.EXE
2968277: FILES:file open command 0 file C:\SW.ETX
2969630: BIOS:INT15:Unknown call BFDE
2969681: DOSMISC:DOS:Multiplex Unhandled call 1687
2969704: BIOS:INT15:Unknown call BFDE
2973110: BIOS:INT15:Unknown call BF01
2973111: BIOS:INT15:Function 0x88 Remaining 0000 kb
3003409: FILES:file open command 0 file C:\SW.EXE
3123812: INT10:Function 6F not supported
3123836: INT10:Function 5F not supported
3123846: IO:Read from port 03CD
3123846: IO:Writing 55 to port 03CD
3123846: VGAMISC:VGA:S3:SEQ:Write to illegal index 6
3123846: VGAMISC:VGA:S3:SEQ:Read from illegal index 6
3124191: FILES:file open command 2 file sw.grp
3169313: FILES:file open command 0 file SW.CFG
3315403: FILES:file open command 0 file SW.RTS
3315548: FILES:file open command 0 file tables.dat
3315738: FILES:file open command 0 file palette.dat
3316030: PIT:PIT 0 Timer at 120.12 Hz mode 3
3316040: MISC:MSCDEX: INT 2F 1500 BX= 0000 CX=0000
3316052: SBLASTER:DSP:Reset
3316639: PIC:0 mask F8
3316639: SBLASTER:DSP:Reset
3316847: SBLASTER:DSP:Reset
3317119: PIC:0 mask 78
3317119: SBLASTER:DMA unmasked,starting output, auto 1 block 4095
3317119: SBLASTER:DMA Transfer:8-bits PCM Stereo Auto-Init freq 11000 rate 22000 size 512
3320587: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3322830: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3324484: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3326064: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3327562: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3329142: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3330640: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3332144: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3333725: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3335229: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3336740: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3338308: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3339810: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3341321: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3342937: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3344556: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3346166: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3347785: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3349461: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3351065: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3352686: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3354364: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3355983: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3357589: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3359280: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3360914: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3362552: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3364275: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3365917: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3367568: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3369282: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3370922: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3372581: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3374295: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3375946: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3377589: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3379341: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3381009: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3382683: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3384434: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3386108: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3387790: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3389457: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3391212: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3392882: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3394563: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3396301: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3397945: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3399604: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3401320: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3402971: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3404617: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3406333: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3407984: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3409628: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3411359: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3413007: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3414666: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3416320: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3418046: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3419707: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3421362: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3423096: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3424750: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3426421: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3428145: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3429800: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3431464: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3433139: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3434749: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3436353: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3437951: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3439639: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3441236: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3442847: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3444521: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3446127: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3447730: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3449404: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3451065: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3452789: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3454448: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3456096: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3457827: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3459473: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3461118: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3461648: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3461666: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3461707: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3461731: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3461772: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3461796: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3461814: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3461855: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3461879: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3461920: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3461944: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3461962: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3462003: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3462027: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3462068: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3462092: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3462127: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3462151: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3462192: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3462216: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3462240: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3462275: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3462299: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3462340: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3462445: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3462476: FILES:file open command 0 file demos.run
3462698: FILES:file open command 0 file demotxt.run
3462827: FILES:file open command 0 file tiles000.art
3463047: FILES:file open command 0 file tiles001.art
3463267: FILES:file open command 0 file tiles002.art
3463487: FILES:file open command 0 file tiles003.art
3463707: FILES:file open command 0 file tiles004.art
3463927: FILES:file open command 0 file tiles005.art
3464147: FILES:file open command 0 file tiles006.art
3464367: FILES:file open command 0 file tiles007.art
3464587: FILES:file open command 0 file tiles008.art
3464807: FILES:file open command 0 file tiles009.art
3465027: FILES:file open command 0 file tiles010.art
3465247: FILES:file open command 0 file tiles011.art
3465467: FILES:file open command 0 file tiles012.art
3465687: FILES:file open command 0 file tiles013.art
3465907: FILES:file open command 0 file tiles014.art
3466127: FILES:file open command 0 file tiles015.art
3466347: FILES:file open command 0 file tiles016.art
3466567: FILES:file open command 0 file tiles017.art
3466793: FILES:file open command 0 file tiles018.art
3467013: FILES:file open command 0 file tiles019.art
3467233: FILES:file open command 0 file tiles020.art
3467453: FILES:file open command 0 file tiles021.art
3467994: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3468042: FILES:file open command 0 file swvoxfil.txt
3468122: FILES:file open command 0 file medpak.kvx
3468409: FILES:file open command 0 file medkit.kvx
3468693: FILES:file open command 0 file uzi.kvx
3469007: FILES:file open command 0 file grenade.kvx
3469315: FILES:file open command 0 file gunbarl.kvx
3469429: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3469674: FILES:file open command 0 file camera.kvx
3469962: FILES:file open command 0 file 40mmbox.kvx
3470274: FILES:file open command 0 file mines.kvx
3470582: FILES:file open command 0 file shotgun.kvx
3470895: FILES:file open command 0 file rocket.kvx
3471204: FILES:file open command 0 file shtgammo.kvx
3471212: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3471505: FILES:file open command 0 file rcktammo.kvx
3471811: FILES:file open command 0 file tools.KVX
3472142: FILES:file open command 0 file uziclip.kvx
3472430: FILES:file open command 0 file nitevis.kvx
3472724: FILES:file open command 0 file railgun.kvx
3472732: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3473044: FILES:file open command 0 file railpak.kvx
3473330: FILES:file open command 0 file armor.kvx
3473634: FILES:file open command 0 file star.kvx
3473945: FILES:file open command 0 file heat.kvx
3473953: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3474236: FILES:file open command 0 file coin.kvx
3474528: FILES:file open command 0 file heart.kvx
3474838: FILES:file open command 0 file heart2.kvx
3475132: FILES:file open command 0 file uziside.kvx
3475132: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3475449: FILES:file open command 0 file bomb.kvx
3475735: FILES:file open command 0 file smoke.kvx
3476027: FILES:file open command 0 file flash.kvx
3476114: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3476328: FILES:file open command 0 file gorohead.kvx
3476641: FILES:file open command 0 file shadow.kvx
3476929: FILES:file open command 0 file caltrop.kvx
3477118: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3477311: FILES:file open command 0 file cookie.kvx
3477625: FILES:file open command 0 file techkey.kvx
3477912: FILES:file open command 0 file oldkey.kvx
3478204: FILES:file open command 0 file flag1.kvx
3478212: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3478502: FILES:file open command 0 file flag2.kvx
3478788: FILES:file open command 0 file flag3.kvx
3479082: FILES:file open command 0 file keycard.kvx
3479376: FILES:file open command 0 file oldlock.kvx
3479384: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3479671: FILES:file open command 0 file oldlock2.kvx
3479966: FILES:file open command 0 file kcrdlck1.kvx
3480278: FILES:file open command 0 file kcrdlck2.kvx
3480573: FILES:file open command 0 file tchklck1.kvx
3480581: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3480868: FILES:file open command 0 file tchklck2.kvx
3481163: FILES:file open command 0 file tchklck3.kvx
3481456: FILES:file open command 0 file oldkey.kvx
3481730: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3481762: FILES:file open command 0 file oldkey.kvx
3482055: FILES:file open command 0 file oldkey.kvx
3482349: FILES:file open command 0 file techkey.kvx
3482660: FILES:file open command 0 file techkey.kvx
3482852: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3482954: FILES:file open command 0 file techkey.kvx
3483248: FILES:file open command 0 file keycard.kvx
3483542: FILES:file open command 0 file keycard.kvx
3483836: FILES:file open command 0 file keycard.kvx
3484036: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3484127: FILES:file open command 0 file mine.kvx
3484419: FILES:file open command 0 file mine2.kvx
3484711: FILES:file open command 0 file mine3.kvx
3485000: FILES:file open command 0 file button1a.kvx
3485121: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3485301: FILES:file open command 0 file button1b.kvx
3485613: FILES:file open command 0 file switch1a.kvx
3485908: FILES:file open command 0 file switch1b.kvx
3486197: FILES:file open command 0 file switch2a.kvx
3486277: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3486518: FILES:file open command 0 file switch2b.kvx
3486833: FILES:file open command 0 file switch3a.kvx
3487128: FILES:file open command 0 file switch3b.kvx
3487318: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3487429: FILES:file open command 0 file switch4a.kvx
3487754: FILES:file open command 0 file switch4b.kvx
3488043: FILES:file open command 0 file switch5a.kvx
3488351: FILES:file open command 0 file switch5b.kvx
3488420: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3488651: FILES:file open command 0 file swplock.txt
3488816: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3489181: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3489691: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3489758: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3489844: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3489884: FILES:file open command 0 file SWRDSTR1.VOC
3490014: FILES:file open command 0 file THROW.VOC
3490152: FILES:file open command 0 file STRCLNK.VOC
3490281: FILES:file open command 0 file NULL.VOC
3490414: FILES:file open command 0 file UZIFIRE1.VOC
3490570: FILES:file open command 0 file RICH1.VOC
3490720: FILES:file open command 0 file RICH2.VOC
3490728: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3490835: FILES:file open command 0 file RMVCLIP.VOC
3491006: FILES:file open command 0 file RPLCLIP.VOC
3491133: FILES:file open command 0 file SHELL.VOC
3491309: FILES:file open command 0 file RIOTFIR1.VOC
3491481: FILES:file open command 0 file SHOTGUN.VOC
3491638: FILES:file open command 0 file EXPMED.VOC
3491689: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3491817: FILES:file open command 0 file 40MMFIR2.VOC
3491956: FILES:file open command 0 file 40MMEXP2.VOC
3492213: FILES:file open command 0 file GHFIR1.VOC
3492340: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3492396: FILES:file open command 0 file EXPSML.VOC
3492546: FILES:file open command 0 file THROW.VOC
3492685: FILES:file open command 0 file PHITGRND.VOC
3492816: FILES:file open command 0 file EXPLRG.VOC
3493074: FILES:file open command 0 file STSCAN2.VOC
3493204: FILES:file open command 0 file HBUP1.VOC
3493235: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3493362: FILES:file open command 0 file NULL.VOC
3493495: FILES:file open command 0 file RIOTFIR1.VOC
3493666: FILES:file open command 0 file EXPMED.VOC
3493841: FILES:file open command 0 file NULL.VOC
3493973: FILES:file open command 0 file NAPFIRE.VOC
3494131: FILES:file open command 0 file NAPTWIZ.VOC
3494280: FILES:file open command 0 file NAPPUFF.VOC
3494348: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3494500: FILES:file open command 0 file MAGIC1.VOC
3494691: FILES:file open command 0 file BTFIRE.VOC
3494848: FILES:file open command 0 file SGSH01.VOC
3494979: FILES:file open command 0 file JG1087.VOC
3495138: FILES:file open command 0 file LIKSHK02.VOC
3495259: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3495313: FILES:file open command 0 file NULL.VOC
3495467: FILES:file open command 0 file BUBBLE.VOC
3495658: FILES:file open command 0 file JG7009.VOC
3495853: FILES:file open command 0 file NULL.VOC
3495983: FILES:file open command 0 file IAM01.VOC
3496161: FILES:file open command 0 file DHVOMIT.VOC
3496269: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3496309: FILES:file open command 0 file NULL.VOC
3496441: FILES:file open command 0 file SPLASH1.VOC
3496599: FILES:file open command 0 file STSPL01.VOC
3496727: FILES:file open command 0 file KEY.VOC
3496878: FILES:file open command 0 file ITEM5A.VOC
3497017: FILES:file open command 0 file ITEMBIG2.VOC
3497144: FILES:file open command 0 file BODY9.VOC
3497277: FILES:file open command 0 file PHITGRND.VOC
3497413: FILES:file open command 0 file BODY2.VOC
3497421: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3497549: FILES:file open command 0 file BODY1.VOC
3497681: FILES:file open command 0 file HITGRND.VOC
3497817: FILES:file open command 0 file BODY6.VOC
3497950: FILES:file open command 0 file TELEPT02.VOC
3498139: FILES:file open command 0 file TELEPT02.VOC
3498290: FILES:file open command 0 file ACCU01.VOC
3498460: FILES:file open command 0 file AHH03.VOC
3498474: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3498625: FILES:file open command 0 file STICKY2R.VOC
3498755: FILES:file open command 0 file UZI1R.VOC
3498887: FILES:file open command 0 file SHOTG1R.VOC
3499024: FILES:file open command 0 file BOLT1R.VOC
3499155: FILES:file open command 0 file BOLT1R.VOC
3499286: FILES:file open command 0 file BOLT1R.VOC
3499425: FILES:file open command 0 file STICKY1R.VOC
3499556: FILES:file open command 0 file EXPSML.VOC
3499707: FILES:file open command 0 file EXPMED.VOC
3499738: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3499890: FILES:file open command 0 file EXPLRG.VOC
3500145: FILES:file open command 0 file NULL.VOC
3500276: FILES:file open command 0 file FBALL1.VOC
3500452: FILES:file open command 0 file ERUPT.VOC
3500592: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3500649: FILES:file open command 0 file HBOMB2.VOC
3500944: FILES:file open command 0 file STANDBY.VOC
3501100: FILES:file open command 0 file CDOWN.VOC
3501292: FILES:file open command 0 file SYSREAD.VOC
3501470: FILES:file open command 0 file WARNING.VOC
3501516: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3501606: FILES:file open command 0 file HISS1.VOC
3501764: FILES:file open command 0 file CHBNCE1.VOC
3501894: FILES:file open command 0 file THROW.VOC
3502023: FILES:file open command 0 file PULL.VOC
3502154: FILES:file open command 0 file JG7001.VOC
3502332: FILES:file open command 0 file STSCAN2.VOC
3502464: FILES:file open command 0 file HBDOWN1.VOC
3502599: FILES:file open command 0 file NULL.VOC
3502730: FILES:file open command 0 file GASPOP.VOC
3502738: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3502889: FILES:file open command 0 file 40MMBNCE.VOC
3503042: FILES:file open command 0 file TACK1.VOC
3503172: FILES:file open command 0 file NVON3.VOC
3503303: FILES:file open command 0 file NVOFF2.VOC
3503434: FILES:file open command 0 file JG2020.VOC
3503611: FILES:file open command 0 file BIMP01.VOC
3503763: FILES:file open command 0 file SWRDSMK1.VOC
3503809: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3503901: FILES:file open command 0 file RAMLOCK.VOC
3504034: FILES:file open command 0 file CARDLOCK.VOC
3504171: FILES:file open command 0 file UNLOCK.VOC
3504322: FILES:file open command 0 file GIBS04.VOC
3504479: FILES:file open command 0 file GIBS05.VOC
3504607: FILES:file open command 0 file GIBS01.VOC
3504615: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3504768: FILES:file open command 0 file DRIP.VOC
3504927: FILES:file open command 0 file METALBRK.VOC
3505080: FILES:file open command 0 file DEBRIBRK.VOC
3505312: FILES:file open command 0 file COIN.VOC
3505320: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3505517: FILES:file open command 0 file STONEBRK.VOC
3505675: FILES:file open command 0 file WOODBRK.VOC
3505826: FILES:file open command 0 file GLASS3.VOC
3506005: FILES:file open command 0 file BADMAN04.VOC
3506056: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3506184: FILES:file open command 0 file COMEGET2.VOC
3506341: FILES:file open command 0 file GHOP07.VOC
3506520: FILES:file open command 0 file GOODDAY4.VOC
3506715: FILES:file open command 0 file KILLU05.VOC
3506774: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3506894: FILES:file open command 0 file NATURAL4.VOC
3507093: FILES:file open command 0 file NOHONOR6.VOC
3507271: FILES:file open command 0 file SAYON09.VOC
3507463: FILES:file open command 0 file TAKSAN1.VOC
3507522: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3507688: FILES:file open command 0 file SNATCH01.VOC
3507865: FILES:file open command 0 file CHOTO7.VOC
3507998: FILES:file open command 0 file SWPAIN05.VOC
3508150: FILES:file open command 0 file SWPAIN03.VOC
3508303: FILES:file open command 0 file SWPAIN07.VOC
3508349: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3508448: FILES:file open command 0 file SWPAIN22.VOC
3508558: FILES:file open command 0 file SWYELL03.VOC
3508691: FILES:file open command 0 file SWYELL05.VOC
3508824: FILES:file open command 0 file SWYELL06.VOC
3508953: FILES:file open command 0 file GRUNT06.VOC
3509091: FILES:file open command 0 file SWDIE02.VOC
3509197: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3509287: FILES:file open command 0 file AHSO5.VOC
3509445: FILES:file open command 0 file BANZAI1.VOC
3509602: FILES:file open command 0 file HAHA19.VOC
3509753: FILES:file open command 0 file HAHA11.VOC
3509910: FILES:file open command 0 file HAHA15.VOC
3509918: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3510049: FILES:file open command 0 file ACS10.VOC
3510222: FILES:file open command 0 file BIGWPN01.VOC
3510380: FILES:file open command 0 file CBUNG01.VOC
3510489: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3510582: FILES:file open command 0 file CHARAD09.VOC
3510778: FILES:file open command 0 file DTIME.VOC
3510974: FILES:file open command 0 file EAT02.VOC
3511124: FILES:file open command 0 file FCRACK01.VOC
3511138: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3511327: FILES:file open command 0 file HCOW03.VOC
3511504: FILES:file open command 0 file HCOW06.VOC
3511659: FILES:file open command 0 file HSHIT03.VOC
3511831: FILES:file open command 0 file HSHIT04.VOC
3511843: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3512009: FILES:file open command 0 file IHOPE01.VOC
3512207: FILES:file open command 0 file ILIKE01.VOC
3512383: FILES:file open command 0 file KUNGFU06.VOC
3512502: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3512620: FILES:file open command 0 file LMOVE01.VOC
3512792: FILES:file open command 0 file LWANG05.VOC
3512985: FILES:file open command 0 file RAW01.VOC
3513224: FILES:file open command 0 file STUPID01.VOC
3513263: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3513428: FILES:file open command 0 file TDICK02.VOC
3513620: FILES:file open command 0 file TOURN01.VOC
3513836: FILES:file open command 0 file TSTICK01.VOC
3514035: FILES:file open command 0 file TSTICK05.VOC
3514063: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3514191: FILES:file open command 0 file TSTICK07.VOC
3514347: FILES:file open command 0 file TSTICK10.VOC
3514497: FILES:file open command 0 file TSWORD05.VOC
3514696: FILES:file open command 0 file TSWORD08.VOC
3514820: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3514878: FILES:file open command 0 file TSWORD01.VOC
3515071: FILES:file open command 0 file SWYELL22.VOC
3515230: FILES:file open command 0 file SWYELL14.VOC
3515363: FILES:file open command 0 file SWYELL23.VOC
3515539: FILES:file open command 0 file SWYELL16.VOC
3515672: FILES:file open command 0 file SWYELL13.VOC
3515805: FILES:file open command 0 file REPMAN15.VOC
3515813: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3515988: FILES:file open command 0 file JG1075.VOC
3516166: FILES:file open command 0 file CGMAT.VOC
3516363: FILES:file open command 0 file CGALRT.VOC
3516429: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3516521: FILES:file open command 0 file CGWHACK.VOC
3516657: FILES:file open command 0 file CGAMB.VOC
3516834: FILES:file open command 0 file CGPAIN.VOC
3516986: FILES:file open command 0 file CGSHOOT.VOC
3517142: FILES:file open command 0 file CGHIT.VOC
3517208: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3517299: FILES:file open command 0 file CGSCRM.VOC
3517472: FILES:file open command 0 file VOID3.VOC
3517689: FILES:file open command 0 file COLEXP.VOC
3517861: FILES:file open command 0 file COLSCRM.VOC
3518019: FILES:file open command 0 file COLALRT.VOC
3518027: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3518176: FILES:file open command 0 file COLAMB.VOC
3518331: FILES:file open command 0 file COLPAIN.VOC
3519208: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3519679: FILES:file open command 0 file NINAMB.VOC
3519891: FILES:file open command 0 file NINSTAR.VOC
3520046: FILES:file open command 0 file NINPAIN.VOC
3520198: FILES:file open command 0 file NINSCRM.VOC
3520246: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3520359: FILES:file open command 0 file NINALRT.VOC
3520512: FILES:file open command 0 file NINSHOOT.VOC
3520651: FILES:file open command 0 file RIOTFIR1.VOC
3520822: FILES:file open command 0 file CHOK01.VOC
3521036: FILES:file open command 0 file M60.VOC
3521082: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3521180: FILES:file open command 0 file NINCUT3.VOC
3522455: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3523836: FILES:file open command 0 file RABATK1.VOC
3524007: FILES:file open command 0 file RABDIE1.VOC
3524023: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3524122: FILES:file open command 0 file RABDIE2.VOC
3524231: FILES:file open command 0 file RABDIE3.VOC
3524345: FILES:file open command 0 file RABAMB.VOC
3525484: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3527165: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3528830: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3529527: FILES:file open command 0 file RIP2AMB.VOC
3529743: FILES:file open command 0 file RIP2ALRT.VOC
3529922: FILES:file open command 0 file RIP2ATCK.VOC
3530055: FILES:file open command 0 file RIP2PAIN.VOC
3530106: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3530214: FILES:file open command 0 file RIP2SCRM.VOC
3530412: FILES:file open command 0 file RIP2HRT.VOC
3530591: FILES:file open command 0 file RIPCHST1.VOC
3531239: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3532920: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3534670: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3536320: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3537992: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3539546: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3541054: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3542621: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3544067: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3545586: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3547141: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3548610: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3550113: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3551677: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3553028: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3554531: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3556102: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3557605: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3559176: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3560656: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3562193: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3563798: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3565317: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3566814: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3568369: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3569889: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3571392: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3572963: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3574480: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3575964: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3577456: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3577491: FILES:file open command 0 file tiles000.art
3578041: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3578650: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3579472: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3580016: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3580607: FILES:file open command 0 file tiles001.art
3580765: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3581629: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3582354: FILES:file open command 0 file tiles002.art
3582608: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3583406: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3584389: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3585040: FILES:file open command 0 file tiles003.art
3585424: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3586185: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3587068: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3587486: FILES:file open command 0 file tiles004.art
3587884: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3588553: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3589170: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3589843: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3590557: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3591300: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3592097: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3593089: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3593783: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3594605: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3595423: FILES:file open command 0 file tiles005.art
3595855: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3596913: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3597679: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3598338: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3599388: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3599600: FILES:file open command 0 file tiles006.art
3600862: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3601483: FILES:file open command 0 file tiles007.art
3602523: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3603623: FILES:file open command 0 file tiles008.art
3603860: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3604588: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3605893: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3607325: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3608462: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3608656: FILES:file open command 0 file tiles009.art
3610284: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3611587: FILES:file open command 0 file tiles010.art
3612086: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3612630: FILES:file open command 0 file tiles011.art
3613844: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3615665: FILES:file open command 0 file tiles012.art
3615814: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3616445: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3616974: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3617606: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3618244: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3619016: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3619739: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3620278: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3620858: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3621468: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3621896: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3622033: FILES:file open command 0 file tiles013.art
3622621: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3623330: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3623931: FILES:file open command 0 file tiles014.art
3624351: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3625784: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3626256: FILES:file open command 0 file tiles015.art
3626643: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3627651: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3628800: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3629682: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3630297: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3630558: FILES:file open command 0 file tiles016.art
3630943: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3631656: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3632442: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3633199: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3633917: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3634648: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3635216: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3635286: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3635393: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3635503: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3635561: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3635702: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3635789: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3635905: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3636072: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3636191: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3636366: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3636499: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3636666: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3636873: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3636983: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3637150: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3637283: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3637450: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3637741: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3637979: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3638238: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3638440: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3638623: FILES:file open command 0 file tiles017.art
3638750: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3639011: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3639284: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3639572: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3639836: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3640089: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3640345: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3640646: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3640957: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3641236: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3641621: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3642023: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3642368: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3642545: FILES:file open command 0 file tiles018.art
3642915: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3643340: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3643782: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3644156: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3644569: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3644920: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3645322: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3645591: FILES:file open command 0 file tiles019.art
3645769: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3646163: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3646499: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3647681: INT10:Set Video Mode 103
3647681: VGA:Blinking 0
3647681: MOUSE:Unhandled videomode 6B on reset
3647774: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
3647819: SBLASTER:Raising IRQ
Illegal read from f1000060, CS:IP 180: 1f0cd9
Illegal read from f1000061, CS:IP 180: 1f0cd9
Illegal read from f1000062, CS:IP 180: 1f0cd9
Illegal read from f1000063, CS:IP 180: 1f0cd9
Illegal read from f1000130, CS:IP 180: 1f0ca0
Illegal read from f1000131, CS:IP 180: 1f0ca0
Illegal read from f1000132, CS:IP 180: 1f0ca0
Illegal read from f1000133, CS:IP 180: 1f0ca0
Illegal read from f1000110, CS:IP 180: 1f0caf
Illegal read from f1000111, CS:IP 180: 1f0caf
(These Illegal read errors are repeated endlessly until I close the window)
3716932: MISC:Interrupt vector changed on 15 Int 15 Bios
3716932: MISC:Interrupt vector changed on 8 Int 8 Clock
3716932: SBLASTER:DSP:Reset

Last edited by vogon player on 2007-09-03, 15:06. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 1 of 15, by eL_PuSHeR

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Rank l33t++

I don't understand why you want to run versions <1.2. They have probably fixed some bugs.

Intel i7 5960X
Gigabye GA-X99-Gaming 5
8 GB DDR4 (2100)
8 GB GeForce GTX 1070 G1 Gaming (Gigabyte)

Reply 2 of 15, by abyss

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Rank Member

you said version 1.2 worked good. What is different about 1.1 and 1.0 besides bugs?

Reply 3 of 15, by vogon player

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Rank Newbie

I don't understand why you want to run versions <1.2. They have probably fixed some bugs.

True enough... I just enjoy playing multiple versions of my games, especially during the developmental stages, to see changes (some big and some small) that took place during the design process.

Of all of my Build engine games, these are the only two that will not launch. I had located an article in the forums with the same type of symptom that I had hoped would help me resolve this. It had mentioned modifying the sbtype settings in the DOSBox.conf file. I tried the same settings, but unfortunately the difficulty has persisted.

Reply 4 of 15, by wd

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DOSBox Author

Post a link to the shareware version and hope that in some far future
somebody has fun debugging this issue.

Reply 5 of 15, by vogon player

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Rank Newbie

Here is a link to a single zip file with both versions:



I just tried binding DOS32a 9.1.2 to the SW.EXE file hoping that this might resolve the issue. Unfortunately it did not. 🙁

If anyone should feel compelled to investigate this issue it would certainly be very much appreciated.

Reply 6 of 15, by wd

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DOSBox Author

Plain game bug, they don't care about their pointers and thus do checks
against the interrupt table (zero pointer).

Reply 7 of 15, by vogon player

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Rank Newbie

Thanks wd. I do greatly appreciate your taking the time to determine the cause. Given the nature of the problem, I'm surprised that the program doesn't bail out when executed under POD.

Although the problem is actually caused by the application (and appeared to be an oversight since it was presumably fixed in later versions), would there be any hope that a future version of DOSBox would be able to incorporate some sort of a work around resolution?

Reply 9 of 15, by wd

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DOSBox Author

Just zero out int34 and it should work. Under real dos that one is vectored
to an iret in lower dos memory, which gives the same and the game works.

Reply 10 of 15, by wildweasel

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Rank Member

Unrelated problem (probably not the solution you're looking for): your memsize doesn't appear to be nearly large enough to run SW. Try beefing it up to 24 or 32 instead of 16. I remember getting errors with later versions of the game when trying to run at 16.


Reply 11 of 15, by wd

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DOSBox Author

Right, it's completely unrelated to the problem described above.

Reply 12 of 15, by vogon player

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Rank Newbie

Just zero out int34 and it should work.

Its been a while and I'm a bit rusty at manually manipulating executable files. I don't know a lot about assembly language either. Is this change something that I would/could do with a hex editor to modify the games main executable (SW.EXE)?

If so, could I possibly ask for a pointer regarding what I am looking for?

I tried jumping to ADR 34 (decimal) and changing this byte to 00 but that didn't work (so I changed it back). ADR $34 (hex) already had a byte value of 00. Using DOSBox 0.72 Debug, I ran INTVEC to write the interrupt vector table of SW.EXE to a file, and I have made note of this line:

INT 34: F100:0060

My question at this point is, how exactly do I modify this? Am I barking up the wrong tree by trying to locate this in a hex editor? If I am generally working in the right direction, how would I go about locating the correct address(es) to change?

I'll be the first to admit... I may be way off with what I have attempted above. 😕

Reply 13 of 15, by wd

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DOSBox Author

In the dosbox debugger, type "sm 0:d0 12 34 56 78" where sm is set memory,
0:d0 is the int34 vector (0x34*4), and the value is arbitrary as long as it
is greater (signed compare) than 0x000000fa.
Zeroing out doesn't work as i posted earlier (didn't check that...)

Reply 14 of 15, by vogon player

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Rank Newbie

Thank you very much wd. I'll have to try this tonight (Unfortunately, work beckons right now).

If I can get this to work then it will at least offer a temporary solution until a more permanent fix comes down the road.

I do appreciate all the information that you have provided so far. Thanks again.

Reply 15 of 15, by vogon player

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Rank Newbie

Yay! This works. There is a weird side effect making it difficult (but not impossible) to get to the game menu option at first, but I can live with that. Once I am in the game is completely playable in its original format. 😁

Thanks again! I hope that a future release of DOSBox may offer a solution that would not require using the debugger every time, but for now.. this is great!