First post, by UltimaPlayer12
System Specs:
K6-III 450MHz
GeForce FX 5600 Ultra AGP
Sound Blaster 16 PnP
250w PSU
I can't play the game in either Software mode or Hardware mode, if I try and launch the ip version of the game it gives me the error in the title. It seems it's not seeing my DX capable card. Does anyone know of this issue? Would a vooodoo wrapper possibly help? I have the recommended 45.23 Nvidia drivers installed for my GPU, and let Windows install everything else itself.
The Beast 2.0:
CPU: AMD K6-III 450MHz GPU: Nvidia FX 5600 128MB HDD: 20GB (Seagate?) Mobo: ASUS P5A-B RAM: 512MB Sound Card: SB 16 PnP ISA OS: Windows 98 SE