Virtual printer

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Reply 141 of 150, by urbantaz

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Yeah either way it displays all the print job on the screen and disappears

Reply 142 of 150, by mjcoder

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I just updated the virtual printer patch. It should be usable with dosbox CVS again. You can download it from here: http://s244184881.online.de/downloads/virtual-printer.patch

I also created a new patch on SF.net but I cannot upload the patch. It seems that SF.net has a problem that makes it impossible to upload files.

Reply 143 of 150, by h-a-l-9000

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Hehe so serval people are reinventing the wheel 😀


Reply 144 of 150, by Rulx

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I got a printer to work with this build (older version) http://ykhwong.x-y.net/page.htm. I also tried to get virtual printer to work with http://www.si-gamer.net/gulikoza/ but that didn't work -.-

Ok, so when I print, the fonts in the png aren't normal 'arial' or so fonts and the font size is too small compared to when I printed with a real printer at serial port. Does anyone have an idea how to change this? The program, from which I want to print doesn't let me change anything like font size.

Reply 145 of 150, by h-a-l-9000

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> but that didn't work

parallel1=printer (it needs to know what kind of device should be connected to which port)

> and the font size is too small
Try renaming one of the other font files to roman.ttf.


Reply 146 of 150, by hiiro

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not sure if anyone has found this problem but I was trying out the precompiled versions of gulikoza and I got these screenshots.

my dosbox.conf settings are like this


By using the command dir >lpt1: numerous times I tried to see if the png would come out right and what I found is if you look at each page created you will notice that one line is always missing when it starts to print the next page just want to know if this is a setting problem or a coding problem. oh btw I also tried multipage=false same output as well

btw these pictures have been resized so their not the actual size.

edit: fixed this problem on my own, it seems tweaking with the height setting under [printer] will fix the missing line problem if the printoutput is set to png I used the settings below and fixed the missing line. I used DOSBox compiled by http://www.si-gamer.net/gulikoza/


Reply 147 of 150, by Sagittarius

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Thank you for what you have done to make printing possible.

Because, many old dos programs uses ESC/P codes for printing, I wanted to notice that I've used (with a much better succes thant the built-in routines) a great utility to transform these ESC/P files from DOS to PS files. It is called epsonps and available as bash-archive with sources here in two parts: 1, 2 and attached in a zip archive.

It compiles under GNU/Linux (gcc) and under pure DOS too with Turbo C++ (exe file attached below).

So with this sheme lpt->file->esc2 to ps (with epsonps) ->pstopdf (Ghostscript: gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=myfile.pdf -sPAPERSIZE=a4 -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE myfile.ps), I can manage to get very nice pdf files from old dos programs. 😊


Reply 148 of 150, by flasher86

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Rank Newbie

Please help me with this virtual printer

I have no use of it. It doesnt work for me.

When I try to print something to png or to any other output I get either no reaction or error "Unable to load font roman.ttf" in the console.

I downloaded and unpacked this version http://www.si-gamer.net/gulikoza/dosbox/dosboxcvs-090704.zip

I have Windows XP SP3, what may be the cause of this problem? I can send you *.prn file which I am trying to print yet with no success.

I was trying to fix it by my self so I looked into the source of this build and I has been led to this function:

	if (FT_New_Face(FTlib, fontName, 0, &curFont))
//LOG(LOG_MISC,LOG_ERROR)("Unable to load font %s", fontName);
LOG_MSG("Unable to load font %s", fontName);
curFont = NULL;

There is something wrong with Freetype library. Where is it? I couldnt find this function or any file regarding this.

HELP, I am bagging you.

Reply 149 of 150, by h-a-l-9000

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Do you have the font files in the dosbox directory?


Reply 150 of 150, by flasher86

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Rank Newbie

of course, I have roman.ttf in the dosbox binary directory (I copied it from c:\windows\fonts). And I execute dosbox.exe from it's working dir.

When I click print in my Dos app, I got tons of those errors "unable to load font..."