Reply 140 of 166, by darry

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Warning, scatological humour ahead.

Bran Turismo: Fiber overload apparently gives tourists turista. But, is there more than meets the eye ass here ? Play as Cacadfael or one of the Sharty boys or Farter Brown or Shitlock Holmes or Remington Stool as you investigate throughout the bowels of a huge metropolis. Get your shit together, there's a mystery to solve (unless you lack the intestinal fortitude)!

Tagline: The ultimate in immersive (literally) scatological entertainment !

Other tagline: This game is one polished turd !

Last tagline (promise): This game requires fluid reasoning skills. No anal-lythics needed .

Reply 141 of 166, by digger

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SherbertWest wrote on 2021-08-02, 21:00:

Cattlezone - Are you cowpoke enough to round up and drive your herd to Cheyenne riding...a tank?

That one was already mentioned.

I guess the thread is getting long enough that duplicates are becoming increasingly unavoidable.

Reply 142 of 166, by weedeewee

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tar Control : how much can you smoke before your lungs fill up with tar.
Stab Control : practice your stabbing routines safely on computer.
Zed Alert : stay away from Zed unless you want to suffer the consequences.

Right to repair is fundamental. You own it, you're allowed to fix it.
How To Ask Questions The Smart Way
Do not ask Why !

Reply 143 of 166, by SherbertWest

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Rank Newbie
digger wrote on 2021-08-03, 06:04:
SherbertWest wrote on 2021-08-02, 21:00:

Cattlezone - Are you cowpoke enough to round up and drive your herd to Cheyenne riding...a tank?

That one was already mentioned.

I guess the thread is getting long enough that duplicates are becoming increasingly unavoidable.

Sorry for the repeat. I’ve stricken it out on the original post. Will double check with a search next time I think I’ve come up with one I like.

I substitute this one, which I don’t think is a repeat based on a search:

Tetras - A puzzle game about cramming as many fish as possible into an aquarium without having them stick out the top.

Reply 144 of 166, by BitWrangler

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Jungle Strike...

Bungle Strike... as a fifth columnist in an army HQ you have to subtly alter battle plans so they are unsuccessful, careful though, too heavy a hand and you'll get found out!

Jungle Stripe... you are a conservationist in charge of a big cat preserve, unfortunately an albinism gene has gained dominance, and you have to catch and paint all the tigers so they have enough camo to sneak up on dinner.

Jungle Stroke... yet another Links 386 sequel...... in the jungle.

Jungle Strife... basically The Settlers, but in mud huts, where your woodcutters have to clear land before you can build and no need for foresters, new trees spring up whenever you leave something empty too long.

Jungle Stride... marathon training... in the jungle... don't let the critters chase you too far off course... and your sprint bar needs to recharge between avoidance dashes.

Jungle Trike... 3 wheeler racing in Jungle terrain, don't turn too hard on those downhills, they're tippy!

Jungle Strake... simple log dugout canoes are not for you, fell trees, saw planks and clinkerbuild sturdy boats to become the premier riverine power in the Amazon basin.
.... .... ....

The Legend of Gelda... you roleplay as a mitteleuropean peasant woman, who needs to bring the village together to win the annual sausage making prize, lest it becomes the laughing stock of the Duchy of Ostenloogieburg ... again.

NBA Jam>>> NRA Jam ... shoot lots of things, with lots of things.. a lot.

Jurassic Pork... in it's 9th generation, the world famous dinosaur park has finally figured out how to keep it's exhibits contained... less so it's visitors.. that's where you come in as Chief of Park Police, you are tasked with everything from crowd control, to catching pickpockets, to preventing graffiti on the T-rex.

Unicorn herding operations are proceeding, but all the totes of hens teeth and barrels of rocking horse poop give them plenty of hiding spots.

Reply 145 of 166, by ncmark

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Radix: Beyond the Noid

Reply 146 of 166, by yawetaG

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SimKity, in which you nurture your kity from a baby kity into a megakity, and if you play long enough and build enough arcolitteries they blast off into space at one point.

Reply 147 of 166, by creepingnet

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This is how I start my morning.....so I don't want to throttle anyone during the day.....some follow the rules....some don't.....oh well....

Armchair Quarterflash - (Armchair Quarterback) - Rock band simulator, with simplified miniature parallel port instrument controllers - where you play as Quarterflash, the Portland rock band from the 80's - has a "Harden my Heart" mode.

Frying Tigers (Flying Tigers) - Paula Deen goes to the jungle in a game PETA wants banned!

Sim Power (Sim Tower) - You create and raise a Superhero, choose it's powers and protect any one of the built in cities, or import your own from Sim City 2000.

Boom (Loom) - Bobbin Threadbare is now a domestic terrorist who uses music to blow things up. He can also turn into a pigeon.

Manic Mansion - The Edisons are local coke dealers in this "DOS Game AllStars To the Rescue" Mashup - choose between Bobbom Threadbare, Indiana Jones, Guybrush Threepwood, Sam, Max, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, and Razor......try to manage to solve the puzzle of Manic Mansion with all the drugged up family running around doing stupid things like taking apart appliances and trying to snort cheese - before Big Ed's Meth Lab blows the town sky high!

Thimblewood Park - Sequel to Thimbleweed park, where the investigators, Reyes, and Reyes, go "Somewhere in the Carribean" to find out why all the town's inhabitants are seeking their missing statue on the island of Threepwood - a island where 500 years before a treasure hunter and would-be Pirate Guybrush Threepwood found the big loogie and saved the village from a great flood.

Sam & Max: Hit the Toad - A collection of basic 2 player Arcade Games where you play as Sam against Max including a version of Whack-A-Mole called "Hit-The-Toad" - ribbit!

P-Wing - A Super Mario Bros. 3/X-Wing Crossover where you get to play as Mario battling the Empire using various Mushroom Kingdom power-ups. Includes the Mushroom Kingdom intergalactic travel manual for copy protection. Ever wanted to see Luke Skywalker with a Tanooki suit? Or maybe Leia? now you can!

Bank Wars - (Tank Wars) - Stock Market Trading with psychadelic backgrounds, obnoxious speaker noises, and hilarious Lucas-Arts style morons in suits shuffling around the exchange floor manically for almost no reason other than comic effect.

Seizure Suit Barry in the Land of the Lawyer Lizards - Barry just wants to get his rental property back from a bunch of crooked tenants running a suspicious operation from their toolshed. He has 24/hours to legitimize his seizure lawsuit and find a good lawyer as the plaintiff or the court is adjourned!

Jeremy Clarkson's Street Rod III: Construction Derby - In this Street Rod/Destruction Derby crossover, you have unlimited time to build a hot rod, but you need to keep making money and not go broke doing Drag Races to build it out. Once built, Top Gear's Jeremy Clarkson takes your new wheels for a test drive, and enters it in a Destruction Derby if it sucks! - some shades of the Chuck Yeager series there too....but with cars, and Clarkson's snarky comments.

~The Creeping Network~
My Youtube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/creepingnet
Creepingnet's World - https://creepingnet.neocities.org/
The Creeping Network Repo - https://www.geocities.ws/creepingnet2019/

Reply 148 of 166, by VileR

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The attachment dupe.jpg is no longer available

You are Brian, young heir to the noble House Herbert. Your father - Duke Frank - is a sci-fi author of great esteem, whose famous literary works have brought much honor to House Herbert across the Galactic Empire. Frank has trained you to follow in his footsteps, but one day you wake up to find him dead, and yourself banished to the desert of anonymity... with zero writing skills to speak of!

To reclaim your title and restore the fortunes of your house, you must milk your father's creations for all they're worth. Write an endless stream of crappy prequels, sequels, and in-between-quels to Frank's books! Forge an alliance with the desert folk of Sietch Talentless! Tame the great Bookworms who roam the sands! Become Muad'Dipshit, master of the planet Ahackis!

Can you DUPE the masses into buying your execrable excuses for literature while pissing all over Dad's legacy? The cash... must... flow!

[ WEB ] - [ BLOG ] - [ TUBE ] - [ CODE ]

Reply 149 of 166, by Shagittarius

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Rank Oldbie
VileR wrote on 2021-08-06, 16:47:
dupe.jpg […]
Show full quote


You are Brian, young heir to the noble House Herbert. Your father - Duke Frank - is a sci-fi author of great esteem, whose famous literary works have brought much honor to House Herbert across the Galactic Empire. Frank has trained you to follow in his footsteps, but one day you wake up to find him dead, and yourself banished to the desert of anonymity... with zero writing skills to speak of!

To reclaim your title and restore the fortunes of your house, you must milk your father's creations for all they're worth. Write an endless stream of crappy prequels, sequels, and in-between-quels to Frank's books! Forge an alliance with the desert folk of Sietch Talentless! Tame the great Bookworms who roam the sands! Become Muad'Dipshit, master of the planet Ahackis!

Can you DUPE the masses into buying your execrable excuses for literature while pissing all over Dad's legacy? The cash... must... flow!

You sir have just upped the game.

Reply 150 of 166, by xcomcmdr

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Rank Oldbie

I remember those sequels, prequels, and inter-quels. Utter trash.

Reply 151 of 166, by spiroyster

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Womb Raider

Reply 152 of 166, by Gmlb256

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Rank l33t

Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold -> Blade Stone: Aliens of Gold

VIA C3 Nehemiah 1.2A @ 1.46 GHz | ASUS P2-99 | 256 MB PC133 SDRAM | GeForce2 GTS 32 MB | Voodoo2 12 MB | SBLive! | AWE64 | SBPro2 | GUS

Reply 153 of 166, by VileR

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Rank l33t
creepingnet wrote on 2021-08-06, 14:44:

Seizure Suit Barry in the Land of the Lawyer Lizards - Barry just wants to get his rental property back from a bunch of crooked tenants running a suspicious operation from their toolshed.

sounds like they're playing this one:

The attachment adventures-in-meth.jpg is no longer available


[ WEB ] - [ BLOG ] - [ TUBE ] - [ CODE ]

Reply 154 of 166, by Shreddoc

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creepingnet wrote on 2021-08-06, 14:44:

Sam & Max: Hit the Toad - A collection of basic 2 player Arcade Games where you play as Sam against Max including a version of Whack-A-Mole called "Hit-The-Toad" - ribbit!

Nice one. Another slightly-darker angle: it's not hard for the imagination to conflate this with the Sam & Max introduction/credits sequence of highway driving! (lesson: don't introduce weird fauna species to foreign countries, kids!)

VileR wrote on 2021-08-06, 16:47:
dupe.jpg […]
Show full quote


You are Brian, young heir to the noble House Herbert. Your father - Duke Frank - is a sci-fi author of great esteem, whose famous literary works have brought much honor to House Herbert across the Galactic Empire. Frank has trained you to follow in his footsteps, but one day you wake up to find him dead, and yourself banished to the desert of anonymity... with zero writing skills to speak of!

To reclaim your title and restore the fortunes of your house, you must milk your father's creations for all they're worth. Write an endless stream of crappy prequels, sequels, and in-between-quels to Frank's books! Forge an alliance with the desert folk of Sietch Talentless! Tame the great Bookworms who roam the sands! Become Muad'Dipshit, master of the planet Ahackis!

Can you DUPE the masses into buying your execrable excuses for literature while pissing all over Dad's legacy? The cash... must... flow!

Not to cram up the thread with reactions!, but this does deserve a special Wow.

Supporter of PicoGUS, PicoMEM, mt32-pi, WavetablePi, Throttle Blaster, Voltage Blaster, GBS-Control, GP2040-CE, RetroNAS.

Reply 155 of 166, by SherbertWest

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Rank Newbie

Halo: Beach - In the spirit of the Dead or Alive franchise, this is a beach volleyball game starring Master Chief and his Spartan comrades in arms. It's guaranteed that nobody involved will be getting a tan.

Heath Stranding - You got off your bus far too early while traveling in Yorkshire, and the next one isn't for several hours. Better get walking!

Gull Throttle - Not about bikers whatsoever, this is actually a game based on the 2019 Robert Eggers film The Lighthouse. Bad luck to kill a seabird!

Reply 156 of 166, by Shagittarius

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Rank Oldbie
SherbertWest wrote on 2021-08-07, 03:47:

Heath Stranding - You got off your bus far too early while traveling in Yorkshire, and the next one isn't for several hours. Better get walking!

I thought Heath Stranding was just a Death Stranding remake with Heath Ledger.

Reply 157 of 166, by darry

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Rank l33t++

Womb Raider: you play as Along Quatermate, a spermatozoa, on a quest for the the fabled ovum, hoping you are nowhere near king Sodomon's mines (highly misguided edutainment title with a very wrong premise and name, and extremely strong lawsuit potential).

EDIT : Just saw that somebody beat me to this one . Leaving it up for questionable back story.

Reply 158 of 166, by digger

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Dude: The Battle for a New Rug

Reply 159 of 166, by leileilol

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Rank l33t++
darry wrote on 2021-08-07, 08:28:

EDIT : Just saw that somebody beat me to this one . Leaving it up for questionable back story.

🤣 don't worry, CGW did this exact thing an April 1998 ago 😀

long live PCem