First post, by Marztabator

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Hi, I'm not sure if this sort of topic is disallowed here, but basically I don't know which out of the two boards (VOGONS or mypixels) I should mention this (you could redirect me if I'm not meant to post here)...

Is there a way to make DOSBox behave (almost) like a total DOS Window replacement (perhaps with a shortcut-like file)? In that it can direct-run executables, then after quitting out of the game, autoclose itself, or at least end with the window left active, just like with classic 9x DOS Window (so you can find out if something went wrong with the game) - this could be some sort of option perhaps. Would be dead handy to quick-test or quick-run games with this top emulator then. 😀

I don't know if it's possible already with 0.61 or not. Could anyone inform me any more details about this? Thanks.