I havent read every page of this topic but wanted to throw in a few games I noticed aren't working well on faster pentiums that I usually don't see talked about.
-street rod 2, does not detect sound card, and even if PC speaker is chosen, the game hangs shortly after the opening screens. Fix is to use setmul and turn off l1 cache to make a slower system
-pyrotechnica. The game itself runs fast and smooth on faster pentiums however the rate of fire that enemy ships shoot at you is also greatly increased to such a degree that it is impossible to progress through the levels. You get hammered by enemy bullets and destroyed before you can destroy them... I already had this issue to a degree with a pentium 90, and it's only exacerbated with a pentium 166 or 233mmx. On the other hand the game is a 3d game that is too graphically intensive to run on a 386, so a 486dx2 is probably the target system here.
-Xargon, many of the sfx do not play if you are running the game on a fast pentium. You can get them to play by disabling l1 cache on setmul but this is actually a little too slow for the game and you will then have some very noticeable slowdown during gameplay when the action gets going and you have many sprites on screen.
-Havoc, the demo for the windows 95 game. After I upgraded my system from a pentium 133 to a pentium 233mmx, the game will not progress beyond the static preview screen for the full version that comes before the auto demo or main menu for the game. It's not exactly frozen, it's playing music, but there doesn't seem to be a way to progress beyond this screen, which I think is ordinarily on a timer or allowed to be clicked through.
-spaceship warlock, windows 3.1 game. For the most part this is a point and click fmv game and those sections work ok, but the game also has some sections in the middle that are like rudimentary arcade games, where you for instance, man a laser turret on a space ship and are supposed to fire on another ship. Those sections run way too fast on a pentium and can be virtually unbeatable.