I did some sleuthing.
So first there was the press release posted on various sites, which I looked up the actual post on google groups:
Innovation Music Synthesizer SSI-2001 1989
http://groups.google.com/group/rec.music.synt … 6276751c695bfca
Now, there's a couple names from the posting, the one who posted it, George H. Heymann, and Kris Backhaus, stated in the press release to be Innovation's Sound Sales Director.
Searching on google groups shows George H. Heymann isn't affiliated
with Innovation, just someone interested in getting a sound card.
He made one other post referencing the Innovation, same day as his other post, this was his first, a few minutes before posting the SSI-2001 press release:
http://groups.google.com/group/rec.music.synt … 79eacc146740a6c
Doing a web search for Kris Backhaus comes up with a very short list of a guy, inluding a facebook account:
Doing a web search for "Innovation Computer Corporation" comes up with an old article on a clone they did:
1010XT 1987
http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?re … &pagewanted=all
Going back to George Heymann's first post, he included the address of Innovation Computer Corporation. 1325-1327 Juniper Street
Cleveland, Wi. 53015
Adding the address to Innovation Computer Corporation to a google search came up empty but just Innovation and most of the address, sans "1325-1327", and wala, pay dirt. http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&client=fir … 015&btnG=Search
We now have Innovation, the maker of the SSI-2001 sound card, still alive, and still at the same location, now calling themselves "American Innovation."
http://www.merchantcircle.com/business/Americ … WI.920-693-8494
From this: http://www.manta.com/coms2/dnbcompany_6q21jx It's says started in 1991, but being they were producing hardware as far back as 1987, that would likely be when they reincorporated as American Innovation.
Anyway, there's two leads for getting more info on the card.
BTW. the review of the xt clone reaffirms the address, mentioning Cleveland, Wis.