First post, by serialShinobi

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I am currently using source code from Andre Lamothe's Game Programming Gurus which contains libraries in the C programming language for bit blitting and game handling.

I am trying to get a PCX image loading C function to work.

I need to find books about image processing for MS-DOS to learn enough about programming to troubleshoot the problem.

I am using a 486 running MS-DOS and Win 3.11. I have for a compiler MSVC.

I'm not asking anyone to find the problem with the code. Instead I need information about loading images into a video buffer and displaying the image. This can be any format. PCX or JPEG preferred. MSDOS centric.

The last time I solved this problem was in 1999. When the PCX decoder from Andre Lamothe's book did not work I searched Google and found a JPEG decoder. I then used the jpeg decoder library functions in place of PCX and it fixed the problem.

The guy who made the jpeg decoder probably got his information from someone else like the author of a book.

So I could use help finding an old MS-DOS graphics and or image processing book. Today, most of the same thing for loading an image file is done with modern libraries in SDL for machines that have an API running and GUI. People seem angry if they find out you want to set the video mode with DOS interrupts or other old library functions. Because it's as though you are asking them an unreasonable favor. Unreasonable because it isn't technologically available. Well that's why I'm asking here. I know the technology is here.

Would like to know some good books about loading images, setting a mode, displaying, etc.

Reply 1 of 7, by BloodyCactus

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its pretty simple. find image size, select video mode best covering it, decode image into a buffer, copy it to video memory (or decode + display it on the run)

your best bet is probably to go with using vesa. so you'll want to look at the vesa spec.

https://pdos.csail.mit.edu/6.828/2018/reading … rdware/vbe3.pdf

--/\-[ Stu : Bloody Cactus :: [ https://bloodycactus.com :: http://kråketær.com ]-/\--

Reply 2 of 7, by megatron-uk

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I'd start with some simple like bmp, which is simple enough to writer a decoder yourself. Then it's a case of setting up a video mode (as above, vesa gives you more flexibility), then copying from the decoded image in memory to the vesa framebuffer. If you don't have a linear framebuffer then you have to do things like copying the image to the screen in 64k chunks.

Bonus points to write an image decoder that streams the image from file to screen a line of pixels at a time, and doesn't need a full copy in ram.

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Reply 3 of 7, by wbahnassi

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A JPG reader is going to be much more complex than a simpler format. First you have the compression, then the color conversion (full RGB to 256 indexed?). It's also a bad format for storing sprites if you plan to use it like that.

Anyways, whomever wrote that decoder most probably didn't read it from an instructional book in the style of Andre's books. Rather, he relied on the JPG format documentation amd reference source code. If you're up for this, search for "JPG format spec". Same goes for any other format you want to go for (e.g. PCX).

Game programming books rarely go into details of loading sophisticated image formats. They typically explain simple formats (e.g. BMP) because it doesn't bore the reader to death, and if they want to support advanced formats, they leave it in the sample code without full documentation in the book.

Manage your expectations 🙂

Reply 5 of 7, by megatron-uk

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As above, I definitely wouldn't use jpg or other 'modern' compressed formats. There's too much overhead and code complexity.

Bmp, pcx and good to start with, but if using images as data in games, I'd be tempted to convert them to some format native for your game that doesn't require untangling header fields, RGB remapping etc. in a couple of things I am working with I simply store them as fixed length strings of bytes in a larger image data file. Then I just seek to (size of image * image_id) - it makes the code needed in your game much simpler, smaller and therefore quicker.

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Reply 6 of 7, by megatron-uk

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Here's a working bmp reader for you.

https://github.com/megatron-uk/pc98launcher/b … ob/master/bmp.c

It is only written to support 8bpp files, but can extract the palette table and you can use it to remap your VGA palette later if necessary.

Even with the 'simple' format of bmp, you can see there are a lot of fields to extract and some peculiarities to deal with (bmp stores the image in reverse row order).

To deal with any eventuality of bitmap you would have to extend the code to deal with 1, 4, 16 and 24bpp, as well as compressed formats. As I said before though, I wouldn't use 'raw' images like that in a game; convert them to an easier to handle format first.

The code gets you the pixels in a buffer, you'd then need to either write it out to a linear framebuffer with h the correct line length stepping, or pad/crop the output depending on screen size.

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Reply 7 of 7, by BloodyCactus

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pcx also has bit planed version, 8bit vga with palette versions, then 16/24bpp versions. the format can get quite crunchy if you only expect plain vga style with palette information.

--/\-[ Stu : Bloody Cactus :: [ https://bloodycactus.com :: http://kråketær.com ]-/\--