I saw on a FAQ this:
Due to lack of hardware support from manufacturers, we were unable to finish the 3DNow patch for Blood 2. Hence we will not be able to release an AMD 3Dnow! Blood 2 patch.
yet it worths to seek this d3d.drv you mention leileilol , thanks for the tip!
I am using amigamerlin drivers btw...
edit: found console commands:
dynamiclight (0,1) - toggles dynamic lighting. Turning off results in a speed increase.
drawmodels (0,1) - toggles model rendering. Basically makes models invisible.
drawparticles (0,1) - toggles particle drawing. Turning off results in a speed increase.
fastlight (0,1) - toggles fast dynamic light rendering. Faster but less visual quality.
lightmap (0,1) - toggles light mapping. BIG performance increase when disabled.
lightmodels (0,1) - toggles models being lit my dynamic lights.
showfullbritemodels (0,1) - renders models with fully brightened textures.
showframerate (0,1) - activates the continuous frame rate counter. Press shift+console to bring the counter up on screen. Press ctrl+console to remove it.
triplebuffer (0,1) - toggle triple buffering. May bring your card a big speed increase.
wireframe (0,1) - activates wire frame rendering. Not very useful.
I get 15-25 fps 🙁 not very nice 🤣