Sun Microsystems Sparc 5 to the Max

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Reply 20 of 37, by BloodyCactus

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Nice I have a full set of Solaris 2.6; 5/898 for my pizzabox and sunsoft solaris 1.1.2 (sunos 4.1.4)




--/\-[ Stu : Bloody Cactus :: [ https://bloodycactus.com :: http://kråketær.com ]-/\--

Reply 21 of 37, by BitWrangler

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I has a rodent. Anyone know signal specs? Wondering if it would convert to any of the busmouse cards I've got.

Unicorn herding operations are proceeding, but all the totes of hens teeth and barrels of rocking horse poop give them plenty of hiding spots.

Reply 22 of 37, by Caluser2000

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Was there a KDE port for Solaris?

I'm sure this is KDE:

There's a glitch in the matrix.
A founding member of the 286 appreciation society.
Apparently 32-bit is dead and nobody likes P4s.
Of course, as always, I'm open to correction...😉

Reply 23 of 37, by megatron-uk

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It is indeed. Sunfreeware.com used to be a site hosting loads of GNU/open-source packages basic stuff like bash, tar, sed, awk and the GNU compilers, but also bigger stuff like FVWM, Afterstep, Gnome and KDE) that you could add via pkgadd, but it morphed into a sign-up site, then a subscription model.

My collection database and technical wiki:

Reply 24 of 37, by megatron-uk

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This is my only current Sun hardware:

The attachment IMG_20181125_165625.jpg is no longer available

... It's a Force Systems 5V - essentially a 100% clone of a SPARC Station 5 on a VME bus card.

My collection database and technical wiki:

Reply 25 of 37, by Intel486dx33

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Back in 1990’s I had a FREE Subscription to “SunSoft” and they used to send me FREE demo software. Oracle too.

The CEO of Microsoft said “If there was one piece of software they wish they made it was Oracle database”.
The worlds #1 Database software.

Once Microsoft at one at its internet startup companies in 1997 tried to run their database off MS-Access and it Crashed.
They had to ge back to a Oracle database. I will let you guess what hardware they had to use ?

Oracle database on Sun hardware is a marriage that goes back to 1990’s.
Long before Oracle purchased Sun Microsystems.

But Oracle runs good on HP 9000 Clusters too.
MC-Service Guard database Cluster.
Sun Cluster

Reply 26 of 37, by liqmat

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That looks vaguely familiar. __ლ(▀̿̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ლ)___

The attachment vaguely.jpg is no longer available


Reply 27 of 37, by Intel486dx33

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liqmat wrote on 2021-06-05, 13:28:
That looks vaguely familiar. __ლ(▀̿̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ლ)___ […]
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That looks vaguely familiar. __ლ(▀̿̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ლ)___



Hey, You found it. Thats my old Solaris 7 server with dual pentium II @ 333mhz. Intel LX440 motherboard.
It had two SCSI drives.

I sent it to the recycle center only to wish I didn’t.
But i have that same case and another LX440 motherboard with 333 CPU’s to rebuild it.
When I get some free time I will rebuild it even better than the original.

This must be a popular build because there is another one on eBay.

Reply 28 of 37, by liqmat

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Intel486dx33 wrote on 2021-06-05, 14:15:
Hey, You found it. Thats my old Solaris 7 server with dual pentium II @ 333mhz. Intel LX440 motherboard. It had two SCSI drives […]
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liqmat wrote on 2021-06-05, 13:28:
That looks vaguely familiar. __ლ(▀̿̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ლ)___ […]
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That looks vaguely familiar. __ლ(▀̿̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ლ)___



Hey, You found it. Thats my old Solaris 7 server with dual pentium II @ 333mhz. Intel LX440 motherboard.
It had two SCSI drives.

I sent it to the recycle center only to wish I didn’t.
But i have that same case and another LX440 motherboard with 333 CPU’s to rebuild it.
When I get some free time I will rebuild it even better than the original.

You are a man of great taste! Look forward to that build.

Intel486dx33 wrote on 2021-06-05, 14:15:

This must be a popular build because there is another one on eBay.

I just thought it was funny you also found the need to stick two drive bay fan units in there as well. It almost calls out for it.

Reply 29 of 37, by lolo799

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Nice machines!
I had 2 JavaStation units, based on the same sun4m architecture and cpu.
Still have a SunBlade 100, but I can't remember when I turned it on for the last time...it must have been atleast a few years ago.

PCMCIA Sound, Storage & Graphics

Reply 30 of 37, by Caluser2000

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I never got my head around why hard drives on Sun systems were split up into slices. What was the advantage of that? And were there any disadvantages?

There's a glitch in the matrix.
A founding member of the 286 appreciation society.
Apparently 32-bit is dead and nobody likes P4s.
Of course, as always, I'm open to correction...😉

Reply 31 of 37, by matze79

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I think they had Intel Pentium 500mhz CPU’s. 128mb of ram and two hard drives. We setup disk mirroring on these workstations and […]
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I think they had Intel Pentium 500mhz CPU’s.
128mb of ram and two hard drives.
We setup disk mirroring on these workstations and then began to hammer it.
X86 Solaris held up well and it did not crash or break.

It`s Sparc IIe CPU with 500Mhz 😀

Actually its a Cut Down Sparc64 Machine with PC Parts, ATI Mach64 Graphics onboard, a Crystal AudioChip, ALI Southbridge, ALI IDE and PCI Bus.
The ALI IDE is actually much better then Ultra 5 or 10s CMD640 but still not great.
At least for 2000, it was a nice "Try Solaris" Machine.

The Most annoying thing is to find Memory!
It used unbuffered ECC SD-RAM. Uncommon!

If one adds a SCSI Controller, the Performance will increase 😉

https://www.retrokits.de - blog, retro projects, hdd clicker, diy soundcards etc
https://www.retroianer.de - german retro computer board

Reply 32 of 37, by BloodyCactus

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Caluser2000 wrote on 2021-06-05, 17:39:

I never got my head around why hard drives on Sun systems were split up into slices. What was the advantage of that? And were there any disadvantages?

its no different from dos with its max 4 primary and then putting logical/extended partitions inside a primary partition.

--/\-[ Stu : Bloody Cactus :: [ https://bloodycactus.com :: http://kråketær.com ]-/\--

Reply 33 of 37, by Caluser2000

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BloodyCactus wrote on 2021-06-05, 21:39:
Caluser2000 wrote on 2021-06-05, 17:39:

I never got my head around why hard drives on Sun systems were split up into slices. What was the advantage of that? And were there any disadvantages?

its no different from dos with its max 4 primary and then putting logical/extended partitions inside a primary partition.

Thank you so kindly.

There's a glitch in the matrix.
A founding member of the 286 appreciation society.
Apparently 32-bit is dead and nobody likes P4s.
Of course, as always, I'm open to correction...😉

Reply 34 of 37, by Caluser2000

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megatron-uk wrote on 2021-06-05, 08:25:

It is indeed. Sunfreeware.com used to be a site hosting loads of GNU/open-source packages basic stuff like bash, tar, sed, awk and the GNU compilers, but also bigger stuff like FVWM, Afterstep, Gnome and KDE) that you could add via pkgadd, but it morphed into a sign-up site, then a subscription model.

That's a bit of a bummer. Mind you IBM went that way as well wrt OS/2 fixpacks.

There's a glitch in the matrix.
A founding member of the 286 appreciation society.
Apparently 32-bit is dead and nobody likes P4s.
Of course, as always, I'm open to correction...😉

Reply 36 of 37, by Intel486dx33

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I was at a Sun Microsystems training center when Solaris 2.6 just came out.
An instructor asked me “What is LVM” and I said “Logical Volume Manager”
To his amazement he was surprised I knew what it meant.
I said “Of course I have been using it for a long time now in HPUX”.
HPUX was much further advanced then Sun Solaris.
But Sun slowly caught up.

Last edited by Stiletto on 2021-06-08, 00:12. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 37 of 37, by Caluser2000

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megatron-uk wrote on 2021-06-05, 08:25:

It is indeed. Sunfreeware.com used to be a site hosting loads of GNU/open-source packages basic stuff like bash, tar, sed, awk and the GNU compilers, but also bigger stuff like FVWM, Afterstep, Gnome and KDE) that you could add via pkgadd, but it morphed into a sign-up site, then a subscription model.

It looks like KDE on Solaris died some time ago- https://techbase.kde.org/Projects/KDE_on_Solaris

There's a glitch in the matrix.
A founding member of the 286 appreciation society.
Apparently 32-bit is dead and nobody likes P4s.
Of course, as always, I'm open to correction...😉