That is something which encompasses a much wider skillset (problem solving, logic, technical documentation and many more) and is really only a skill that comes with time and practice.
1and I am surprised to learn from you how prevalent C is.
its absolutely depends on the area you're working in - can differ very much - there is no "this language is the best for everything" - you can't write a kernel with javascript but that doesnt mean that a C developer is able to write a kernel
example: Linux Kernel: ~30Mio Lines of code - mostly C
1Glad I chose to learn this language instead of C++ or C#.
Glad based on what? im doing C/C++ and C#, Python, Assembler, Javascript, .... - there is no winner - it depends what project you working on technically or what preferences the team got
you're questions are many times to broad and you always seem to hope for a simple answer - both is not possible - software development is a huge area with hundreds of standards, tools, etc.
Glad based on what? im doing C/C++ and C#, Python, Assembler, Javascript, .... - there is no winner - it depends what project you working on technically or what preferences the team got
you're questions are many times to broad and you always seem to hope for a simple answer - both is not possible - software development is a huge area with hundreds of standards, tools, etc.
C has less overhead than JavaScript, one example, tying it in with the hardware picture. This is an example of a programming goal. Then if programming goals rein supreme and the language used does not, I have a hunch that hardware focused programming is actually more prevalent then script/API focused programming. This is because the API that the script interacts with is run on hardware. It really is not the other way around. It's like I'm suggesting that the hardware market is larger than the software market. It is.