First post, by DosFreak
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- l33t++
I decided to pull Anachronox out and give it a whirl again after playing it for a bit when it first came out and then putting it aside.
Unfortunately all it would do was crash. I did everything.
Patched with Build 44,45,46 Patches
Tried all of the game options for the game.
Tried Glide Wrappers. (Weirdly the game uses WickedGL for some odd reason.....)
Reduced sound acceleration.
16/32bit color desktop.
Made sure FSAA/Ansio was disable.
Tried that gl_multitexture commandline but that didn't do anything.
Tons of other stuff.
Nothing worked. The game would crash indicating an error in "anoxgfx.dll" or if I was using a glide wrapper it would point to my "atioglxx.dll" drivers.
Finally due to being familiar with having to use older OGL ICD's to get games to work (although admittedly I haven't had to do this for quite some time), I went through my collection of OGL drivers and went to the first set of Catalysts with X800 support.
Catalyst v4.5
I extracted the atioglxx.dll driver to my Anachronox folder and Tada! I've been playing Anachronox @ 1600X1200@32bit with 4x AA/16Ansio for the past 20 minutes. (Before the game would either crash immediatly or crash within a minute or two).
So here's the info if anyone else runs into this problem.